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Everything posted by DAPPERxDUCK BAR

  1. Deadchick BAR x1 Pfc. Moffat x2 MSgt. Candy x2 Pfc. Noel x2 Ret. Larson x1 Pfc. Smith x1
  2. Goose x1 Yoder x1 (finally, fucker keeps dodging me :P)
  3. Keebler x1 (now maxed out) Valorous x1 deadchick x2
  4. Keebler x2 (technically more if he would have killed me after the 2nd ) Theik x1
  5. Canadians don't count, they're too polite LOL
  6. Oldie but a goodie from @gOOse GaGGLeR BAR Me: *taunting Marietta in Discord while playing in game* Goose in game: "I see you taunting Marietta on the Discord...you know you turn into a James Bond villain more and more every day" Me: *laughing* "She brings it on herself" Goose: *in his best Bond villain impression* "'No Marietta, I expect you to DIEEEEE' just full Goldfinger...I'm waiting for it."
  7. Name: The Wolff Steam I.D: U:1:158831655 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: Admin Discretion Demo Provided?: No More of a "put this on your radar" request: Wolff was getting repeatedly killed and dominated by myself and Faraj among others. He actually made hackusations to Faraj publicly, unsure about me. But, then he decides "well I can't beat them, so let me switch teams and intentionally kill them and quickly leave the server." Unfortunately he left before I could get a demo.
  8. Name: Nobby Steam I.D: U:1:1771774270 Reasons for the Ban: No recoil, possible walls (demo may not be long enough for the walls). He was being called out by Mythos (a regular Comp player) and shortly after I started demoing him he left quickly as he was called out more. Was also trash talking everyone for being "noobs" and "trash" while doing this. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y nobby.dem
  9. Name: Dwayne Johnson Steam I.D: U:1:50117805 Demo Provided?: Yes This isn't a flat out ban request, more so a demo review. There have been plenty of hackusations towards this player in game and I figured unlike those in the server accusing, I would just get a demo for someone to review. I personally can't out right say the guy is indeed hacking with an aimbot or other cheats, but there are definitely some ludicrous shots/reactions going on. I personally had a domination on him at one point, so it's more reason I can't really tell what's actually going on. I spoke briefly with Yoder about this player and apparently Lazaro has said that he is some legendary Finnish DoD:S player named "Saku". Not sure if that holds any weight, but it was just odd to me to see a player with less than a day of server play time and already a 5.0 k/d, especially when we have other competitive players (Crono, Hydro, Quarter, Cube, Laz, etc.) who play here and don't even have those numbers. I reached out to Pitteway who suggested at least posting the demo for review by someone to make a decision. If the guy is just that good, then good on them for it. I just figured I'd post something rather than having people receive a thousand steam/discord messages about it in the future. Cheers! dj.dem
  10. It's crazy to think this post is almost a year old and I think @Yoder 1st MRB is still struggling to join a squad... LOL just kidding buddy
  11. Name: Daryldixongames9 Steam I.D: U:1:1415186574 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding/killing, possible BHOP scripts/aimbot/wallhacks Recommended duration of ban: I leave this up to the powers that be Demo Provided?: Yes I'm not entirely sure on the hacks, but it seemed a bit fishy. But in the demos, you can see him intentionally team wounding/killing then also baiting a teammate to shoot him then typing in the chat for the teammate to "watch his fire, ff is on". https://www.mediafire.com/file/e7va17s17mk4wgj/daryldixongames9.dem/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/psfcb9w4oj038ct/daryldixongames9_2.dem/file
  12. In case anyone is interested, Borderlands 3 is FREE on the Epic Games store until the 26th! Hurry and get it while you can! https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/borderlands-3
  13. I remember watching a video of him belting out Amazing Grace on the forums back in the day!
  14. Yes sir! Jared was always fun too! Realmenwearkilts aka Kilty was a trip too as well as BlueLightSpecial! Ahhh man, I wish I could have made it out to one of the reunions back in the day. I think we need to reach out to some of the old members and have ourselves some DoD:S fun again!
  15. He definitely had a few choice words for me when I would snipe him or constantly hit headshots with the rifles hahahahaha not sure if you remember “Mr Meow” or “Miles Teg” but those were my teachers for the rifles. I miss being good at the rifles. Ahhhhh good memories for sure my brother.
  16. Smith, I completely forgot you went by Death Merchants. I kept wondering if we were friends because of 1st MRB, or something else. Now I realize. We were both in Soldier of Foreign Wars together. I went by ANGUS YOUNG way back then. I'm so sad to hear that Brad passed. I had lost touch over the years due to SOFW getting out of DoD:S, not having a PC for a long time, and then eventually joining the Army and going overseas. I joined SOFW when I was just 13. A lot of people thought I was too young...but Brad was the one who convinced them to give me a chance to be one of them. I never forgot that. Some of my best times playing DoD:S was with SOFW and I met some long lasting friends that I still talk to today. I'm now 30 and to know that someone who I spent countless hours playing games with (even when I didn't have my own Steam account) is gone, it saddens me. Rest in Peace BanG, you were truly one of the good ones and someone who would happily give the shirt off your back. Over 15 years later...I still have, and wear, one of the greatest shirts I have ever received...all thanks to the generosity of Brad when I couldn't afford to purchase one for myself.
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