timbo5846's application for Enlistment Form
Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Tom Thomaston Platform Type Epic Games Store Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): 76561198145886973 Do you have a microphone? Yes Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? Met some guys and they were cool and fun to play with Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: Samuela, Galbraith, Brown This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? Not particularly Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? Not particularly Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? nope
By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes
Application stats
UserId: 593982845148725278 Username: timbo5846 User: @RUBberBUTTer Duration: 357 seconds Joined guild at: 15 minutes ago