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Yoder 1st MRB

Gunnery Sergeant
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Yoder 1st MRB last won the day on January 6

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About Yoder 1st MRB

  • Birthday 06/17/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    I am a gun enthusiast. I enjoy trips to the shooting range as much as I can afford to go. I also am a firm believer that alcohol makes me play golf better, or at least masks how bad I am

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  • Weapon of Choice
    STG44 (Sturmgewehr)

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Forum Punk (23/91)



  1. Thank you, MacArthur. Had I been there, I might have tried to warn and kick. I do not tolerate racism, but many people don't know the rules. While I might have been lenient in the beginning and give the player a chance to correct the behavior, I am not prepared to tolerate it second hand, either. I will give him a month off. I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. No place in the game for this. *Stand by- may have been a mix up with steam ID's. [U:1:101298039] is the correct ID. STEAM_0:1:50649019 *Ban has been updated in sourcebans
  2. Name: rogerbelloc Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:590221398 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: roger came in and immediately typed the N word at least twice. Many witnesses, including Keebler, Swift, and Garza from the 8th ID
  3. Name: Jeff Portnoy, Peskoly, Little Bitch of the Year Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12806162 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of other players Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has repeatedly been banned for the same thing, both from the server and from discord. Each time he is given time off, he comes back and does the same thing. I, personally, along with others, have had enough of his constant disrespect towards other players and towards admins. Perhaps if contested, and with a conversation, the ban could be lessened, but I don't see him wanting to correct any behavior that will always get him into trouble.
  4. Done. Sorry for the delay, player can have a week off. Thanks, Elf
  5. Name: Rey Misterityo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:542943531 Reasons for the Ban: possible aimbot Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y Comments: There are things in this demo that make me think aimbot, but then on single fire his screen doesnt shake. He also tanked a lot of shots and walked into certain death once I started recording, like he knew I was watching, but I saw some things there that I want a second or third opinion on. He was playing with a 4 or 5-1 kdr before I started. rey.dem
  6. Name: [D-D] ExoKGTG, among others Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:925027545 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism and teamkilling Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player would continually change his name to something different, team kill badly and then leave. took a few times for me to get him. who knows what his real name is. I have a screenshot from Kwesster of him using the N word. All together, good riddance
  7. Name: kirillich Steam I.D: STEAM_1:0:559201641 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Ban request by Quarter, teamkilling confirmed by Holquist. Aimbot with that pistol krillich.dem
  8. After reviewing the demo, it was clear that he had aim assist with that pistol, at the very least. Was so twitchy and hitting all the shots. And when you add TK'ing as well, he can be gone. Thanks Quarter and Holquist
  9. Name: H2x [https://overflow.pw Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:51645626 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Player went 23-1 quickly, was no scoping all over the map, switched back to STG, and auto headshots. The demo isn't long, but it was enough. h2.dem
  10. Name: banana Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:18444261 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Awful language Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player kept calling people 'faggots'. I warned, kicked, and then he said, 'ban me, faggot!' So, I did. Originally I banned for 40000 minutes, but then resolved to upgrade. I would be willing to lessen it if contested, with a conversation, but he got more chances than he should have with plenty of warnings
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