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Yoder 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Yoder 1st MRB

  1. Name: MMM BOP107 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18553136 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant racism Demo Provided?: Sort of- I have an emailed MP4 video from Marietta that is clear. There was about 20 minutes of harassment before the video started Untitled video.mp4
  2. Great newsletter! Fantastic job as always, gents!
  3. vork.demvork2.dem Name: Vork Steam I.D: U:1:1098781605 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Player was obvious, snapping to headshots with multiple weapons, and I think you can see from the second demo that wallhack is present as well.
  4. Nice work! I truly enjoy these newsletters
  5. Briefly, I will add that because someone believes differently than you doesn’t make them wrong, and doesn’t make you right. Exchanges of points of view is vital to how society reacts to each other, whether it’s political or religious. There are many people that don’t agree with me, and I don’t agree with some. That doesn’t mean I like them any less or that we are not still brothers-in-arms. All in all, I think it’s healthy to politely disagree and discuss it openly. just a quick example, I have a neighbor that is from Iran. We talk about our social differences often. It’s nice to hear a point of view that is not from the media
  6. Name: slumdog Steam I.D: U:1:1531427956 Reasons for the Ban: Extreme team killing Recommended duration of ban: 1 month Demo Provided?: N Comment: Player waited until I left and then lit up his team. Then left when I came back to avoid consequences
  7. Damn you, duck!
  8. Name: beste Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19417443 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot TKing Demo Provided?: N Comments: This is the same guy that I banned for a week about an hour ago, name of Totti or something like that. I recognize the voice. I need to make a request to make that one permanent too. He just keeps buying the game and installing the same hacks. It's the same person. I didn't make a demo because this is now the 4th time someone has done this, just this afternoon. I bet in Logue's demo, you can hear his voice, and I bet it's the same too
  9. Name: mG|Danger FAIL Steam I.D: [U:1:82056586 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant aimbot Demo Provided?: N, witnessed with my own eyes. Dapper has a demo if needed Comments: After banning this guy, he DDOS'd the server. Classy, right?
  10. Name: noname Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:61727562 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: disrespect/porn spray Demo Provided?: N Comments: This was the second time I have removed that spray and warned. Also, typed in chat "suck my cock you german *bleep*got". Would not be opposed to upping this to permanent
  11. Name: Mr.Mister Steam I.D: U:1:1565727055 Reasons for the Ban: aimbot Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y mrmister2.dem mrmister.dem
  12. Name: hoymiles Steam I.D: U:1:1599440310 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: got called to the server for 2 hackers. Was able to ban one, obvious aimbot. request for other incoming hoymiles.dem hoymiles2.dem
  13. Name: c9_monkey Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:572848800 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: player called everyone the N word several times. Banned before getting steam ID, looked it up later
  14. Name: That One Snep Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:242877318 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player said the N word multiple times before disconnecting
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  15. Name: That One Snep Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:242877318 Reasons for the Ban: Before leaving, said the N word multiple times Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N *Disregard. Meant to post in ban report, not here. I will do so now
  16. Excellent. Great job, that was a fun read
  17. BAZINGA!
  18. I have now watched some of it, and I don't see anything, but perhaps you will
  19. Name: Terry Steam I.D: [U:1:1521934607] Reasons for the Ban: possible walling Recommended duration of ban: admin discretion Demo Provided?: Y Y/N I have not seen this demo. A friend of mine who made it was pretty sure and sent it to me. Appreciate you taking a look. terry (1).dem
  20. umm, I have to make time for my girl... I will come home from work Wednesday to find my computer burnt and smoking in the driveway, and I just bought it!
  21. That sounds fantastic. No hurry, I have been refamiliarizing myself with the levels- I got lost in the swamp a little
  22. that sounds great!
  23. I'm in! It's way more fun to strangle, spit on, face hump, and bowl over friends instead of strangers! Maybe soon we could do something like that on a friday or saturday night, as long as it doesnt interfere with seeding priorities
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