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Yoder 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Yoder 1st MRB

  1. Does anyone play this anymore? I recently downloaded it after not playing for years... I forget how much fun it is, and how much more fun it can be with a group. Hit me up if you want to get a game going, anyone!
  2. I will, thanks!
  3. I don’t necessarily want to be squad leader, just couldn’t figure out how to join a squad. But I will check out the YouTube guy, thanks!
  4. Hi guys! Many of you know me from DoD:s, but I bought and downloaded HLL today and jumped in your server. I had ZERO clues what I was doing. Your guys and the pubs really helped me. I guess my question is, how do I join a squad to be a lowly rifleman? That’s what I really wanted, but instead I was a squad leader on my first game. Yes, I set up a bunch of outposts, and maybe shot a couple of guys, but I really had no idea what I was doing. Any tips for a newb like me?
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