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W. Myers

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Everything posted by W. Myers

  1. United States (106) Canada (17) Norway (92) The fact this was going on before I left the first time is a bit sad.
  2. Kingdom of Rust - Doves
  3. There is no sequel. Everybody dies, especially Heath Ledger.
  4. I see McAfee as a Kraken of sorts. Its big and can protect you if it's on your side. BUT ITS NEVER ON YOUR SIDE AND IT PUTS TENTACLES IN ALL YOUR ORIFICES AND RAPES THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. ...I mean, it gets into everything and is impossible to remove without downloading more shit they made to remove it.
  5. Listen to this: http://www.4chanpartyvan.net/kusaba/spam/s...TMAN_BEGINS.wav Now tell me that wasn't better than the movie itself. Also, ignore the 4chan thing, its just an audio clip and wav file site.
  6. You bought your i7 Alienware in 2006? Can I borrow your time machine? I'm done by the way, just feeding the hate machine and letting the troll inside me out for a bit.
  7. You know Alienware isn't even a company anymore, right? It's a subsidiary of Dell, so all its parts are parts that Dell supplied, therefore from the lowest bidder. Also, look at the made in California thing. Most likely, it was designed in California, made in (Insert 3rd World Country Here)
  8. ...garlic and onions. After sipping, he pauses, then says...
  9. I do too, but for a different reason. Mostly that reason being that Alienware is a heaping pile of awful, made with re-tagged Dell parts, sold for three times its worth.
  10. Well, if Sid and Fleury are on team Canada, then go Canada!
  11. Antivirus? Whats an Antivirus? Is that the thing in my head that tells me to secure my firewall and not click shady links?
  12. Oh, well good then. And actually, i have this in HD, I just like suggesting things.
  13. We should something going in this. I still like this game quite a bit, if someone sets up a game, I'll join immediately.
  14. Something Something Something Dark Side!
  15. Thats one thing I do love about the military, if I'm doing something related to paper, I'm probably putting holes into with a rifle.
  16. W. Myers

    DJ Hero

    The reason I'm saying it's a flop is because it's sold less than 500,000 copies total since October. Thats pretty bad.
  17. If you have to ask, it's not gangsta.
  18. Haha, the moral office. SWEARING IS BAD, READ THE BIBLE. *It's morale
  19. W. Myers

    DJ Hero

    You know, I enjoyed it when i tried it. Too bad it's been one of the biggest flops in consumer history, so don't get to hopeful for any expansions.
  20. 20 bucks, two shirts, and a blanket. Woo. But I'm home, thats the real gift.
  21. Is it Christmas?
  22. I vote me for (former) unit badass. I fight for your freedom, what do you do?
  23. Brett Favre is like the Brett Favre of football. You could cut off both Brett Favre's arms and and legs, and he'd STILL be the best torso in football. /Madden
  24. If only I knew you all back when I ran a 30 man STALKER RP server, then it wouldn't have sucked so much to be the admin.
  25. The end all be all: EVIL DEAD 2
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