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W. Myers

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Everything posted by W. Myers

  1. Also, my profile: http://social.bioware.com/playerprofile.ph...9&lang_id=1
  2. I play, and added you to my friends. Not that that really does anything.
  3. Going Wrong - Armin Van Buuren
  4. Actually, to tell the truth, that one couldn't trump what I had before:
  5. W. Myers

    Starcraft 1

    Those were cool, which one was it were you played the police and had to hold off hordes of the undead, while finding extra guys and hidden units? That one kicked ass. But I loved the Night of The Living Dead ones, where you played as a lone dude.
  6. Well, I know what my new wallpaper is.
  7. W. Myers

    Starcraft 1

    I have it and still play, but I too am a fan of the custom maps (the zombie based ones in particular). Hell, that's a game even play over this crappy 3G connection.
  8. Ah, I haven't seen this in a long time, thanks for bringing back some old laughs.
  9. W. Myers


    Well, I bought it yesterday, installed it at midnight, and beat it by 6:30 this morning. It was an intense action movie of a game, but the plot was borderline absurd. Ignore that, and it was fucking awesome. Anyhow, i had my doubts, and although it didn't meet up to all my expectations, it was a good game, and i haven't even tried Spec-Ops or the multiplayer yet.
  10. If you somehow missed it, heres what happened: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood_shooting May the families of those murdered in this tragedy find solace, and may those wounded recover and never have come under fire from someone who was supposed to lead them and be their comrade.
  11. Well, I didn't really have that good a time, it is a duty day after all, but I was able to sham out of most of the work I might have had to do. I'll make it up by partying this weekend a lot. But, like I've said elsewhere, its my 19th birthday, woo fucking hoo. I can drink in Canada!
  12. Man, didn't I show you these ages ago? They're still awesome, even though they're ancient. Here's a few more: Ah, L'Amour
  13. Thirded Diet Mountain Dew sounds fucking awful.
  14. >ATTACK RAT-CREATURE WITH YOUR FLASHLIGHT The rat-creature dives at you. In mid-dive, you slam down on its head with your flashlight. It hits the floor with a loud thump, apparently dead. Unfortunately, your flashlights bulb shatters in the process and goes out. The dungeon goes dark. The only light to be found seems to be coming from behind a large wooden door. The sound of boiling water can be heard beyond it. From the light, you can also see a pathway leading into the darkness. Your options are OPEN THE DOOR, FOLLOW THE DARK PATHWAY, CHECK INVENTORY, SEARCH THE RAT-CREATURE and ATTEMPT TO SEARCH THE ROOM MORE THOROUGHLY. You may also SAVE your position at any time. >_
  15. >SAY KLAATU BARADA NIKTO Suddenly, one of the walls of the room seems to warp out of existence, replaced by a portal to a realm unknown. Almost immediately, it begins to pull you towards the portals opening, and soon you are being pulled into it. A bright light washes out everything in your vision, and you lose conciousness. You awaken to find yourself in what appears to be a dungeon. You look ahead and see a small pile of gold coins. As you walk towards the pile, a monster that looks like the inbred spawn of a rat hurdles itself at you. It is about to attack, you must arm yourself. Your options are FLAIL WILDLY, CHECK INVENTORY, ATTEMPT TO FLEE, ATTEMPT TO SPOOK THE RAT-CREATURE and LOOK FOR AN ESCAPE ROUTE. You may also SAVE your position at any time. >_ ANOTHER NOTE: You are carrying stuff, I mentioned that above.
  16. >PICK UP LEAFLET You bend over and pick up the leaflet. You open it up and discover it to be a message left by the previous owner of the house, or possibly another adventurer who long ago wandered through the very place you stand now. You begin to read: "Beware those who follow me, for beyond this plane, there lies a place of evil, but also a place of great riches. Many have tried to discover this places secrets, and bring back great wealth, but all have failed. It seems that I too have failed. Soon, they will break through these petty walls, and be upon me. But if you think you have the strength and will to succeed were all otherr have failed just repeat these words "Klaatu barada nikto." Oh God, I think, I think they're breaking through, I thin-" The rest of the leaflet is stained with blood. You stand there, unsure of what to do next. Your options are SAY KLAATU BARADA NIKTO, CHECK INVENTORY, SEARCH ROOM, LOOK FOR ANY OTHER CLUES and ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. You may also SAVE your position at any time. >_ EDITORS NOTE: Although I give out options as to what you can do, anyone familiar with old text adventures knows there are multitudes of commands, so if you want to do something else, just say it, and maybe I'll run with it.
  17. Woo, the days of text rpgs. You remember those, the ones where ASCII art was high tech? Well, I'm gonna start one of those, right now, and it will be controlled by you, the forum public. And what an amazing adventure it shall be. Let's begin, shall we? C:\> Run "Awesome PwnQuest"_ Quests of Greatness I: Awesome Quest for Great Justice Copyright © , 2009, 20XX XynoCom, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision 724763874 / Serial Number Q776YY991337J You are in the basement of a long forgotten house deep in the forest. It smells of must and mildew, and the sound of water dripping form the ceiling and the occasional squeak of a rat are the only things breaking the silence. In your hands you hold a flashlight, and on your back you have a small rucksack, filled with a few miscellaneous goods. On the floor you see an old and strained leaflet. Your options are PICK UP LEAFLET, CHECK INVENTORY, SEARCH ROOM, and ASSUME THE FETAL POSITION. >_
  18. Wow, quite the necrobump you pulled here. +10 Necromancy skill LEVEL UP YOU HAVE 5 SKILL POINTS TO SPEND, HOW WILL YOU ALLOCATE THEM? ...This gives me an idea for something awesome. TO THE SLOPE CHUTE!
  19. W. Myers

    I'm Alive

    Those three always belong.
  20. I would say Pink Floyd or The Beatles, mostly for the simple fact that things are always compared to them, and never the other way around. They were the start of something new, and something different. Which is what would set them apart from the rest.
  21. Oh yeah, and a picture of me and my little brother from graduation day:
  22. Yeah, well... ROCK LOBSTER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCFLphd842Y
  23. Does your throat hurt? If so, its probably bronchitis. Even if it isn't, drink more fluids, get some rest, have a couple of Tylenol. You'll get better, trust me. If you had gotten sick before this swine flu bullshit a over-mediacized (I may have just made that word) would you have thought "OH GOD SUPER SARS! OR AIDS! BIRD FLU!"? Probably not. Sorry, I'm not trying to pick on you, but every damn person with a cough and a fever does not have swine flu. This sort of crap happens every year, with the diseases I mentioned, other than AIDS. Its just that this one popped up more near to home. The world isn't going to be destroyed by a over-publicized version of the flu. But it probably eventually will by kneejerk sensationalist reporters. /rant
  24. Somebody remind me this weekend to get a picture of myself, so you can see why I've got the nickname "Johnny Cash" around here when I'm in civvies.
  25. Wow, I have a picture for every topic, and this came to mind when I read the title: Also, WEAK POINT, MASSIVE DAMAGE. This all might be unrelated, but i don't have a good enough connection to watch videos at the moment.
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