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W. Myers

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Everything posted by W. Myers

  1. Never done it. I've driven a car through a large campaign billboard action movie style.
  2. Germany (26) United States (25) Canada (26) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (16) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (26)
  3. France (1) Germany (25) United States (25) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (17) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (26)
  4. France (5) Germany (23) United States (25) Canada (24) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (18) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (24)
  5. W. Myers


  6. France (7) Germany (22) United States (25) Canada (22) Norway (23) Japan (17) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (23)
  7. France (15) Germany (22) United States (22) Canada (20) Norway (22) Japan (20) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (20)
  8. France (19) Germany (20) United States (21) Canada (19) Norway (21) Japan (20) Mexico (19) China (20) Itlay (20) Denmark (20) Russia (20)
  9. Until the economy finally collapses and all you have is a small sheet of plastic. I wish I had my own nuclear armed nation.
  10. My favorite pistol is anything made by Sig Sauer. I don't know why, but I love their guns.
  11. Damn, and I thought I was the only Pennsylvanian with internet access.
  12. Well, I wound up not using Donner in my idea anyhow. I guess you can't see what I made because of the forum restrictions but it was an expansion to the whole Realism thing.
  13. Alright, thanks.
  14. Well, I don't really want to say what the idea is yet, because it's something I haven't really gotten down completely yet. But what I want to know is if any of you could give me the real life locations or equivalents of these maps: dod_argentan dod_avalanche dod_flash dod_donner dod_anzio dod_kalt dod_palermo If you could, that would help me out greatly.
  15. Christian Woman - Type O Negative The smoothest metal band ever. They can be really heavy without ever having to yell, which I like a lot.
  16. I see what you did there...
  17. I'm a senior in high school, and I've joined the Army and will be shipping out at the end of June.
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