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W. Myers

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Everything posted by W. Myers

  1. The Strong Island Iced Tea: 1 part Gin 1 part Rum 1 part Rye/Whiskey 1 part Tequila 1 part Mandarine Napoleon Orange Liqueur Greatest drink ever. Replace the Gin with Spirytus to have a better time never see again.
  2. Frankly, I wouldn't want to keep repeating the same events over and over for eternity until I finally got them right. But that's just me. Still, he's a fucking badass.
  3. Our Fortress is Burning - Agalloch
  4. That's not really true, the man's a badass, all jokes and whatnot aside. He always did his own stunts and whatnot. Also, I'd want to be Spider Jerusalem, this describes who he is pretty well:
  5. Well, seeing as I own two, those are Mosin Nagants. How about this?
  6. How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning I'd like to point out this band is Trent Reznor's new project, since NIN is gone. Its him and his wife, and it's awesome.
  7. Wait, hold on. I just bought a PS3 120 GB for 300. It came with a controller. So even if I added the extra ~$100 on for the headset and game, thats still only $50 cheaper for half the size. Are you sure they were the same size PS3 you're trying to sell? Also, hell, if people are bidding on it, great. I mean, you want to make money after all. I'd just think you'd want to check to make sure you're not overselling.
  8. But percosets are so good, I know, because mine were pulled a month and a half ago.
  9. This poll was all over the chans, so it means nothing, except "for the lulz".
  10. Hmm, twisted movies... Three words come to mind: Tokyo Gore Police.
  11. For the record, I'd like to say that the only place ACU's blend in is a place made with walls painted the pattern of ACU's.
  12. I have a friend who's in Art School for video production, he uses it a lot, its an amazing tool. Lots of gun battles and whatnot can be made epic using that thing. Sadly, I've never really gotten into it.
  13. Yeah, I'd like to say that I don't like having equipment in my box that idles hot enough to cook things on, and also, that is an overpriced example you found there. I've seen 5970's for 100 dollars cheaper than that elsewhere. Yeah, I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that nVidia's card has better performance specs there, I mean, it's over-clocked and still isn't besting it in any of the categories up there.
  14. The new GTX cards run at ridiculously high temperatures, just so you know. I mean like 100C temperatures, no joke.
  15. Just came out? I've been running this since I got my laptop back in September. But it's actually really nice for what it is, and it's the least demanding antivirus I've used.
  16. Skynet... You'd better watch what you say, or the machines will get you.
  17. I was looking through videos of ArmA 2, which is probably my favorite military shooter of all time, and came across this, and I'd like to share it:
  18. Haha, I've got one sitting in storage back home with that game.
  19. W. Myers

    Tokyo Japan

    We're gonna hang out, although Okinawa is far as hell away from there.
  20. This is entirely unrelated, but when I read your post, the voice of Professor Farnsworth ran through my head.
  21. The Incident - Porcupine Tree
  22. W. Myers


    I wish I could have played with you guys, I'm a damn dead-eye in that game. Love the crossbow.
  23. W. Myers


    Anybody ever been there? That's where I'll be spending the next two years, so if anyone has any insider info on the place as it were, I'd be grateful to have it. Living in Okinawa is apparently going to be awesome though, it's basically an Air Force base and a resort.
  24. I really shouldn't post this, but fuck it, I HAVE CONQUERED THE GREAT TURTLE!
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