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  1. Name: Bruh Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:75690019 Profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111645766/ Reasons for the Ban: In three separate instances prior to the one seen in the video, I shot Bruh clear as day, but despite knowing beyond certainty I should have hit him, he took absolutely no damage in all occasions. His most blatant offense was when he knifed me from across the map, but unfortunately I only managed to record the moment immediately after I died. EDIT: Allow me to add: when he kills me in the clip, you can see he's not even looking at me. Perhaps some kind of aimbot is involved too. Recommended duration of ban: I'm not sure how long the ban should be, but the ban length should reflect the fact he is hacking. Demo Provided?:
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