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Galbraith 1st MRB

Gunnery Sergeant
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Forum Novice

Forum Novice (10/91)



  1. First Sargent Kasal is indeed, A bad ass. Nice work boys
  2. Nice work fellas, as always, a good read!
  3. I think you raise your point eloquently Logsdon, and I do not disagree with your point of view in regard to an open political conversation done in a civil manner can be helpful to everyone and prevents us from living in an echo chamber. I am not speaking to unit policy in anyway, however I did want to say I do agree with the thesis and idea of this topic chain. As stated, it must be done very tactfully as it can be a "slippery slope"
  4. Nice work everyone, I like the spooky aesthetic.
  5. Very nice work everyone, Keep it up and more medals to come!
  6. Fantastic, a good read! Also, congratulations to all recent promotions
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