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DOW-RC Greetings Devil Dogs, The DOW-RC is almost ready to open (Monday) and we are going ahead and getting any units interested in joining the chance to go ahead and fill out a registration form. Please note that the DOW-RC will allow any unit in the Days of War community to participate in it, but by "registering" you enjoy a few added perks that non-registered units do not get. These include: Your own individual page on the website. This page will be extremely useful in your recruiting efforts and your status as a registered unit will not go unnoticed. Each page will have a graph showing every units "Requirement Levels" in four very important categories that a player seeking a unit to join would find very helpful. Your graph is constructed based off the answers you give during your unit's registration. Every Registered Unit will have their Public Steam Group Page 's announcements (if they have one) added as a RSS feed to the websites forums to alert all realism players of the community of events or news your unit is hosting. Registered units are also allowed to enter any optional tournaments or leagues the DOW-RC hosts. We will be running a variety of these types of events in the future, but for now, most of our tournaments will be made up of groups of friends within the DOW-RC making a team together until more Realism Units get involved in Days of War Registered units also get preference to help test any mods and scripts we make for the Realism Community. Our first project is to recreate the WRM mode seen in COD. Classic Realism mode as seen in DODS looks to be taken care of by the developers at Days of War so we will hold off on that until we see what the developers construct. To Register Your Unit, Click Here **We are hosting the registration form on my units website until we open the DOW-RC. You can also check to see what your "Recruiting Levels" will be in the email that is sent to you after registering.** The DOW-RC when opened on Monday will only have it's forums operating. Our main website hit some delays and we will not be releasing it for another month. We have ported over all the functions promised by the DOW-RC to the forums so everything will be up and running at least. We ask that you help us advertise the community to current and future members and realism players you meet in Days of War to help our community grow. We have a Steam Group that any can join and can invite fellow realism players to: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dow-rc
Greetings again Marines, I am here to give you a simple update that the Days of War Realism Community will be launching it's new community center (website) in just a couple of weeks. Unit Invites will go out in January 14th. It is at this time that unit leaders for the 1st MRB's DOW sections to come together to decide whether or not to join the community. The form that you will be filling out to register is very long and will take time to complete. It asks a lot of detailed questions about your unit so that we can gather enough information to construct the overall scores for your unit pages which cover your units overall strictness/needs level in the following categories: Activity requirements, Focus on being realistic, Competitiveness and Professional standards/etiquette. You will definitely need with you someone very knowledgeable about the up to date policies of your unit whilst completing the registration form. Realism Units interested in joining the DOW-RC will have a few perks associated with membership of which include: 1. Option to be testers for any realism related game modes/scripts made by members within the DOW-RC 2. Optional Leagues, Tournaments and bilateral competitions amongst units and/or members of units within the DOW-RC 3. A Individual Unit Page that lists your units overall requirements for joining/maintaining membership in regards to playing activity requirements, professionalism standards, Overall strictness enforced on it's members, and competitive mindset. These levels are graded using a unbiased formula to determine overall scores that is used on every unit within the DOW-RC. The statistics provided will greatly assist unitless players find the perfect unit that fits their preference on whom to join. 4. Community devoted entirely to the Realism Community, DOW news and offers a platform to quickly find information on other units to establish collaboration efforts. 5. Ability to upload and share instructional wikis, maps, mods and other game specific additions, artwork and assets. 6. Each unit who is registered will also have their public game server(s) displayed, RSS feed of their Public Steam Groups displayed and Will have their own dedicated unit account set up in which they can then edit their unit page and unit's forum profile page that is attached to the RSS feed. **The website is a little behind schedule. We decided to go with a completely custom theme made from scratch which is currently being coded. We aim to release sometime around the Jan 15-21. Also, we are still searching for more staff members. Namely we need one more website/forum administrator to assist with unit additions and fixing/adding new material once it is discovered after launch. We are also in large need of forum moderators to help assist and moderate the forums. If this sounds like something that interests you, please discuss with your command and apply for a staff position here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dow-rc/discussions/0/152391285463624480/
Not a whole lot of information about private servers yet (at least in terms of date, but it is rumored some will have it for EA). I think for EA they plan to limit who can host so that they can still ensure players on their Dev Servers for further monitoring. That is what I am grasping whilst speaking with the developers and others in the DoW Community. Clans who backed via a clan option will obviously have priority because we shelled out hundreds and thousands in support. But after that, hopefully they open it up to more groups or to all. From the amount of hype we are finally seeing in this game, I think it is safe to say that more servers will be needed if and when player base becomes too much for the few who where given access to creating a private server. As for how many resources it uses for server operators, I cannot divulge that just yet due to that falling under NDA. But I can say to not expect anything out of norm. As this will be many of ours first server in a game that we are not used to, I'll be sure to make server administration Wiki's as top priority on the DOW-RC. Trust me, I'll be learning from scratch like the rest of us. I have literally lived in source based engine games for the past 10 years! **Very glad to see a fellow Marine unit and a very long and successful DODS unit eager to get involved. Already with the 5th, 6th RB and 91te LLID in the same position, I believe the DoW Realism Community is getting off to the best possible start you could hope for.
The Days of War Realism Community The Days of War Realism Community has been created recently and is calling on all realism players of DoW to partake as we help forge together the new Realism Community in this new game. One of your Marines posted the 1st MRB's intention of expanding into Days of War. For those who do not know, during 2005-2010 realism was very popular in Day of Defeat Source with hundreds of realism units operating at some point within or beyond this time frame, Realism Communities sprang up one after another that intended to bring all within the Realism Community together in one setting to form it's own separate community within DODS. WHAT IS THE INTENTION OF THE DAYS OF WAR REALISM COMMUNITY If lead in the right direction with input from a diverse staff, these types of communities can do a lot to help bridge and unite like-minded realism players together in a positive and proactive environment. The Days of War Realism Community (DOW-RC) will contain all that you would expect. A database of all available realism oriented training maps and custom made scripts, mapping assets, giveaways, instructional guides and of course a community to host discussions. Where we are adding on is focusing a lot of effort into the average player who is seeking a Realism Unit to join by providing very informative "Unit Pages" about each unit who is registered with the DOW-RC. These pages include statistics about each units level of focus (requirements imposed on it's members) on the four main areas most individuals look at when deciding to join a group. These requirements are "Activity", "Realism Focus", Strictness" and "Competitiveness". Each of these levels are determined by a formula based on the answers a unit provides during their registration so that each unit involved will have their data pulled from the same source as the other. Another area the DOW-RC will pursue will be tournaments mainly to keep activity up. These will in no way carry any prestige like past Realism Leagues such as the UWFL and only those within the DOW-RC will compete if they wish. Same goes for even 6 man tournaments and even joint tournaments where members of different units can team up. Anything and everything to give your members more to do if they want. HOW TO JOIN THE DAYS OF WAR REALISM COMMUNITY Currently, the DOW-RC is still very new. We expect to have our website published early to mid January so we can ensure as much work and material has been added to it before release. For now, we have a Public Steam Group for any intending to play in your Days of War section(s) a chance to discuss possible staff member positions if your unit allows along with going ahead and getting to meet fellow soon to be Realism Players in Days of War.
I am actually taken back somewhat from all this seeing an easy delete could suffice especially coming from a Marine unit when I myself served with 3/3 Lima Company 60MM Detachment. We run a realism league for realism units with matches running on the realism style of play. Realism units get invited. Its a pretty simple system really. Ive had plenty of invites for Friday Night Fights almost every week but do not feel as if its overbearing or spammed as our once a year event seems to be because I too see it as a nice arrangement. I may remember now to not encourage uneeded comments in the future by not posting here next year but thats a long time from now and memories dissipate. If two posts a season (preseason invites and regular season invites) seems to be spamming then thats not our problem but yours. Thats only 20 posts in 10 seasons (7-8 years). But whatever your feelings toward the league or me are, hopefully you can understand that if people are telling you about the league then it means that they at least believe in our organization and structuring of it to try and propel it by inviting other like minded players like themselves to play. We have no control over what they do, only our official invites and posts. Again, from my side of the fence, two posts a season and my league is being called spammers and disorganized. I do not know what we have ever done to you but I feel as if that statement is a bit extreme considering I see FNF posts more frequently. And like yourselves we have a public steam group where we post more frequent updates to those willingly interested. But with the DODS Realism community expanding weekly, its not a perfect system to advertise as you are aware.
We're sorry, but with adding and removing over 100 units in between each season we just send this out to every unit that is active during the timeframe of when we are inviting. If I remember to not come here I would. But thats a lot to remember from all the units we see every year. Just keep declining, nothing wrong with that. Or send a squad in to play for kicks like other large units, nothing wrong with that either if your unit as a whole has other agendas. http://unitedwarfare.com/unitsdods.html
The third annual UWFL realism season competition is now taking enrollments from units across the community to participate in this years main event. Your unit has been invited with many others to compete in the toughest and largest gathering of Realism units in the entire community to put it all on the table for 14 weeks of warfare to see who will come out on top after the smoke clears. After an unprecedented 24 match preseason involving 16 units, Season 3 is proving to become the largest annual competition in the history of Realism DODS. This season will host 10 matches per unit with four off weeks to rest and an All Star break to have your favorite or best players showcase their skills amongst the best of the league. After which a double elimination Playoff will commence with the top seeds. All in all you could very likely see up to 20+ matches this season! Take it from the hundreds of realism players like yourselves who have played in the UWFL before you. UWFL matches are guaranteed to get your heart pumping, palms sweating, unit active and the old jitters you used to have when you played in your first realism match will come back with surprising effect. Units come very well prepared for each engagement in the league and end up creating some of the most choreographed and well planned fights by using teamwork to overcome obstacles that all mesh together all in an effort to earn the reward of being the best out of the entire realism community! Dont miss out this year. We have many new additions to the league and have recruited/trained extra administrators to ensure every aspect of the league is in great hands. All you need to do is show up and give it your best! So put it to the test! Do you want to put your unit through the toughest realism challenge in the community!? Do you want to break the norm and get your unit as active as possible!? Or do you want to go out and meet units you would never otherwise ever meet!? Then the first step is heading over to the UWFL's Season 3 website (linked below) and following the links for enrollment. If you have any questions about the league please ask on the UWFL forums. Thank you for keeping realism alive in Day of Defeat Source! And remember, if you cannot enroll before Friday you can still enroll late anytime during the season! However, you will become a "Reserve" unit and may have to wait a week or two before we can get you onto the schedule to start competing.
Hello Units! After two point five months of extensive daily work and hours upon hours of trial and error I am happy to bring you the largest ladder DODS Realism has to offer. This ladder takes ideas from ViE and 1st MRB's unit campaign and compiles it into an extensive multi unit based league. Designed completely to allow units playing freedom to do whatever they want, this ladder promises to deliver units a new insight in what we as a community can produce together. Please click on the image below to find out more about this ladder and what is happening right now!
Hello, I am here to ask your DODS Unit to participate in completing a form about your unit for records with the UWFL Realism Community portion of the league that will aim at providing an in depth profile of your unit for unitless DODS players and unit liaisons to gather information quickly. This form is not any sort of registration, if your unit is wishing to play in any of our leagues and ladders you must go to our main page (http://unitedwarfare.com) and follow appropriate links. This form (if your unit fills it out) will be placed HERE with other units profiles. Units visiting our Active DODS Database (located HERE) will see a star beside your units name that leads to your profile which is this form completed. *You do not have to feel out every question in this form, please provide whatever answers you wish. *When you complete this form, please either post a reply or go HERE to post a new topic titled your units name (saves me some time and will be appreciated). Thank you for your time FORM General Information Name of Unit: Unit Established on: (Date of creation) Website: Steam Page: Misc Sites: Current CO: Current Recruiter(s): RECRUITING FACTS Minimum Recruiting Age: Flexible with anyone under age minimum?: (yes/no) Do you allow people with VAC ban history: (yes/no) Minimum Requirements for Enlisting: New Members start at the rank of: BCT's Are how long?: What is graded on at BCT: Any other Requirements for New Joins: SERVER AND REALISMS How many Public Realisms do you hold a week: How many Official Realisms do you have in a month: Your Server uses this at default health: (100%/80%/83%/Other) Your server uses Medic Mod: (yes/no) Server Rules: Other Mods/Scripts your server runs: Are You in any leagues: AGENDA AND SET UP Your Units Agenda: What Courses do your unit offer: Does your unit reward medals: How large are your/will your squads/platoons be: Ideal Unit Size wishing to be: RELATIONS Communities your unit belongs to: Allied Units: Hostile Units: MEMBER REQUIREMENTS: Do you Restrict Weapons: Do you have a minimum playing time a week: LOA Policy: Do you require your members to use their real last name: (yes/no) SERIOUSNESS What are your penalties for missing a meeting: What constitutes a removal from your unit: When are your Drill/Meeting days and times: How much do you practice for matches: How many Page 11's/Demerits/write ups/etc. may a member have before removal: On a scale of 1-10. rate how serious you think your unit is regarding how you treat your members:
_________________________________________________________________________ The United WarFare Realism League/Community Realism Community The UWFL is inviting you to to it's website in hopes to bring a large portion of the DODS Realism Community to a central point where we can all build on Realism for your unit and our community as a whole. Do not be alarmed, their is no agreements, no altering of the ways you run your unit and certainly no reconversion of any sorts. This is a DODS Realism Community and as such we are dedicated to bringing DODS Realism out of the traditional shadows of forum to forum relations to a mainstay attraction for newcomers and old timers. Keep in mind our Community section is brand new, however it is up to everyone to see it through its early stages. To garner some interest in the community, the United Warfare League has annual Season and Ladder competitions developed for Realism! In addition to sparatic Tournaments to break the norm. Some of our competitions are very intense and require a large amount of teamwork and practice whearas some of our other competitions require no less than showing up and playing for fun. The choices are limitless if you choose to play in any of our competitions or events. However, it is by far not mandatory. Our Community section offers unit liaisons a central place to find and contact ALL DODS Realism units using our "Active Units" list prepared by supporters and volunteers like you! Not to mention the help you can find whether it be website designing, PSD renders, Tutorials on starting a new unit, predefined custom maps midpoints and rules....the options never end. Please do not let this opportunity go to waste. We have everything for any type of player and unit in this community. Get involved by helping produce material or generate realism discussions; gather your men around you and enter our ladder for a chance to take over Europe; test your wits against others in a enormous 10 week regular season; take a break from normal realism to play in unique tournaments designed around realism but not bound to its traditional ways.......its whatever you want here. The UWFL has been in business for 8 months. We are a league acknowledged by Valve and are the first and only Realism League on its list whether for DODS or any Steam platform. Our admins are dedicated only to Realism and keeping it enjoyable for all players of it. _________________________________________________________________________ Join Our Steam Page The UWFL Steam Page The UWFL Steam Page contains over 800 realism players across the world and made up of players in every DODS Unit in activity. Help it grow by Joining the group and sending invites to your realism friends. The steam page in accordance with everything else UWFL related is for you! On it, regardless of rank, you may post announcements and generate interest in your unit! To create an announcement: 1. You must join the UWFL Steam Page 2. You must contact Switz either through the UWFL Forums or the Steam Pages' chatroom or via steam: newaydover 3. Once contacted and talking to eachother, he will open the announcements option for a limited time to allow you to post your announcement. _________________________________________________________________________ Early Enrollments for the UWFL Ladder Competition UWFL Ladder Competition The UWFL Ladder Competition is accepting early Enrollments for its upcoming ladder. Designed so that units must work together to take over Europe as it happened during WWII. After enrolling by going to the Enrollment Section and reading the Ladders Rules and XRay Anti Cheat, you will be placed onto a side either being Allies or Axis. Once on that side and once matches are allowed, your unit will then be allowed to move into territories and start fighting across Europe. Your unit does not have to fight anywhere you do not want, you can attack any unit you want if you are uncomfortable playing against units you have yet to play, and you may join and withdraw your unit from the ladder at any time. You will not be required to play a minimum amount of matches, you will not be asked to alter your servers (all matches are on the UWFL servers for anti hack purposes) and you will not be asked to play "donate" any of your members to help with the league. This is a very lax league compared to our much more serious Season Competition which will not be holding its next season for another two months. If you are interested in enrolling your unit for the ladder but still have questions regarding it and its gameplay, please contact Switz via the UWFL Steam Pages Chat Box or by adding him to friends: newaydover _________________________________________________________________________
Hello 1st Marines! The UWFL as some of you know is a League centered around DODS Realism and the realism style of play. We would like to invite you to join our current season currently in its 6th week. We have an opening for another qualified realism unit such as yours to take a spot in the season and play against some veteran and rookie units. The UWFL is a realism league for DODS. We have had over 200 players fight on our server for their units and fire teams. The 1st Marines would make a great addition to the current list of units playing. Our league is dedicated to keeping realism the way it has been for years. However slightly monitored with extra security and anti cheat programs to create an even playing field. Other than that, you show up, you play, do CORDS if you want, and carry on. The league takes care of the rest for you. If the league interests you and you wish to find out more, please do not be shy. Come over and see what other units are saying and doing. We hope that each realism unit can somehow benefit from our community and meet new friends. UNITED WARFARE MAIN SITE UNITED WARFARE STEAM PAGE ENLIST YOUR UNIT FOR THIS CURRENT SEASON UNITED WARFARE COMMUNITY FORUMS For more details, please add me on steam before Monday: newaydover