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M. Swartz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Swartz 1st MRB

  1. I'll take them.... kevin gets nothing. Thanks guys.
  2. I Just got off of unemployment, enjoy it buddy.
  3. If you thing you have been through some tough shit listen to this kids story. Its a little long, but its worth listening to. Story
  4. Happy birthday!!!
  5. Battlefield 3 beta is out, anyone can download and play it. Just got to EAs web site and download ORIGINS. This will allow you to install the beta. Click on "how do i install the beta" and it will let you download ORIGINS. EA web site
  6. PENIS
  7. A little Five Finger Death Punch. The Bleeding. youtube Bad Company
  8. Mexican army vs developed world.
  9. Someone call OSHA!!!
  10. Enjoy your 72 virgins dumbass!!!!! video
  11. GMoney
  12. Microsoft has a FREE anti-virus program called, Microsoft Security Essentials. I have been using it for about a year now and it has worked better than AVG for me. Microsoft Website
  13. Check it out, Let me know what you think. Video
  14. The rates look to be the same Sarson, so you shouldnt have to change anything. To verify your rates you can check them in the console in game. For rate: type rate in console. Should be set to 25000. If not type in console, rate 25000. For cmd rate type: cl_cmdrate. should be set to 66. to change type in console, cl_cmdrate 66 For update rate type: cl_updaterate. should be set to 66. to change type in console, cl_updaterate 66. You can set these rates higher but it will only use our server limits. I am also not sure but the server was set up to automaticaly change everones rates when they join. 2ndLt. M. Swartz
  15. Nice Job guys, the Newsletter looks freakin awsome!!!!
  16. Darth Vader doing tom tom recordings.
  17. This guy is pretty funny, his name is Pablo Francisco. Little totllia boy
  18. Funny ass interview of Chan Ho Park.
  19. Microsoft has come out with a free antivirus/spyware/malware program called Windows Security Essentials. I recently got some nasty malware on my work computer and our computer tech installed this program to prevent it from occuring again. Its free as long as you have a registered copy of windows. Check is out Web Site
  20. Recently, 16-year-old Xiao Wei was working at an Internet café in northeastern China, when he was approached by a group of local gang members. They wanted him to install some unauthorized software on one of the café's computers in order to beat the high score on a video game called "Counter-Strike" . . . a high score that belonged to Xiao. But Xiao refused, so the thugs plunged a 10-inch knife into his SKULL. (!!!) Amazingly, the blade completely missed Xiao's brain, and all of his main arteries and nerves. According to his doctors, he's expected to make a full recovery. But you wouldn't know it from looking at the X-ray. From the photo, it looks like the blade of the knife goes right through the kid's entire head. It's insane.
  21. United States (118) Canada (6) Norway (91)
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