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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brewer

  1. gonna have to agree with evo haha
  2. hahahaha EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH that's cool as hell!
  3. I used rosetta stone for French as well. it works well but you have to do it continuously and cant take too long of a break. good luck to you man.
  4. Welcome back Gio!!
  5. Die.Of.Aids.
  6. Thanks everyone haha. Dingle, McCarthy and wells. Fyc!
  7. yeah I was online, where the hell you been??

  8. The medal of honor game.... complete waste of money. Beat the game in 2 days... and i only played like 2 hours a day. Single player was awesome. The multiplayer is absolutely horrible. Virtually everyone is a sniper, and the maps are so big they are too hard to find due to them hiding in bushes and camping. I actually Recorded a series of my deaths and 7-10 were snipers. I stopped playing that shitty ass game.
  9. hes pretty good. did you check out bo fo' sho?
  10. pretty sure it just comes with the territory of being a badass.
  11. Great issue! Cant think of anyting i would change. Keep up the good work ladies and gents.
  12. funny? are you laughin with him or at him? cuz hes not laughin haha hes dead serious
  13. even if you pole vaulted zachow, we all know that could never happen to you!
  14. We all do Lee, its the fuckin teenage mutant ninja turtles, it says it right there on the paper!GAHHHHH
  15. Brewer

    Quote Thread

    I was there for this, laughed so hard i nearly peed myself.
  16. Burnum, your account has been banned from the server for 1 week until this is figured out. First question, was your account stolen? Was your son playing on your account? If so please let someone know as well as change his Display name in the game. Someone was using your account today and was running around not talking, not responding and just basically doing things that arent natural for even the biggest of drunkards. The person wasnt Team wounding or anything, just wasnt really doing.... anything but running around. Please understand when you let someone use your account you are still responsible for it. So when we have someone running around with MRB tags on making the unit look like a bunch of idiots, you will be responsible for it. It makes the unit look bad and we dont want our name tarnished. So please when you see this, post and unban request in the MP's office stating what was going on and your acknowledgement of the situation. thanks.
  17. i just shot myself in the face after being lead to insanity durring this confusing post.
  18. server is good now.
  19. Server is still messed up.
  20. thanks for the heads up smithers
  21. Player: MadMax Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17050760 Reason: Blatant disrespect to myself and other MRB members including an Officer. Has been banned twice and unbanned due to favoritism. this type of crap should not be tolerated, frankly right now i am furious at the fact that the person unbanning him doesnt care what 3 of his members have to say on the subject. He was banned twice. Please make it final.
  22. thats fuckin Epic. awesome man.
  23. hahahah i never saw that one thats epic.
  24. Hall. Happy Birthday.
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