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Problems in the Pub


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Hey to everyone who was in the pub tonight from like 9 to 10pm EST I apologize for my confrontational behavior. Namely Boutton and Patrick as they had to try to deal with it as server admins. Work has been pretty horrible lately and I am dead tired from today, and certainly not looking forward to it tomorrow. That being said, that is a poor excuse and my actions were unbecoming of both a 1st MRB member and a pubber. Just wanted to address this quickly, and it will not happen again.


Edited by Hastings 1st MRB
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Hastings, it really does take a man to admit his own mistakes, hopefully the behavior won't happen again but again I am very glad that you went in and admit it. It really does take a lot for somebody to do that, I respect it very much and I know the whole unit does as well. Just try to keep it a little low, as a suggestion when I get kinda in a bad mood, I listen to music and just play the game, and if you ever need to talk about anything that is stressing you out, we are here to help you bud.

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Hastings, it really does take a man to admit his own mistakes, hopefully the behavior won't happen again but again I am very glad that you went in and admit it. It really does take a lot for somebody to do that, I respect it very much and I know the whole unit does as well. Just try to keep it a little low, as a suggestion when I get kinda in a bad mood, I listen to music and just play the game, and if you ever need to talk about anything that is stressing you out, we are here to help you bud.

I know its not just you talking, yall are all like a second family to me, everyone is out of the house now im the last kid left so during the summer I can get kind of bored. I really appreciate the fun times we have in the pub and I am sure there will be more where that came from. I am not the best at dealing with problems since I always had admin in other clans and could just deal with it that way instead of ignoring them, but I will work on it.

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Hey Greg. It's understandable to get heated. I do the same thing. The way I deal with it is to just leave the game completely. Jump in vent and talk to people there or play a different game for a bit. The people who were playing tonight are the same antagonistic people who were playing in our pub a while ago. Rocketguy is Maddog, Newports was one of his friends most likely Blackwidow, and the guy asking about realism CVC soemthing or another was I believe another. It sad that I am starting to learn there voices because they do the same shit in the pub. If you get those similar questions that are recurring like how to enlist, what is a realism server, or blatant mess up questions after you have already explained it a few times like you did tonight, from a person who is obviously smart enough to know or understand what you are saying, let them be. You did good with the Euro guys who were asking about our unit. Just gotta keep a level head. See you around the pub.

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