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This player is already banned. But to make sure this player is never un-banned.

Seems to have been impersonating members of the 1st 337th, and I have a log of him going on about how our server needs to be changed and how the people running it do not know anything.

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: what can I do for you? :)

adequate // n a n o: wow finally someone answers me

adequate // n a n o: i was just banned for expressing my opinion on your server?

adequate // n a n o: anyways

adequate // n a n o: I noticed some cmds on your server are off

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: You were banned for putting out server down :)

adequate // n a n o: just wanted to let someone know

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you can let us know on our forums. ill grab you the URL

adequate // n a n o: wow thats harsh

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: voice your concern there. not on our pub please :)

adequate // n a n o: its probably not worth my time

adequate // n a n o: since I wasnt worth your time in the server

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: Eh, no worries to me. We just dont like people bashing our server on our server infront of the other pubbers

adequate // n a n o: but from looking at some basic cmds in your server, whoever is running it, dont know shit

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you have a problem, let us know on our forum :)

adequate // n a n o: well server should be at least default

adequate // n a n o: ive been playing since beta

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: okay, well have fun with that :)

adequate // n a n o: i try and help units out etc, but they just get all mad like girls and ban or dont listen, cause they know everything

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: okay, thats good to know :)

GySgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: glad to have your help, post it on the forum

Once again this is just to make sure the player is never un-banned

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I know it's been mentioned in a previous ban-request post (for Gundam) to only have officers comment. But in this situation I feel that I can probably help clarify some things.

Nano and I come from the same backgrounds. We're both competitive level players (i'm "retired" from all that stuff) so what we are used to and what other clans that have pub servers are used to stand in sharp contrast to one another.

I'm not sure what everyone's background is like but for those of you who have tried competitive matches (CAL or CAL equivalents that still run DoD:S divisions) you'll probably understand that for us, it's like playing a new game when we enter servers which have "less tweaked" server-side settings.

Now I also understand that there's been a perceived chasm between competitive players (more often-than-not accused of hacking and whatnot) and "non-competitive" (a use the term in the strictest sense of differentiation - it's not a knock on realism squads/leagues or alternative-gameplay leagues) players - one that really should exist to begin with. This doesn't help as both like to play in their comfort zones and since many competitive players have an inflated esteem of themselves, with regards to playing in most pub servers, and you get a very unhealthy combination for dialogue. Yes, some (perhaps many) competitive players are douchebags but for every one douchebag you also have many ignorant non-competitive players who liberally scream out random accusations that panders to in-game frustrations. It's a lose-lose situation.

The reality is that competitive leagues encourage server settings that maximize the ability of the player so tweaks are generally aimed at producing the lowest level of "interference". This usually falls within a couple of specific settings such as sv_friction, rates and interp values. I mention friction because its one of the most overlooked settings that produces interference on timing and accuracy. And you've all probably seen the great vid on hitreg on the unit's forum.

So, given that social communication between these two groups is... challenged... to say the least, it's not surprising that the valid points are missed.

While I may not agree with the approach, I do concur with Nano's observation that there are tweaks that can be suggested but ultimately it's up to guys paying for the server to judge whether those tweaks fit the wants. The sad thing is that that kind of dialogue never reaches actual informative stages and usually gets killed when one side starts name calling or the other refusing to listen.

Anyhow, this is just a perspective from a competitive player who's tried to bridge the two groups (although sometimes it's hard to avoid falling into the trap of responding to repetitive remarks caused by ignorance or frustration or both). Hope it helps understand a bit more where reactions come from.

As a sidebar - I am always open to share with the unit any general knowledge that I've gained from years and years of competitive gaming if it hasn't already been covered by BCT or MOS training. I was a starting sniper if you're interested in any weapon specific information. Most of the time it's really a lot of common stuff that people just need practice on doing.

[edit: btw, this is not to disparage what's done with BCTs or MOS training - the unit has some really good players and I'm sure that a lot of stuff is covered, but just saying in case there might be some stuff not covered :)]


Rec. Pandalsson

Edited by Pandalsson 1st MRB
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