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WARNING: Reading this might make real men almost cry.


I know a good amount of MRB peeps are guys away from their homes at college. I am one of these guys.

I randomly got to this image, and now I miss my dog sooo much. I just want to hug and walk the shit out of him.

I'm just waiting to go back home for thanksgiving.

To all those with their with their pets, hug them fucking right now.

Makes me miss my dog, he died this summer.

Reminds me of my dog, Amos. Looked very similar.

Got him when I was 15 (ish). He lived 14 years... was put to sleep this past summer.

He was 'my dog', we'd run for miles and miles training for 5k's, and motocross. We'd swim in the lake together - he was always there. Then when he got older his back got bad... despite knowing he wouldn't be able to get up off the floor once he laid down that evening, he would still go run with me all day if I let him (I didn't because I knew his back would bother him). As I went to college I would visit and he would still come down to my room and sleep beside me. We were for life.

He didn't like kids, but when I had my kids? He suddenly became 'kid friendly' and literally put up with everything my kids could dish out (tail pulling, leaning on him when they learned to walk (despite his bad back), climing around on him, laying on him like a pillow... all of it).

He was developing a large tumor type growth on his side. I think he laughed inside when we'd call him lumpy. He had watched a number of other dogs come and go... one to a car accident, one to what we believe was some poison it got into in the woods and another that left one night to die alone (that was Pepper, who was around 23 or 24 years old when she finally 'left'). As time grew on, the tumor grew. Then one appeared above his ear, and it got larger and larger... before long when he would itch it would bleed. The poor fella was falling apart.

My parents took him in to be put down - they didn't tell me until after it was done. I still feel guilty for not having been there. I also feel guilty about Pepper, she literally raised me! Slept under my crib, let me use her as a pillow when I was just a wee lad, followed me all over the neighborhood as a kid... She outlived I don't know how many other pets and dogs. We knew her time was coming because some nights she'd get real skittish and run off to a remote area of the house and lay in the corner and breath heavily. They say dogs know when their time is coming, and they will 'run away' to die alone. A few weeks later, Pepper did just that. I was 17 and crushed. Pepper and Amos were the 2 best dogs I've ever had in my life. I almost feel guilty having my current dog because she's got big shoes to fill... but she's doing an amazing job.

Sorry for the novel, I just still miss my dogs, damnit.

  • 2 weeks later...

I remember my first dog, Elvis. He was a pure bred Newfoundland, and one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet. I was 4 when we got him. I remember the day too, we went to an awareness for animal adoption thing for local humane centers, and there he was, a little over a year old. My parents have a picture of when I first met him, the big lug was laying under a table, and I have my arms wrapped around his neck. We were best of friends. I recall all the times my dad would hook him up to a harness we had, (he was a big dog) and during the winter my dad walked down to our school and picked up my sister and I in a sled and he would drag us home. I remember all the times up at our cottage, we had a retrieving dummy, I would throw it and he would go bounding into the water, pick it up and then would come splashing back and drop it gingerly at my feet. All the times I would wake up on Saturday morning and turn on cartoons, or my playstation and he would come in and lay on the couch with me and take a nap.

Then one day I remember walking down into the kitchen when I was 9 or 10. He would usually wake up right away and greet me by rubbing his head against my leg while I ate breakfast. But that day he didn't get up, he laid on his side and whined. I remember skipping school that day, and took him to the vet with my dad. His stomach had twisted, if anyone has seen that Marley and Me movie, it was the same thing. The vet said that they could try and operate but it was only a matter of time before he passed. He was getting older, but he was only 5-6. I remember sitting in the vet's office, while my dad took him in to fill out paperwork, and the lady across the waiting room from me had the biggest Rottweiler I had ever seen. I was crying, and I remember the big ol' Rotty walked over and put his massive head in my lap, and stayed there, looking up at me, he knew something was wrong. I went in when my dad called me in, and hugged Elvis for one last time, and then he was gone. I walked back out and the Rotty was sitting right there by the door to the waiting room and immediately came back over to me as I sat down for a bit and waited. Honestly one of the saddest moments in my life, I had lost my best friend but I learned something that day, from that Rottweiler and from my boy Elvis.

Dog's can tell when something is wrong. They know when you hurt when no one else does, but they never judge. They love you unconditionally at all times, no matter what you do for a living. A dog listens, even though they cannot talk, they can always make you feel better. I remember hearing a story one time, about a man and his son and their dog.

A man and his wife and son had a pet dog that had been a loyal family pet for a few years. One day it had gotten sick, and they weren't sure how to tell their son because he was relatively young. However they told him what was happening and they had him in the vets office when the dog was put down. They sat around for a while after, with the vet, and talked about some memories of the dog. The mother made a comment, "I don't know why dogs pass so quickly some times". To this, the little boy piped up "I know why...". When they all turned to look at him, the little boy spoke "Well, people live long lives to learn how to love each other and be good and stuff right? Well to dogs, they are always that way, so they don't have to stay around as long..."

God damn it, I miss my dog.


Mmm...i have my dog Maverick...i dont have a picture of him but he lays on top of everybody like a little suckup and i wish i could be with him more...i cant wait to go home from school now



Bash :) (oldest dog and I had him since I was six years old, still kickin!)


Tommy (the youngest but smartest dog ever, and no he is not missing an eye)


Rocco (the protective one, especially with my mom, he will even bite my step-dad if he goes near my mom)


Fuze (the funniest and a clever dog, he is the loving one)


Dog thread? Dog thread!

I love dogs. They're pretty much badasses and they know what's up. All the time. And yea, I live with about a half-dozen little tiny ones, but they're (mostly) still badass.

Archibald (Get the little shit outta the way, this is the only picture I every got of the rat before he bolted in the other direction)


Raiden & Zoey, Raiden's pretty much the shit, Zoey is... enh.


Teddy, I think he's around 16 right now, completely demented and senile


Schatzi, my sister's old dachsund, now deceased.


BiBi, different sister's old Yorki, also deceased.


Cozy, the retarded Pomeranian




Shiba, the most badass little Yorki that's ever been around. She bosses coyotes around when they dare wander this close.


Bunch of the aforementioned with Rusty in the middle. Rusty was born a month before I was and died on my birthday when I was 16. God I wish she was still around.


That's a ton I know, I'm eating up a shitton of this thread. But I have great love for dogs, and always have to make special mention of the littlest retarded dachshund, Waldi


Waldi came to us a couple years back when I was working at a local animal hospital. I got the job there because the vet who owned the place was a great family friend and my sister also worked there as well (she's a full blown veterinarian). Well, Waldi was born to a litter of designer puppies, being bred specifically for his coat color. Waldi's coat color is brindle, and the right buyer will spend upwards of $3,000 for a male pup with that coat. Unfortunately, Waldi was the runt of the litter. All of the puppies in the litter developed a nasty cough in their early weeks. They threw it off pretty much like pros, except for Waldi. Waldi got desperately sick. Extremely bad. The breeders knew that if they invested the money into saving Waldi, even if he survived, he wouldn't be sellable, the sickness would probably leave him some problems for his life. They opted to have Waldi put to sleep, which was understandable. Luckily, that day my mother was visiting the office, and took one look at Waldi. If you couldn't tell from that first picture, he was small enough to fit into the palm of one hand. My mother was completely smitten and wouldn't give up on Waldi. So we offered to take Waldi home. The dealers accepted, since some chance was better than no chance at all. We took Waldi home and went to work creating an environment to keep him comfortable. The sickness had developed into a nasty infection and was in his lungs. Since my dad is a doctor, he went to a local medical supply company and rented an oxygen concentrator and a nebulizer. We gave him nebulizer treatments twice daily, and created a tub-a-ware enclosure which funneled the concentrated oxygen. Waldi didn't do better. In fact there was one Saturday where he did not wake up. On Sunday he was the same, still breathing but unresponsive. We thought we had lost him. But when we returned from church he was awake. He even ate food, then his health skyrocketed. He was on the closest bare-needle to death, then threw it off and barreled through. He developed a cough for about a year, and now that's gone too. He has grown ridiculously large for a runt miniature dachshund. He licks the wall. Hes in it for the long-run, however long that may be. Perhaps the only reminder of his past sickness is that he is slightly retarded now. Like I said before, he licks walls. Walls, chairs, blankets, hats, shoes. His goal in life is to taste everything in the world. But he's our Waldi, and he is a badass.




I didn't have actual 'domesticated' dogs. I had a Rott. She was a guard dog, but I've raised her since she was a puppy and was old enough to be seperated. She wa sof course tied otuside but was always the one feeding her and cleaning her (skin problems were common in the island I lived in) and she was the only guard dog who didn't growl or bark at me.

Then I moved to Virginia. I learned later that she didn't really like being fed by others and eventually a typhoon hit, dragged her shelter a long ways with her still tied to it.

It sucks man, not being there when they had to be put down.


I got 4 dogs, 3 are jack russels terriers. One is a jack russel crossed with long haired terrier. We got given rueben the cross, I was helping my dad out at a job he was working for with this lady. And she just kept him in the shed all day and night and he was only a puppy. So she noticed I kept fussing him so she like want him? Fuck yes. But he like 13 years old now, barks at 5am in the morning and keeps going until 6am even if you let him out. He pisses up anyway too. Pebble is the 2nd oldest she bitten a few people one on the ass but they all came into our garden without warning us. Fair play. Then you've got rollie - reason for the name he was born in the car on the way to the vets. And eddy, we actual sold eddy but we got given him back because he 'bites' which is a load of bullshit he never once bitten us even if he playing. But he all fucked up now he freaks out like crazy is a guy comes into the house. And he will not allow you to put him on back if you do he goes crazy. Eddy and rollie are from the same litter, rollie we kept because he has a fucked up tail. Pebble is from the first litter and she was born without a tail. They all had the same mother who died a year ago :(

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