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while i understand Morton's statement- the game is very innovative and certainly not the same as COD or any of the others- Battlefield always has bigger maps, more weapons, vehicles, and better game play overall-

This game which i was able to beta test both the subway map and caspian bay- sea, don't know which name they finally went with, has more features and better graphics.

I think people forget that when getting games, its interesting you think its same old shit- you play DODS which has been done over and over too-

Time to break out the CS,CSCZ, CSS, DOD, DODS, yadda yadda yadda


I have it on the way for my 360, but before ya'll cry heresy, I have a copy for PC too, so when I get back from the 'Stan, I will be building what I like to refer to as "Der Kern" aka "The Core", basically the UberMensch of computer, I will post up more details once I get all the parts together that I am ordering. But needless to say 3 screens, dual video cards, the works...


Call of Duty may be a repeat of itself with every new installment, but to say battlefield is just copying itself, or cod for that matter, is crazy.

They have made vast improvements, not just visually, but gameplay, mechanics, etc...

That's like saying cod copied dod:s because it is also based on war. There really is no comparison here.

Call of Duty may be a repeat of itself with every new installment, but to say battlefield is just copying itself, or cod for that matter, is crazy.

They have made vast improvements, not just visually, but gameplay, mechanics, etc...

That's like saying cod copied dod:s because it is also based on war. There really is no comparison here.

I say modern clones, due to the publishers Profit at all cost methos. They can't take a risk on something new, so they give you Sequelitis (BF3 CDMW3.) And all FPs's will then to have the same style of gameplay, again publishers are worried if they stray to far from the norm the game won't sell as well. Even the covers all look almost exactly alike, man walking away from the background, holding gun, stuff blowing up in background. I know cool guys don't look a t explosions, but maybe a bit more originality?

And I'm not saying anyone is copying anyone else. They look the same due to the publishers refusing to break the mold.

Edit: And not all the blame can be laid on the publishers. People will bitch and moan if the games arn't exactly alike it seems. So maybe most video gamers are dumb, and enjoy playing the same shit, only with a different name, because it keeps selling. I honestly haven't bought a FPS since I bought Dods. I was given Cod:BO by my grandparents for Christmas played until classes started up in January and haven't touched it since, I realize I playing the exact same game as MW2 only with a makeover, in fact i think i sold it. The last video game i bought was Dragon Age II. And i dont plan on buying another game until Mass Effect 3 comes out.

Edit: dont think you guys are dumb. i said most. Which obviouly you guys are not dumb.


Not to sound like a BF fan boy but DICE deserves props for making a whole new engine for BF3 and raising the scale on FPS by a wide margin. COD however will go down in history as o look another reskinned game based on a 5 year old engine....alotta effort went into that alrighty.


If they spent so much time on it, why are they doing the same ol "We're soldiers fighting terrorists/insurrectionist. Oh we're fighting them in the middle east." Yawn. The middle east is becoming the new ww2. If any of them deserved a sequel it would have been battlefield 2142. New setting. Its futuristic. It was fresh. Instead, they come back to America fighting Terrorists in the middle east.


I perfer either Sci-Fi or near future, something that isn't set in the present. Maybe 50+ years from now. But bf2142 was imo the best in the series, except for graphics( as in they dont factor into my preference. Substance over flash imo.). (havent played 3 so it not in the running) But to each his own. If you like fighting in the middle east in your videogame go ahead.


I have it. I'm returning it soon. I like campaigns, I LOVE playing them. It looked good, I tried Battle Log on IE, FireFox, Chrome, everything. I can't play at all. It either disconnects or just crashes. Or not even open and freezes. =\

Posted (edited)

bf 2142 was seen as a flop and yes the MW setting is getting outdated BUT you have to admit that the engine that runs the game aka Frostbite 2 is a huge step up and think about it. This engine is going to pave the way for more additions to the battlefield games. Imagine like you said...2142 or WW2 setting with these graphics and destructibility, game mechanics ect... The new engine can be used for a variety of things. DICE put alot of work into it but over the years and within their eyes the 2142 setting wasnt popular. They had to develop something that would go toe to toe with MW3 and they did.

Honestly this is only the beginning. This engine is flawless and DICE has been working on it for years. It would be criminal for them not to utilize the engine towards other settings.

BTW rem some people have been reporting the same problem on the BF forums. Might i suggest seeking help thar for many have had the same issue. I use chrome and have no issues. It could be a number of things as to why its not working for you.

Edited by Mamora BAR

Here is my review after playing for a few hours today, when i should have been sleeping, and feeling it now.

SinglePlayer- Huge took up 10gb of space on my Hard Drive on my Xbox- so the graphics fly smoothly.

Game Play on single player- tight and not all about terrorists- It has a downfall of global powers more so then terrorist

Not all in Arab countries, there are a few places in eurpoe, etc etc etc.

Graphics are amazing, and so are the dynamics- Gravity, wind, rain, building destruction, vehicles are fantastic.


Nothing like any of the other shooters out there- Realistic with all weapons, not quick to give you weapons, you really have to earn them, New features like Prone actually help the game play. Teammates have to work together or its a crap show for your team. Spray and pray really doent

work at all- COD MW2 people will not like this. Camouflage really works, very hard to see if you got the right one on. Enemy only show up on mini map if they are shooting or about 2 ft in front of you. not sniper heavy yet- being most people are realizing the clutter on the gritty maps makes it very hard to get a clean shot, and its hard to see people- like in real life.

Vehicles in MP- the vehicles are top notch

Tanks amazing (Boost throttle) helps

Car are tougher to take down

Boats are faster and tougher

Helicopters- amazing but still very difficult to fly

Jets- so far a little disappointed with them only because they are so hard to get being everyone wants to fly them, and when i finally did all they have is machine guns- Have to unlock more weapons for the darn Jets. But they fly fast and look amazing in flight.

Co-Op mode- havent really got into this one too much but it helps people who really struggle with the multiplayer, and want to unlock some weapons for it.

To say this is just a repeat seems silly to me Morton, but to each his own- Dragon Age 2 was broken and so was the first one- I played both and well truthfully the game play was crap- I am an Oblivian soon to be Skyrim guy. Graphics were nice in Dragon Age- but it was like every other RPG with a warrior fantasy. See what i did there?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and feelings about FPS games-

All i can say is BF3 is going game of the year if Skyrim doesnt take it- which it will.

MW3 I just tested while it has cool game modes- its the same old spray and pray garbage from the past with cool perks but nothing you havent seen before- Infinity Ward shot themselves when they fired the developers- This will likely be the last of the MW games, if they think that gamers are going to tolerate another repeat.

Oh and if you like rpgs-

Underrated and very good Bethesda Game- RAGE- Borderlands on steroids- with better everything


First off I said it s a clone. Not a repeat. Every first person shooter that seems to be coming out, is either set in the middle east, your fighting terroirists, ect. Well except homefront. I liked homefront. It is quite annoying that publishers only publish the same crap, only reskined. Sure you'll say thats its gonna be different. That it is different. But from the outside looking it, I see another fps clone. Its like that episode of Futrama where the presidential canidates are Adam Johnson and John Adamson. Different but look exactly the same.

As for Dragon Age vs Eldar Scrolls the plots of both origins and oblivion where almost the same. Only DAO had strategic combat, and I liked the voice acting, even if the pc was a telepathic mute.

However the biggest thing for me is the Price to fun ratio. Videogames are $60. And for the most part i play them for 20 hours tops before i'm board (Any cod game except 4. Deadspace. ect). Now instead of spending that $60 on videogames i could buy some imperial guardsmen. or a leman russ. I get a good 4-6 hours assembling and painting. And a good 10+ years of running it.

I only buy video games im going to be playing regularly over a year from now. And even the good capt. stated

In a few months we will all be bored of bf3

So to me its not worth my money. So i've stated my point. You've stated your point. I'm not going to convince you, your not gonna convince me, or your gonna make fun of me for playing tabletop wargames, either way we should move on.


was not an attack, seriously like the same games you do. Sorry if it came off as ridicule- not intended

Like i said also bought Dragon age-

I don't want to change your mind, just wanted to tell other people of what I thought.

Should not have said your opinion was silly, I just didnt agree with it. but to each his own-

I get bored with FPS fast too, but that is why i play rpgs too.

No we will never convince each other otherwise- at least we can say what we think and not be mad at each other for it.

Once again sorry if my post seemed like an attack, i get on rolls about shit and forget where i am sometimes- my bad

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