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Tricky Spyware - You should use Outpost



I had something kind of like this Bundes Polizei Ukash Ransom Virus hit me this weekend. AV 2012, said it was expired and I had to buy, took center stage on my screen and could not be moved or collapsed. It also tried to inhibit Task Manager. I could bring it up but only for a few seconds at a time.

But I was still able to find the process and end it. My lifesaver here was Outpost Security Suite, a fantastic firewall program that I highly recommend you install. After you install it, one thing it will do is prevent programs from taking over your screen and will ask you about programs. At first it may seem annoying but once you tell it that a program is ok it will never ask you again. So after the initial setup it is awesome.

It totally would have prevented me getting this little malware but I wasn't paying attention and told it this was ok. I thought the program trying to run was an Avast update :(. In retrospect I'd already told Outpost that Avast was ok so I shouldn't have done that again. Tricky malware.

I used to hate independent firewall programs because they were so unintelligible and hard to set up. But this one is great. It's a great compliment to any antivirus program. BEST NEWS = totally free!

Outpost Security Suite Free

If you have any questions or trouble with the setup just PM me or post it here.

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