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1. Sly8 Premium Gunmetal/Black Paintball Mask

2. Deluxe Poker Chip Set (Starting to get good at Texas Hold Em

3. Walking Dead Compendium 1-48

That's about it really...maybe some new snowboard goggles. But that'll wait til I get back haha


1. Guns (I'm rooting for either an M1 Garand or a M1911, but I'm open minded)

2. $$ for computer parts, I'm fed up with my laptop I want to build a nifty desktop.

3. Comfortable Headset, built in mic is no good.

4. Skyrim, of course

5. A NEW CAR! Well, actually I wouldn't mind having the car that I already have fixed...


1. A job

2. A handgun, rooting for either an Rock Island Armory M1911A1 or a S&W Model 64

3. A better vehicle, preferably a Ford or Nissan pickup or SUV, must have 4WD/AWD

4. Money to help with all the bills.

5. A better computer.


1. Self explanatory. I'm applying to WalMart hoping to get in and earn enough to start paying off the loans.

2. Always wanted it. M1911A1 felt better in my hand, while the S&W was recommended to me by an IDPA instructor who is trying his darnedest to get me into the sport (he also recommended belt, holster, and speedloaders)

3. I'm currently driving a Ford Windstar minivan, but it's not ideal for road conditions in this time of year...and also I want a pickup truck...really.

4. Self explanatory. Need to pay other bills.

5. So I can see everyone kick my ass in better quality.

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