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I wish to bring to light a situation that occurred on your public server last night, December 24, 2011.

On said night, I was using the Axis MG class on Flash. I had been moving around the map setting up in several locations, however several times I came across the door leading to the Allied side of hotel (leading out to Main Street) and heard an Allied Assault (Dobbles) firing outside the door. I decided to crouch by the door and rambo said assault when he came through the door.

This happened 2, maybe 3 times.

Dobbles and I exchanged words, him through voice chat, me through text chat. The conversation went something like:

Dobbles: "Suede you're so bad. You just sit in the door."

Me: "You're going negative on assault. Don't speak"

Dobbles may or may not have said something, however I did not reply after that. About a minute later I was kicked from the server.

Upon re-entry, I asked why I was kicked. I received a verbal assault from Dobbles telling me to shut up and play the game or risk being banned.

I pushed again for an answer as to why I was kicked in the first place and was kicked again.

However, I re-entered the server and continued playing without using the chat. I added Dobbles to my friends so we could exchange words on the matter in private, this is the conversation that ensued:

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: the reason i kicked you is i didnt want to read all about how awesome you are. in case you havent noticed, i tell pretty much everyone they suck. including my teammates

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): ok, thats understandable. i responded in the way i did because i don't like bad players saying people are bad. i'd do it to any one. not just you.

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): i dont feel that my response warrented a kick. granted, maybe coming back in and egging you on warrented the 2nd kick

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: it wasnt anything personal towards you and it was obvious yo took it that way. i just didnt feel like dealing with it. insteadof a mute or a drawn out conversation (which has happened anyway) i figured a kick would be the easiest way to convey the msgt

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): well the mute/gag would have probably sufficed. i know you probably deal with that stuff and when you have the power to get rid of someone, it's easy to pull that card. but the more mature way to go about it would be to take steps toward a kick

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): kinda like if a kid says a bad word, you don't go over and smack him in the face, you tell him that he shouldn';t talk like that, then if he keeps up after being warned, the smack comes

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): ya dig?

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: oh i see your point 100%

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): just be a little more objective when handling a situation like that is all i ask. don't let your personal feelings get in the way of mature moderating

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: but i get to be in the position of doing what i want. if i would have banned, then obviously that would have been an overreaction

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): no, you dont get to be in the position of getting what you want. you have admin to help enforce server rules. if you talk a little smack, expect some back and take it in stride.

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): i've never read/heard anywhere that 1st mrb forbids smack talk

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: well you certainly are entitled to feel that way. i have been entrusted to admin in the server and the leadership trusts my judgement. just as you would have that right in your own server

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: there are lots of examples where admins react different

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): im sorry dude. you're not going to win my favor on this one. but i feel your take on the responsibilities of having admin powers (on a server thats part of a community that you aren't even strictly a part of) are immature. but thats the way you feel. i just hope you dont let your emotions get in the way of another action

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: im not trying to win you over. i was simply giving you my point of view which you were actively requesting

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: if you feel you were treated unfairly then post on the mrb forums

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): ok, thank you for your response, i will be posting on the forum about this.

dobbles |ßÄЯ|: and regardless of any policies on 'smack talk' disrespecting an admin is against server rules, so i was prefectly in my rights to kick

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): thats where you're not getting it. you said something to me, i said something back, i get kick because you're admin. no disrespect, just a little jarring

King Of Suede (Stark.. SC2 now): but clearly we've both voiced our opinions on the matter and neither are moving. to each their own i suppose

I am not posting this to ask that Dobbles have his admin powers removed. I am not posting this to tell the 1st MRB that what they are doing is wrong. I respect the fact that you guys have a fun, populated server and sometimes need a few extra, trusted hands to help keep things under control.

However I am posting this because I feel I was treated unfairly and a moderator let their emotions get the best of them and make decision that if handled in an objective manner would have been seen as simple trash talk that occurs all the time in online games and did not escalate to a level that warranted a kick.

Thank you for your time, I hope you will advise pubbers that when granted admin powers to not abuse them and use them to "get what they want" but instead enforce server rules and keep the server a fun, safe and competitive environment.

King Of Suede

Posted (edited)

wow suede, you did a great job of leaving out all the other things YOU said, but leaving in everything I said.

while you include all of our steam conversation, you leave out the many other in game messages you typed out which prompted your kick to begin with. and all the spamming you did when you came back, which resulted in a second kick as well.

not to mention there were several other pubbers complaining about you throughout the night. i can think of tacotrain specifically who was fed up with your arrogance and called you out on it.

i think the general problem is you think i kicked you because you killed me and i got mad about it. that couldnt be further from the truth. i kicked you for general douchiness and the condescending attitude you had towards other pubbers.

i think it should also be noted that i am also not just some pubber; i am the leader of BAR which is the pubber portion of MRB. i have been a long time player, long time admin, and long time contributor to the 1st MRB. several other admins last night suggested I just ban and get it over with. however, I felt it best to give you a chance to hear what I had to say and a chance to voice you opinion. thats why i suggested you come on here and post.

edit - there are 2 specific parts of your post i find interesting specifically:

first, that you imply you initiated contact on steam so we could talk about it. that is stretching the truth. after your 2nd kick, i told you that if you didn't drop it the next step would be to ban and that if you wanted to talk further to message me on steam.

secondly, the fact that the only message you sent was that i was negative on assault and that then you never said anything else. as stated, that is patently false. you had several other messages which was what prompted your initial kick. offhand i can recall a message about how you had been better for several rounds in a row, a message about how you were better with all the weapons, and a message about how you are sick of crappy players talking smack. like i said; multiple condescending messages that were ruining other players evenings.

Edited by dobbles BAR

King Of Suede, I'll step in here because I'm get a sense of disappointment in the level of service our admins are providing. Dobbles was given admin because we trust his judgment and in an argument we're going to tend to take his word over random pubber's. It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience, but from the looks of things, you kinda brought it on yourself.

Firstly, you heckled an admin and apparently spent his patience. Secondly, after receiving punishment (no matter how harsh) returned and continued to cause issues. It's true we don't have rules against shit talking and heckling, however if an admin asks you to stop, you stop, end of story. Lastly, coming on our forums and posting a passive aggressive topic about our admins doesn't sit well with me personally. Only a few members of BAR have been given admin privileges, and that's only after months of trust and respect earned, hearing that one of them is abusing their admin is just hard to wrap my head around. In this case dobbles has been in BAR for almost a year and in our servers longer than that.

Ultimately, we appreciate your input and concern with the server runnings, but insulting our admins does not sit well. Even though you say you aren't singling out Dobbles personally nor is it your intent to see his admin removed, yet this whole topic seems to be about your interaction with just one admin, Dobbles. Did I miss examples of other admins misusing their powers?

We decide carefully in our choices of admin, it's our server, our admins, our hard work, some random pubber coming on our forums whining about getting kicked isn't going to earn you any points in my book. I'm sorry if my reply was not what you were looking for, but if you don't like our admins, there are thousands of other servers for you to play on.

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