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Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:8813582

Date & Time of ban: Jan 8 ,2012 - Around 12:00ish maybe.

Admin who banned you: Sgt. Denis

Excuse for the Unban: You can look at the post by Denis about my ban. Plus the demo was taken on flash. I competed in CAL leagues and I was required to memorize all the maps and think about the enemy's placement. (I wouldn't say I was the best compared to others but I held my head high). So ya go to these links below check out my stuff because I don't see any wall hacks. Cheers.

Go to these links below.






Not to sound mean, but I could really care less about your gaming history, hacks are available to everyone that knows how to search google. You need to realize that the fact that you competed in CAL doesn't exempt you from bans. Hacking accusations are taken very seriously here, if our admin wasn't sure he would not have banned you.

As hacking bans go, with something as hard to detect as wall-hacks, you'll have to give us time to review the ban, with the proof given by our admin and the demos you've provided it should't take too long to come to a final decision. If it comes down to it, we usually give the player the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks for posting your request and thanks for playing on our servers. A response will come soon. Cheers.


Your Steam ID is currently not listed in our database. You should be unbanned from the server.

Even if you feel particularily degraded for this situation, I encourage you to remain respectful in our servers, else this can always go a different way. Regardless, I don't have a reason for the ban to stay in place as of now.

Happy fragging, behave yourself in our server.

PS: Listing demos of yourself playing without hacks usually doesn't hold to much relevance. I would wager I have more experience in CAL league play, and irrelevant demos don't hold too much stake with me.

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