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Posted (edited)

Objects of this debate. Rules are Simple


1. debate only about there 2 rifles

2. Give one hell of a debate for which rifle you think it better and WHY

My Ruling: I own an AK-47 and i will have to say i will go for this rifle over my fathers M16, for reliability purposes and bigger Caliber, Easier to field stripe and it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get this baby to jam.

Edited by D. Thomas 1st MRB

Some initial thoughts for the debate: I'm guessing the AK must have one hell of a kick with a sub-rifle round versus the bb-width bullet that the M-16 fires. That and low weight must make it less taxing to carry and use. Also, the M-16 has to be more accurate whereas the AK-47 was designated to be used as a hip-fired weapon during a mass mechanized offensive. Also the AK's got that potentially fatal noisy safety selector.


ak47 more reliable then the m16 you can not destroy this thing at all, and it can work in extremely harsh conditions, altho it has alot of recoil so i like the m16 for that it has abit less


ive seen that episode on history lock and load with Lee Ermey, btw ive always prefered the m16 and all its variants m4a1 for example since cs times i dont know why just happened to be like that and ofc the m416/hk416 one of the newer variants its as reliable as ak-47 in most challenges

and about the under barrel attachments like the m203 for the m16 and the gp-25 for ak-47 and the ak is nearly inpossible in fully automatic fire because of the 7.62 round and the m16 has a higher fire rate so the newer versions m16a4 is 3 round burst or semi auto because the soldiers vaste to much ammo

sorry for more weapons just couldnt help it


ive seen that episode on history lock and load with Lee Ermey, btw ive always prefered the m16 and all its variants m4a1 for example since cs times i dont know why just happened to be like that and ofc the m416/hk416 one of the newer variants its as reliable as ak-47 in most challenges

and about the under barrel attachments like the m203 for the m16 and the gp-25 for ak-47 and the ak is nearly inpossible in fully automatic fire because of the 7.62 round and the m16 has a higher fire rate so the newer versions m16a4 is 3 round burst or semi auto because the soldiers vaste to much ammo

sorry for more weapons just couldnt help it



I'm an AK man for the same reason i'm a revolver man: If it fails to work, you can always hit the other guy with it :D.

I also prefer a stronger round, and though the recoil is superior, if you go single shot (And a single shot well aimed will most of the time be disabling, going through most flak jackets), the accuracy falloff is not much worse.

It doesn't jam, hell, it's a bloody block of wood with machine stamped parts. If we're talking about the original M-16, the AK also had a larger magazine.

There is however one variant of the M series I prefer over the AK series, and it's the carbine models, since they're lighter for a paradrop and more accurate, plus, less noise is better when making a drop.


guys I'm doing a weekly Weapon Vs. Weapon trying to get them in the same qualitys


Same War

Same Year Made (Optional)

Rivals (Optional)

and what not so every week im doing a 2 new weapons.

Posted (edited)

Both weapons are excellent tools of war. The AK, very rugged, very reliable, high caliber, adaptable.

The M16 very light, accurate, reliable, adaptable.

the AK has many variants, such as the AK74. The AK however due to its design is not as adaptable as the M16.

While it has a higher caliber, the reputation of never jamming, as well as being a favorite of ALLAH AKBAR! groups, It does not have the capability to be as flexible, other wise it would not be an AK ; the M16 as we see it today, can adapt to almost any situation, it can be out-fitted with many "gadgets" making it very effective. Thats doesnt go to say the AK doesnt have perks either. The AK is the most widely used weapon on the planet, and for good reason.

I love them both, But because i believe that its not the shots you make, but that its the ones that hit, I will rule in favor of the M16. Only because of accuracy, and slightly more adaptability, But if i had to choose a gun that just chews a bitch up, then ill take an AK. For me it depends on the particular situation.

Well thats my blabber, i have no idea if itll make sense cuz i typed this in 2 mins, but hey i got my point out there :P

Edited by Frantz 1st MRB

It's all situational too.

If you're in a very hot, humid, jungle, not only do you want the rugged reliability of the AK-47 and it's chrome lined innards, but the heavier caliber bullet can actually penetrate dense foliage and smaller tree trunks.

If you're on the march and carrying all your own weaponry and ammo, you would most certainly prefer the lighter M-16 and its lighter round. If you are assaulting at night or sneaking you want a quiet rifle that won't rattle or snap loudly when you hit the selector.

And if you were a trained marksman and not just untrained militia, you would choose the M-16 for its ability to place a shot on target consistently at practical ranges.

The M-16's also got the straight-body design with raised handle/sights to reduce recoil, a standard these days, the AK-47's firing dynamics are more akin to old style rifle butts with the tendancy to climb.

M16 hands down. You can have your higher caliber, and you can shoot all around me while I put a full mag of 5.56 into your head and torso. You take care of your weapon and it'll take care of you.

OORAH, took the words right out of my mouth

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