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StarWars Old Republic

Roussel 1st MRB

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What is your criteria for asking whether it's like WoW?

Is it an MMO? Yes. Does it have a pretty standard MMO combat system? Indeed. It doesn't use KotOR combat, that's not feasible in a multiplayer setting since it had a heavy focus on the ability to pause combat to plan out abilities.

Its art direction is more "cartoony", but it plays into it very well. Animations are very smooth and combat flows very nicely. As for the storyline, there's an extremely heavy emphasis on the first Knights game, lots of references to Revan. Since the second was made by Obsidian, and not Bioware, there's less emphasis on it. But they do incorporate some from the second installment. It shares a ton of similarities to the KotORs, you get your own party, in PVE you fight with a companion from your party. You have your own "Ebon Hawk," or rather just a larger ship for your own traversing the star systems. There's space combat, and it is more useful the the combat in either of the "prequels," but only just. It's a rail shooter, similar to Star Fox 64. That doesn't mean it's bad, I happen to love it. Even with it being heavily repetitive.

Bioware has promised to add in more content including Guild capital ships which I would love to see. The game is still very much in its infancy compared to really any other game.

Character interactions are very similar to the Bioware standard, dubbed the "Mass Effect wheel." Choose your response, light/dark scale. The conversations and story are really intriguing in my opinion, however some more than others. For example, the Bounty Hunter's questline, spoilers, is mostly just, "go to this planet, kill your bounty. Go over here and kill your next bounty." There's an overriding story beyond that, but it's hardly compelling compared to a lot of the other class storylines. Imperial Agent has a really good story, as well as pretty much all the Force-wielding classes.

Basically, Bioware has taken things that work in their own games, and implemented them while taking things from almost every other MMO that work. So yes, it has similarities to WoW and pretty much other MMO, but there's also an overriding since of a new experience. The story works very well in an effort to steer your general experience. So it is pretty sandbox-MMO style, however your main questline will lead you around to the planets one-by-one until you hit 50.

As for the endgame, there's 2 raids right now and a number of "flashpoints" which you can do. Flashpoints are basically just instances, and I found them to be a load of fun. The PVP needs a lot of work, but is also pretty entertaining.

So all-in-all, good fun and great game.

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What is your criteria for asking whether it's like WoW?

Is it an MMO? Yes. Does it have a pretty standard MMO combat system? Indeed. It doesn't use KotOR combat, that's not feasible in a multiplayer setting since it had a heavy focus on the ability to pause combat to plan out abilities.

Its art direction is more "cartoony", but it plays into it very well. Animations are very smooth and combat flows very nicely. As for the storyline, there's an extremely heavy emphasis on the first Knights game, lots of references to Revan. Since the second was made by Obsidian, and not Bioware, there's less emphasis on it. But they do incorporate some from the second installment. It shares a ton of similarities to the KotORs, you get your own party, in PVE you fight with a companion from your party. You have your own "Ebon Hawk," or rather just a larger ship for your own traversing the star systems. There's space combat, and it is more useful the the combat in either of the "prequels," but only just. It's a rail shooter, similar to Star Fox 64. That doesn't mean it's bad, I happen to love it. Even with it being heavily repetitive.

Bioware has promised to add in more content including Guild capital ships which I would love to see. The game is still very much in its infancy compared to really any other game.

Character interactions are very similar to the Bioware standard, dubbed the "Mass Effect wheel." Choose your response, light/dark scale. The conversations and story are really intriguing in my opinion, however some more than others. For example, the Bounty Hunter's questline, spoilers, is mostly just, "go to this planet, kill your bounty. Go over here and kill your next bounty." There's an overriding story beyond that, but it's hardly compelling compared to a lot of the other class storylines. Imperial Agent has a really good story, as well as pretty much all the Force-wielding classes.

Basically, Bioware has taken things that work in their own games, and implemented them while taking things from almost every other MMO that work. So yes, it has similarities to WoW and pretty much other MMO, but there's also an overriding since of a new experience. The story works very well in an effort to steer your general experience. So it is pretty sandbox-MMO style, however your main questline will lead you around to the planets one-by-one until you hit 50.

As for the endgame, there's 2 raids right now and a number of "flashpoints" which you can do. Flashpoints are basically just instances, and I found them to be a load of fun. The PVP needs a lot of work, but is also pretty entertaining.

So all-in-all, good fun and great game.


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What is your criteria for asking whether it's like WoW?

Is it an MMO? Yes. Does it have a pretty standard MMO combat system? Indeed. It doesn't use KotOR combat, that's not feasible in a multiplayer setting since it had a heavy focus on the ability to pause combat to plan out abilities.

Its art direction is more "cartoony", but it plays into it very well. Animations are very smooth and combat flows very nicely. As for the storyline, there's an extremely heavy emphasis on the first Knights game, lots of references to Revan. Since the second was made by Obsidian, and not Bioware, there's less emphasis on it. But they do incorporate some from the second installment. It shares a ton of similarities to the KotORs, you get your own party, in PVE you fight with a companion from your party. You have your own "Ebon Hawk," or rather just a larger ship for your own traversing the star systems. There's space combat, and it is more useful the the combat in either of the "prequels," but only just. It's a rail shooter, similar to Star Fox 64. That doesn't mean it's bad, I happen to love it. Even with it being heavily repetitive.

Bioware has promised to add in more content including Guild capital ships which I would love to see. The game is still very much in its infancy compared to really any other game.

Character interactions are very similar to the Bioware standard, dubbed the "Mass Effect wheel." Choose your response, light/dark scale. The conversations and story are really intriguing in my opinion, however some more than others. For example, the Bounty Hunter's questline, spoilers, is mostly just, "go to this planet, kill your bounty. Go over here and kill your next bounty." There's an overriding story beyond that, but it's hardly compelling compared to a lot of the other class storylines. Imperial Agent has a really good story, as well as pretty much all the Force-wielding classes.

Basically, Bioware has taken things that work in their own games, and implemented them while taking things from almost every other MMO that work. So yes, it has similarities to WoW and pretty much other MMO, but there's also an overriding since of a new experience. The story works very well in an effort to steer your general experience. So it is pretty sandbox-MMO style, however your main questline will lead you around to the planets one-by-one until you hit 50.

As for the endgame, there's 2 raids right now and a number of "flashpoints" which you can do. Flashpoints are basically just instances, and I found them to be a load of fun. The PVP needs a lot of work, but is also pretty entertaining.

So all-in-all, good fun and great game.


This. (I am quoting a quote, HA)

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Monthly fees for mmo's aren't really as bad as people make them out to be... Yes, you'd rather it be free, but is it really breaking your bank? It's what, $15 a month? How many hours of entertainment do you get for that $15? Say you're moderate and spend 20 hours a week, or even more laid back and do 10. That's 30 to 40 hours of entertainment for $15 dollars. Now, go to a movie theater and see a movie. If you're only paying for yourself, that's 8-10 bucks (as long as it's not 3D then it's like a billion...) and that's, what 2 hours of entertainment? So now if you were to spend as much per hour of entertainment as you did on the mmo, you'd be spending almost $400. $15 a month is cheap.

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when i get my computer back from the repair place (my fuckin motherboard took a shit on me and it was inwarranty so i just got it remanufactured) I intend to patch the updates and play for a few days straight. I have a character on the Shadow Hand server and the Shadowlands server (been so long since I played I am unsure of which is my main anymore lol) But I will probably be making a new character aswell so if there is a server the majority of y'all play on let me know so I can make it on that one. Also if there is a specific role you guys feel that we don't have enough of in the 1st MRB group on TOR let me know and I'll go ahead and build for it since I am going to make a new character anyhow.

Hit it up y'all

and zobreanos you can set it up with longer subs that are cheaper anyhow, I'm getting ready to switch off the month to month one pretty soon here.

Edited by Marsden 1st MRB
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  • 2 weeks later...

I smell... Update 1.2... Due in April, knowing Bioware probably late April.

"Prior to release, our main priority for Star Wars: The Old Republic was to deliver a high quality game and service, right from day one," said Dr. Greg Zeschuk, one half of the founding team behind BioWare. "Now that we've achieved that, we have shifted our focus to adding more content to the game and improving and refining the experience for our fans. Legacy is our biggest update yet and a great example of the kind of content players can expect for the months and years ahead."

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  • 1 year later...
I play on the Harbinger, Imperial faction, if anyone wants to hit me up there. char's name is bosseintietz. im going to start either a bounty hunter or some kind of jedi on another server soon, if anyone wants to coordinate!

How is The Harbinger? Never played on it, decent queues? but whenever you start on a new server let me know, I'll be happy to join you.

Edited by Arevicci 1st MRB
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how do you mean? its pretty populated but ive never had to wait to get it or anything. ususally the fleet and dromund kaas have about 200+ people on it, other planets so far ive generally seen 50-70, if those numbers can clarify anything.

i take it you can transfer items from one toon to another toon even if they are on a different server?

and can someone PLEASE explain HOW THE FUCK item modifications work? i seriously do not understand it at all...cant figure out how to augment or modify my gear to save my life

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Nope cannot transfer, I'm just that desperate to play with a friend that I'm willing to start completely fresh LOL.

Okay, so you want to know about Item modifications eh?

1) Orange gear (orange outline) is gear that is modifiable. NEVER EVER throw these away. for lower levels it is essential you keep most of the orange gear you get.

2) Planetary Commendations. You earn these by doing quests and random drops on NPCs. 90% of the time when you're given an option of this or an item, choose this or a free mod (if its a high level mod) or orange item. These can be spent on mods, weapons, or armor. I recommend only spending them on mods, gear is overly-expensive and rarely good enough to spend 14+ comms on. The mods are sold by the planets vendors (for that level) on the fleet in supplies area.

3) How to mod. CTRL Right Click and it will open the mod menu. It costs to take mods out of the item but not too put mods in. Just right click, hit yes, and then apply.

Types of mods =Armor:





Hilt (lightsaber/melee) or barrel (Gun) I believe.




These all can be made with their respective crew skills. But the decent ones need a higher level, so I'd stick to just collecting crew skills for materials. The trick to mods, is to collect ones that have skill modifiers that impact you type of play. For example: I'm a sorcerer, so I need willpower, endurance (which is on every single mod), and critical rating. A warrior/knight that specs in DPS needs strength endurance and power. if they spec in tank, strength, endurance, and defense rating. Now you can mix and match to make a hybrid, but a very well made template and proper distribution of mods are needed to be effective.

Another thing to look out for is the Purple (Artifact/Prototype) gear. Very good gear that is SOMETIMES moddable but always worth the trouble of getting (don't spend comms on them)

Green gear is still worthwhile though, to get all the mods and orange gear takes time. To fill in the gaps you need decent green gear which is easy to find, but expensive to buy (Sort of)

Here's a tip, always keep your companion up to date on gear, it will save your life. And in flashpoints, heroics, ops etc if there is a decent piece of gear dropped that your companion can use, get it. Doesn't matter if someone else needs it, you go for it. Goes for any gear you find, even if you cant use it, a companion can. This also requires you to spend comms on them for mods if you equip them with orange gear. But your character always comes first.

Another tip, Crew skills, scavenging, archeology, and biochem, get them. They're material gathering skills that once you hit a certain level in, the money starts pouring in once you sell them on the Galactic Trade Network.

I probably missed quite a bit, but If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. Hope this helped!

Edited by Arevicci 1st MRB
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Ok, i guess my problem was trying to modify stuff that wasn't Custom. (Duh..) I paid for augment slots, etc. to try and upgrade some of the gear i had, only to waste probably around 15k in creds in a failed attempt. I thought those augment slots were the same as the modification slots *_*

So to sum it up, if an item isn't orange, you can't or shouldn't try to add any sort of mods to it?

Thing is, for me, i use mostly artifact gear, and just buy the best quality gear for the price for my companions. Usually will buy prototype weapons and green to prototype gear, pending the market prices. Idk maybe im wasting my money, but i make so damn much of it that i don't see what else i would spend it on.

I quickly got up to 100k creds around lvl 20 or so i think, now im at 33 and sitting on around 300k, which i consider a small fortune, plenty for any of my needs. Maybe this isn't actually alot, but as i said it seems to be plenty for me.

Also, with regard to planetary comms, again i ave a similar problem with creds in that i keep raking em in and don't have much to spend them on, so typically i blow them on prototype or artifact rollboxes, and if i cant use the gear i get from them i just sell it. I'll try seeing what i've got that i can experiment with modifing now, seems easy enough now that i kinda get what you can and can't modify.

Another question: I've got a fuck ton of WZ commendations, but the only place i can find to spend them is on the fleet where you have to be lvl 55 and have the expansion, so where the fuck can i spend these comms?

I have been banking off of treasure hunting (thanks Vette), made some decent money off of slicing, but i keep getting fucking sensor imprint modules that don't sell for shit. diplomacy is my other skill, just because thats one of quinns specialties, i tried artifice cause i wanted to make some custom lightsabers, but quickly decided crafting was a waste of money and time.

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I use to know so much about the game lol, just recently returned. Artifact/Prototype are a purple like color, can't remember which one can be modded, but just try, if it can, then that works too.

Trust me, when you hit 40+ that money is definitely needed for repairs and skills.

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I recently started playing the free version. It's fun enough, but damn did they strip the hell out of it. you can't even do an emote, or get any action bars without paying for them.

Yeah it's definitely stripped. I played it free for a week when I returned and I just couldn't do it.

But we should definitely coordinate and pick a server to start a guild for the unit. It'd be a whole lot of fun.

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