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Has anybody here every watched Game of Thrones or read the series? Season 2 started on the 1st and i completley forgot. Just seeing if there is anyone else here who is a fan of the series.

Posted (edited)

For me I just started reading A Feast For Crows Yesterday, and I also spent a day a couple months ago just watching every episode.

But this is the site I use to watch the shows...which may have acquired the content legally or not :)


Also another thing I found out today...they are making a video game of A Game of Thrones. I guess it is kind of a RPG style sandbox like Skyrim, not sure on all of the details but it is being released sometime this May! The 15th i think? Youtube the trailerfor the game...it's kickass.

Website for the game : http://www.gameofthrones-thegame.com/

And I'm waiting for the first episode of Season2 to load while I type this :)

Also, if you Tyrion is the man after Clash of Kings, wait till you read Storm of Swords, he is one of my favorite characters right now.

@Cantin, if you haven't read the Book yet I suggest you do so, the show is actually pretty spot on compared to the book,but the book goes into greater depth and makes it more exciting, imo.

Edited by Powell 1st MRB

Let's hope that if they make a game, it'll be better than the last one they did (the terribad RTS). I've read everything that's been out (That is up to A dance with Dragons) for A song of Ice and Fire, and I can't wait for the 6th book. Favorite character? The Hound, definitely.


Yeah I looked everywhere untill I found the site I posted above...no downloads, just a video and it works for me. But yeah the battles should be epic, I can't wait for Blackwater too :D Also guys remember the spoilers for people who haven't seen or read a lot, there a lot of different places you could be in this series lol.

@Cantin, if you haven't read the Book yet I suggest you do so, the show is actually pretty spot on compared to the book,but the book goes into greater depth and makes it more exciting, imo.

Yeah, definitely. It's spot on with Game of Thrones, and I hope they keep to Clash of Kings as well as they have.


Ahhh you guys gotta read the books!! It is actually my favorite series for me, beating Harry Potter (HP Nerd :D ) and Hunger Games for me. But honestly if you start reading the books I don't know if you'll be able to put them down. After reading book one, I bought books 2,3, and 4 on amazon and I now can't stop reading them!


I think I'll read it after I knock out hunger games. From what I've heard that shouldn't take long. Is there any other sympathetic house, aside from house stark? I liked the guy from Braavos, and I like the idea of the Sonemen, but really most of the houses just seem evil or perverted in some way or another.


I kind feel like that's the point Martinez o.O "In the game of thrones you win or you die", and everyone knows nice guys finish last. I think the author really wanted to portray all the houses as corrupt or flawed. I mean even the Starks have flaws, Ned Starks honor put him is some questionable situations.

I kind feel like that's the point Martinez o.O "In the game of thrones you win or you die", and everyone knows nice guys finish last. I think the author really wanted to portray all the houses as corrupt or flawed. I mean even the Starks have flaws, Ned Starks honor put him is some questionable situations.

The Mormont family seems pretty honest, despite their low station. Jeor is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and Jorah is Daenerys' bodyguard. Granted, Ser Jorah was exiled for slave trading, but it was in order to make money to supply his wife with the life she was accustomed to.

Man fuck the Targaryens and the Lannisters. Stark for lyfe!!!

(Don't know any of the story past where the show is, don't spoil it for me :P)

If we're going for houses, the Martells from Dorne are the best, no questions asked. And Martinez, i'm pretty happy for once that there's no "good" or "evil" in a fantasy serie, enough of the holy christian paladin smithing the evil devil worshiper already!

If we're going for houses, the Martells from Dorne are the best, no questions asked. And Martinez, i'm pretty happy for once that there's no "good" or "evil" in a fantasy serie, enough of the holy christian paladin smithing the evil devil worshiper already!

There is much good and evil and some characters have a mixture, it's a very well written book and produced series. The production value this time around you can see is much greater :D

I like that they condense alot of the characters into symbols for T.V which is interesting and clearly necessary for viewers who may not know the story or what is happening. That horse that died in the first episode was actually one of Calisi' hand women to have died in the books. Though the horse dying shows how hardup they are in the wastelands too I guess.

The politics is going to get crazy I can't wait :D

There is much good and evil and some characters have a mixture, it's a very well written book and produced series. The production value this time around you can see is much greater :D

I like that they condense alot of the characters into symbols for T.V which is interesting and clearly necessary for viewers who may not know the story or what is happening. That horse that died in the first episode was actually one of Calisi' hand women to have died in the books. Though the horse dying shows how hardup they are in the wastelands too I guess.

The politics is going to get crazy I can't wait :D

I meant that characters are not "good" or "evil", they're human, and as such, have both inside them.

I meant that characters are not "good" or "evil", they're human, and as such, have both inside them.

definitely agree. which is what makes such an interesting series. Even though i dislike the Lannister family, i can't help but like the imp and empathize with their situation. You get insights into all sides and im excited to see how they connect.

Also glad with the trasition period bewteen season 1 and season 2, since i don't know the series i didn't know when they'd pick back up.

I didnt wanna see Daenerys get some baby dragons and then come back with her kicking ass with em.

So what's the redeeming or sympathetic quality to Cersei? From what I've read she just seems allll bad.

Well you gotta see it from her side. She's looking out for her family and her children above all else. There is some honor in that, or at least its a point of view you can empathize with. It kinda seems like she inbred with the dragonslayer to keep the Lannister bloodlines pure, which i don't agree with but i understand their desire for their family to do that. Btw, (and i dont know this is just a guess) but i think Robert Baratheon's blacksmithing bastard is his true born son from Cersi, because when Ned Stark meets him he describes his mother as golden haired, even though he didnt remember anything else. Seems like he's the true heir!!!

And Korda, i agree. They may have some scratcged records, but I feel they are a pretty honorable, and especially loyal, house.

Well you gotta see it from her side. She's looking out for her family and her children above all else. There is some honor in that, or at least its a point of view you can empathize with. It kinda seems like she inbred with the dragonslayer to keep the Lannister bloodlines pure, which i don't agree with but i understand their desire for their family to do that. Btw, (and i dont know this is just a guess) but i think Robert Baratheon's blacksmithing bastard is his true born son from Cersi, because when Ned Stark meets him he describes his mother as golden haired, even though he didnt remember anything else. Seems like he's the true heir!!!

And Korda, i agree. They may have some scratcged records, but I feel they are a pretty honorable, and especially loyal, house.

She's not even that good a mother though, she dotes upon Joffrey, but seems to really despise the goodness in Tommen's heart. Idk, she just seems like a heinous bitch. Desperate for power, but clueless as to what to do with it.

Don't get too excited over the Game of Thrones RPG being released. It's made by Cyanide Studios, who are recognizable for their work on the Game of Thrones RTS. No bueno.

Oh boy, well I now know not to expect a lot from it lol. I'll probably rent it or something.

And does anyone know what days new episodes come out on? Is it Monday?

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