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Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity is a RTS. Galaxy-based conquest. On steam it is possibly 20$ i dont remember but once you get the hang of this game it is so fun.


Sins of a Solar Empire is an RTS set in space. It prides itself in its ability for "4x" or basically the ability for ships to move the full range in space. However, this doesn't mean you can order your ships to fly directly up onto a "higher" plane than other ships, rather they change planes to move through space more efficiently or quickly. There is no storyline or major characters, rather it's more of a skirmished based game.

The three playable factions, TEC, Advent, and Vasari all have different benefits and drawbacks to their economics, diplomacy, culture and warfare. For example, the Advent have the strongest culture, able to upgrade into a state where their culture can overtake entire planets. But their capital ships may lack some of the firepower the TEC or Vasari employ. Still, there is a great mix between the factions, and they each have different trees to develop further.

Originally, this game was only available through hard copy or through a digital download from Stardock's platform, "Impulse". When Impulse was acquired by Gamestop, Stardock put Sins onto the wider market, no longer holding a stake in Impulse's success. Rebellion marks the third expansion for Sins, the first two being Entrenchment and Diplomacy. Entrenchment's main addition, shown in the preview, was the addition of Starbases to make planets exceedingly difficult to overtake. Starbases could be upgraded with a large array of weapons, shields, fighter hangers, and much more. Without specialized ships to take them down, your fleet would be doomed to failure or one heck of a fight. Diplomacy adds in... well diplomacy. You have ships that can act as envoys to each other, and you can attempt a much more sleuth-based game. Although, you're still gonna need a fleet when you find the diplomacy wasn't enough.

Like mods? You're going to love this game. If there's a mod you could think of, chances are someone's probably making it. For example, there's a mod (Requiem) that adds in the Star Wars Galactic Empire and the Rebels as playable factions. You can download the Starforge or the Galaxyforge and make your own maps and mods very easily, and if you'r anything like me, you'll make a ridiculous map that you have to play for a week straight to win. This game probably has one of the best mod communities out there, mainly because Ironclad gives a great set of mod tools. Did I mention some guys made a Babylon 5 mod? Yea. They did.

Nowadays you can get Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity on Steam for just $19.99. This is a great price, Trinity includes the base game plus both expansions that have been released. So if you think you like RTS, or space, or just games that you can get ridiculously lost in, buy that shit and get playing.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to contact me.


I played Sins before, instealled the Legend of the Galactic Heroes mod. Considering building one standard Battleship spawns around 9 (LoGH is known for fleet battles numbering in the thousands), my computer promptly died after I anally raped Reinhard von Lohenmgram's fleets.


If I have the Impulse copy of the original, and don't have the expansions, can I still play other people (like you guys) even if they have the expansions?

Posted (edited)
They would need to launch in vanilla Sins for you to play together, but they can.

Awesome; I'll definitely want to play with you guys. I've had the game for quite a while, and only just recently started playing again. I went back to it after going through Mass Effect; wanted that space-adventure again.

There are MODS?!?!?! AWESOME! I missed that whole side of the game. I'll have to check them out. Any recommendations? Are they separately launched, or do they "overwrite" the vanilla?

Edited by Korda 1st MRB
Awesome; I'll definitely want to play with you guys. I've had the game for quite a while, and only just recently started playing again. I went back to it after going through Mass Effect; wanted that space-adventure again.

There are MODS?!?!?! AWESOME! I missed that whole side of the game. I'll have to check them out. Any recommendations? Are they separately launched, or do they "overwrite" the vanilla?

Technically, both. While in-game you activate the mod you want. So more the former than the latter, but still.


Check out the different mods there.

I recommend Star Wars Requiem or Distant Stars. Requiem is a Star Wars mod obviously, Distant Stars expands on the vanilla with a bunch of additions.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately it looks like Requiem requires Diplomacy and Entrenchment, but Distant Stars has a Sins-vanilla version! Only problem is it says it's compatible with v1.181, and I have v1.191; is this going to be an issue? It looks SICK! Thanks, 2ndLt.!

Edited by Korda 1st MRB

Beware of Parker, he'll put a 20k+ credit bounty on your head if your doing better than him, even if your on the same team. If your reading this Parker, there will be dire repercussions, thought I couldn't find out, but says in the stats you spent over 20k on bounty. Btw, renaming my planet back to "ParkerisGay" so every time pirates attack it you can think about what you did.


I played Sins awhile back and it was fun. Stopped playing it. Back into it again and it's really fun again.

I just pre-ordered the new expansion coming out called Rebellion and if you pre-order it on steam you get instant access to the beta which has multiplayer.


Just built my titan for TEC Loyalist.


You need to research segments of the titan. At the bottom of the pic you can see I researched all 4 segments.


The structure on the left is the Titan Factory.


The titan is being built in the factory.


A comparison between a frigate, a capital ship, and the titan.

Is this the beta for Rebellion? ME GUSTA TITAN

Yes it's the beta for Rebellion which you can get instant access to if you pre-order Rebellion on steam.

New features include some new ships for each race, new research abilities, a titan class ship, and the ability to choose factions for each race. You can choose to be a loyalist or a rebel for each race and whatever you choose will grant you access to exclusive research capabilities. For example, choosing loyalist will grant the ability to have more than one star base in a system and choosing rebel will allow you to request the aid from pirates to destroy your enemies at any time. Those are just two examples, there are other exclusive research capabilities for each race and faction.


Well you can buy Sins of a Solar Empire:Trinity (which includes the original SoSE and the first expansion called Entrenchment) for $20 on steam.

The newest expansion is called Rebellion which you can pre-order for $40 and get instant access to the beta. I'm not entirely sure if Rebellion requires you to have all platforms of the game.

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