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it's like going down to alabama and telling people god doesn't exist. it's fact but they'll call me an idiot and tell me to get out. :rolleyes:

You can't insult every fiber of a game other people enjoy and expect not to get called out. You can't just say "my 2cents" and expect people to turn around and not think of it.

It's a fact that you don't enjoy Diablo, but it's also a fact you don't understand Diablo. Every game can be simplified down and made to sound horrible, but Diablo games are not that.

If you're going to troll this hardcore, find somewhere else to troll. Being offensive because other people like a game is not the way to act.

Posted (edited)

except there wasn't really a "calling out". i gave sound reasons as to why the game is not worth the cost. instead of actually refuting the reasons, the only argument in defense of the game has been "oh well i can play with my frands" or "i love blizzard". well unfortunately that's not an argument, more like denial of facts. there's a reason an overwhelming majority do not like the game and why it has a 4/10 user rating on metacritic. fun is subjective. i think it's great you guys have fun playing d3. i have tons of fun playing killing floor, but let's be serious; in terms of zambie slaying games it's fuckin godawful. at least i admit it. at least the creators of the game admit it. that's why it doesn't have a ridiculously stupid price tag. do not pay $60 for diablo 3. the game isn't even finished yet for cryin out loud AND you can play it for FREE.

i hope you guys notice the activision pattern and decide to stop supporting them. that is capitalize on the release of a popular game. then release rehashed horseshit identical to its predecessor for a high price, then milk as much extra cash from suckers like you and me for every goddamn penny with tiny addons until they can release another sequel less than a year later. i figured 8 months before they announced the next call of duty. turns out it was only 5 months after mw3 they announced blops2. $1000 it's the same as blops1. what a joke.

Edited by Liv

Each peron to their own, I enjoy diablo 3. I played diablo 2 and enjoyed that, thats why I bought diablo 3. Wasn't too happy to pay so much for it but I payed it because I have nothing better to do with my time/money

except there wasn't really a "calling out". i gave sound reasons as to why the game is not worth the cost. instead of actually refuting the reasons, the only argument in defense of the game has been "oh well i can play with my frands" or "i love blizzard". well unfortunately that's not an argument, more like denial of facts. there's a reason an overwhelming majority do not like the game and why it has a 4/10 user rating on metacritic. fun is subjective. i think it's great you guys have fun playing d3. i have tons of fun playing killing floor, but let's be serious; in terms of zambie slaying games it's fuckin godawful. at least i admit it. at least the creators of the game admit it. that's why it doesn't have a ridiculously stupid price tag. do not pay $60 for diablo 3. the game isn't even finished yet for cryin out loud AND you can play it for FREE.

i hope you guys notice the activision pattern and decide to stop supporting them. that is capitalize on the release of a popular game. then release rehashed horseshit identical to its predecessor for a high price, then milk as much extra cash from suckers like you and me for every goddamn penny with tiny addons until they can release another sequel less than a year later. i figured 8 months before they announced the next call of duty. turns out it was only 5 months after mw3 they announced blops2. $1000 it's the same as blops1. what a joke.

You haven't given out one "fact" that's not completely subjective. Some people like the dungeon crawl games. "The Activision pattern" is not a bad thing. It works. If they weren't putting out enjoyable games that people actually like to play, they wouldn't be making the most money out of any game company. If you don't like their games, then don't pay for them yourself. I don't pay for Call of Duty games since the 1st Modern Warfare, because I don't like them very much. Do I think CoD is worth $60? Nope. Am I going to call the game their enjoying trash, and draw offensive analogies because I don't like the game? No.

Anyone who plays Diablo III can know what they're getting into well before hand. Is it pretty much the same basic concept as Diablo II? Yes. Yes it is. But what's wrong with that? Absolutely fucking nothing. And there's nothing wrong with people dishing out $60 for another CoD game. Because they have fun, they enjoy it.

And no, people don't need to admit the game they enjoy sucks. You haven't been giving facts, you're giving out a mess.

It's their money, why the hell do you care?


Liv, weren't you the same person who tried trolling me over Law Enforcement Officers years ago? It seems that all you do here (if it was you), is sit around and try to flame people in the Mess Hall. Must lead a sad life if that's all you have to do with your spare time?

Meanwhile, the rest of us will go enjoy our so called "Crappy Game" and not lurk and troll on a forum.

Posted (edited)

what have i said about the game isn't true?

fact: the game isn't finished yet. 2 MAJOR features of the game (pvp + selling items for real money) aren't implemented yet. you are buying an unfinished product for full price. what if you had brain surgery but the surgeon decided to finish the entire procedure at a later date? he sends you home before he stitches you back up and then asks you to pay for the full surgery. laughable.

(i think pvp will be a purchasable dlc. you heard it here first)

fact: you can play the game for free.

fact: the reward for beating the game is to play the entire thing again (lol)

being ok with the activision pattern is not ok. they are lowering the standard and you are taking it like a good little boy. that is not ok. especially when it has to do with your wallet. it is not ok. buying products for premium price when all it is is a clone of its predecessor is not ok. we call that a scam. scams are not ok. just look at guitar hero. activision game. premium price. every sequel has been EXACTLY THE SAME LOL.

i don't care how you spend your money. i stated that if you're going to buy the game i can't stop you. but isn't this the place to review games? don't you want to see the full picture before you spend money? is money not important?

to recap:

game is shit: my opinion

reasons why?: facts above

if you have fun: woohoo

worth $60? no.

ps don't call people trolls if you don't know what trolling is mckenzie. also i hate cops

Edited by Liv


I know you hate cops Liv, and it amuses me, it also amuses me you are still sitting here ranting and raving about something you hate, and trying to incite a reaction.

Lemme do one of your favorite things, and link a definition for you...


As for me, I'll go play Diablo 3, so TTFN or Ta Ta For Now!



when you are done derailing this topic with your petty dislike for me, let me know.

to recap:

game is shit: my opinion

reasons why?: facts above

if you have fun: woohoo

worth $60? no.

except there wasn't really a "calling out". i gave sound reasons as to why the game is not worth the cost. instead of actually refuting the reasons, the only argument in defense of the game has been "oh well i can play with my frands" or "i love blizzard". well unfortunately that's not an argument, more like denial of facts. there's a reason an overwhelming majority do not like the game and why it has a 4/10 user rating on metacritic. fun is subjective. i think it's great you guys have fun playing d3. i have tons of fun playing killing floor, but let's be serious; in terms of zambie slaying games it's fuckin godawful. at least i admit it. at least the creators of the game admit it. that's why it doesn't have a ridiculously stupid price tag. do not pay $60 for diablo 3. the game isn't even finished yet for cryin out loud AND you can play it for FREE.

i hope you guys notice the activision pattern and decide to stop supporting them. that is capitalize on the release of a popular game. then release rehashed horseshit identical to its predecessor for a high price, then milk as much extra cash from suckers like you and me for every goddamn penny with tiny addons until they can release another sequel less than a year later. i figured 8 months before they announced the next call of duty. turns out it was only 5 months after mw3 they announced blops2. $1000 it's the same as blops1. what a joke.

Liv your use of periods annoys me, and you annoy me. I find your statements one sided and I can't believe you compared a game like diablo to COD, which I might add has none of the same features than that hunk of shit. The issue is plain and simple, there are people who love diablo and there are people who don't. I hate blizzard and I still love playing the game because it is interesting and every dungeon is different. You really think I would let some dimwitted person who has a grudge against blizzard really stop me from playing the game, my answer would be FUCK NO. Blizzard has a monopoly over the gaming industry when it comes to these kinds of games. If you believe that everyone will flock to Torchlight because it has the same game play as Diablo and is cheaper than you are sorely mistaken. Be my guest and try it out because I saw what happened to Starwars and their quest to triumph over WoW, it didn't end well for them.

Posted (edited)

ever since activision acquired blizzard, their games have been less about content and more about BUY ME AND MY ADDONS. before you had to buy starcraft just once and you had all the races with all their campaigns, complete multiplayer, etc. after the merge, you have to buy starcraft 2 three times (lol). everyone has always been claiming that old wow is the best. now old school wow players say that the game tries to cater to "casuals" (as if such a wow player exists). that and the new wow cash shop, the unfinished and lackluster release of d3. let's face it. the company you once loved is now just an activision subsidiary, a shell of its former self. i'm sorry for your losses. activision will never get a penny from me and do not buy diablo 3 for $60. it is just not worth it. if you must play it, then pirate it. only buy it when the prices lower or when they decide to actually finish the game.

so mcdowell, my point about diablo 3 is, they are lowering the standard and everyone is thanking them for it. that is not acceptable. i do not thank companies for putting out unfinished products. if i wanted to buy some candy i wouldn't buy the wrapper and then expect to go to the store to pick up the actual candy hours later only to find it broken with pieces missing and then thank them for the entire ordeal. that's just stupid.

to future naysayers: do you guys respond to negative reviews on ign or metacritic with such passion? maybe you could raise the game rating on metacritic to like a 5 or 6 if you took that fire and brought it over there. just a review boys. my opinion of the game based on facts of the game. no need to get so upset about your beloved diablo.

ps i compare diablo3 to cod to guitar hero because they are published by the same company. clearly i am the dimwitted one when still 20 posts later no one can refute my facts about the game. i also didn't say everybody will flock to torchlight. don't put words in my mouth (hands?)

Edited by Liv
fact: the reward for beating the game is to play the entire thing again (lol)

Just like any other fucking single player game? I don't remember there being a lot of games that pay you when you finish them, or pat you on the back and say "Great job buddy! Thanks for finishing me! Here's a toblerone!"

For the record,

"Game's shit, I hate the genre, I hate the company"

Doesn't really count as a review. And if you judge things based on their metacritic score, you're missing out on a lot of good stuff.

Posted (edited)

don't even get me started on single player games and their price:product ratio. skyrim was the biggest waste of money. NOTE: please get it into your head that waste of money =/= bad game. i swear when skryim was released, everybody on my friends list was playing it. after a week nobody was. money well spent. i bought dods back when it was 50 (never 60) and i still play it occasionally to this day. that is replay value.

my review was more than that but you probably missed all of it and skipped to the angry reaction. i'm sorry i omitted nice words and the delicious candy coating for something i don't like. it's probably why you still can't reply to any of the facts i laid out for you, the reasons why i gave it a negative review. you know the important parts like the game is missing 2 out of its 3 main draws and you still have to pay premium for it, or the fact that you have the ability to play it for free legally, you know all that good stuff. and i never based my review on the game's metacritic score. it was a supporting argument. do you know what that is? plus i am pretty sure i said to buy the damn game only after they fix these issues. (or if the price drops but i doubt that will happen since blops1 was still 60 bucks when mw3 released.)

edited for periods for clickclick

Edited by Liv
don't even get me started on single player games and their price:product ratio. skyrim was the biggest waste of money. NOTE: please get it into your head that waste of money =/= bad game. i swear when skryim was released, everybody on my friends list was playing it. after a week nobody was. money well spent. i bought dods back when it was 50 (never 60) and i still play it occasionally to this day. that is replay value.

my review was more than that but you probably missed all of it and skipped to the angry reaction. probably why you still can't reply to any of the facts i laid out for you. you know the important parts like you're paying premium for an unfinished product, you have the ability to play it for free legally, you know all that good stuff. and i never based my argument on the game's metacritic score. it was a supporting argument. do you know what that is? plus i am pretty sure i said to buy the damn game only after they fix these issues. (or if the price drops but i doubt that will happen since blops1 was still 60 bucks when mw3 released.)

edited for periods for clickclick

Please don't compare yourself to a professional reviewer, you're far from it. And I would gladly pay another $60 for a game like Skyrim. That game is fun as hell. I'll probably go on another Skyrim binge down the road. Maybe not right away, but down the road. If the only thing you're concerned about is replay value, you're far too narrow minded for a good review of a game.

We don't reply to the "facts" because they don't necessarily matter. We knew all of these things, yet we bought the game. Does anyone regret it? Nope. Why are your facts relevant then?

I have purchased many games I did not enjoy. (Killing Floor being one) but I do not dwell on it. Obviously your warnings are falling on people who do not care about your opinion.

Posted (edited)

unfortunately not all of us have the cash or the will to buy things we do not enjoy. if these forums are entirely comprised of rich people who think nothing of spending large amounts of money on meaningless items then i will stop writing negative reviews and contribute to the poleslobbering rampant fanboyism that is blatantly apparent.

and i never compared myself to a professional game reviewer. damn people just thinking i'm sayin all kinds of kooky shit today.

ps replay value is a but contributing factor to the price, not the only factor.

pps if you are ok with buying subpar unfinished products for premium price then you are activision's target market and the reason why they pull stunts like one game having three price tags, or a new, identical game every 5 months. add that up over the years and think of the shit you could've bought with the money you saved. compare activision's black ops with its $60 map packs + $60 initial game + sequel one year later to valve's l4d2 with its one payment of $50 that has tens of thousands of free maps, skins, monthly official updates, new game modes. i hope you get the picture. shit's just one big scam. and then they release an unfinished game and expect you to pay full price and you do it with a smile? wish i had your wallet and your carefree attitude.

Edited by Liv
unfortunately not all of us have the cash or the will to buy things we do not enjoy. if these forums are entirely comprised of rich people who think nothing of spending large amounts of money on meaningless items then i will stop writing negative reviews and contribute to the poleslobbering rampant fanboyism that is blatantly apparent.

and i never compared myself to a professional game reviewer. damn people just thinking i'm sayin all kinds of kooky shit today.

ps replay value is a but contributing factor to the price, not the only factor.

You're really drawing in circles aren't you? Complaining that Diablo III doesn't have the real money marketplace, yet you don't have money to spend. Why is that a feature we care about then? Why is any game that you think "worth the money" only just so since it has multiplayer? I'm far from a "Diablo fanboy" but you seem to have an inherent hatred of singleplayer games that is misplaced and plain silly.

Posted (edited)

it's not about not having money. it's about getting your money's worth. if you don't care about getting your money's worth then oh well. the only thing i'm hating on is the price. you seem to think i hate everything about d3 with a passion. not once did i say anything like that. i said for what you're getting with diablo 3 (ie an unfinished game with limited replay value that you can play for free), it's not worth spending 60 bucks. similarly with other (finished) single player games, why should i spend 60 bucks on a game that i'll play for a week when i can spend the same amount of cash on a game that i'll play for years? you'd have to enjoy a game a fuckton to spend $60 and be satisifed with only a week of play. you'd have to REALLY enjoy an activision game a fuckton if you're willing to spend $60 plus another 60 at the least for additional miniscule content for a game with limited replay value.

i never said single player games are bad. you guys seem to skip over the important bits and just blindrage at me at a few words that you apparently take out of context. i said single player games aren't worth 60 bucks if you play them for only a week. unless you enjoyed it so much to the point where you made a mess on your lap, you should never spend 60 bucks on a game that you'll only play for a week. i much prefer to spend that money on something i'll play for months or years. that is how i view getting my money's worth.

if you guys are all easily satisfied rich plantation owners without a care in the world as to what you spend your money on then fine. then i'm sorry for offending you with a few harsh words. if that isn't the case, then i wrote an negative review without any sugarcoating to the people who don't own the game on why i think the game isn't worth $60 and listed reasons. then suddenly everybody gets all offended as if the slightest negative thought about diablo could bring about the apocalypse. my opinion on the game shouldn't even matter to you if you already own it. obviously if you bought it then you don't care about the major flaws so simmer down thanks.

Edited by Liv

so im thinking on friday when i get payed, i might buy the whole game, right now i just have the thing where i can only complete the first quest line to kill the ghost king and ive done that already and want to continue, is it worth the 60 bucks?


martinez: the price is relevant to the game. reading comprehension?

bickford: wait til they release everything before spending money. why buy an unfinished game? or pirate it.

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