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Here read this then you will understand why i am kinda upset.

The fact that we let women into academies in this day and age is really a step forward for all mankind, but the fact that when they come forward with information like this and no one does anything about it make me sick.

The U.S. Military Strives to be the best of the best but when it comes to issues like this they seem to do jack shit about it. I mean, when you are accepted to go to a military academy it should be a extreme honor but the fact that the supervisiors posted to these academies still act like women are second rate is deplorable.

In my opinion, the fact that those in the highest ranks in our military still take advantage of women just makes me sick.

If some doesnt act to stop stuff like this in our most pretigous Military Colleges then, god damn, make a female only academy. The fact that this takes place in the College where we train future leaders for future generations is really sickening.



all you have to do is suck it up and keep pushing your self through it. all the military training is, is just a mind fuck. Theyre job is to either make you or brake you. just keep that in mind when you go


I'm not saying im taking the academies side or understand the rapist or dont empathize with the girls involved.

All i wanna do is point out something: both the victim and the assaulter were in direct violation of the rules of all military academies. That is: there is to be no alcohol on campus or consumed in dorms.

She put herself in a bad situation in the first place. Just saying. furthermore, i think the notion of holding the CO of the Navy and Army directly responsible for rapes @ Annapolis & West Point is ridiculous. These men literally have no control over what jackasses are going to do in the academies. The admissions process is designed to weed out shitheads like these guys, but you can never really tell about someone.

Also, i'll never understand why women think they have to keep silent when they're raped or face being ostracized. If i was a student at West Point and i found out an upperclassmen had raped ANYBODY, i'd call for his blood. I think most people would feel the same.

Just my two cents


Zorbanos, the reason more women don't come forward is because acknowledging the rape is also self-stigmatization. The woman will forever be known, not just to herself, as a "rape victim."

I am of the belief that no man, nor woman, should ever make unwanted sexual advancements on another individual. Alcohol should not be an excuse for what amounts to dishonourable actions.

I believe in honour and chivalry, and it seems as though these are cast aside in cases of sexual assault.

She put herself in a bad situation in the first place. Just saying.

This is basically saying "that bitch deserved to get raped for being where she shouldn't be". It might be just my wacky belief system, but I don't think victims should be punished. I'm sure if she had a magic ball to the future, events would have gone differently. I also think that if you were to be put in that situation, maybe you wouldn't be casting as many stones.

Also, i'll never understand why women think they have to keep silent when they're raped or face being ostracized. If i was a student at West Point and i found out an upperclassmen had raped ANYBODY, i'd call for his blood. I think most people would feel the same.

That sounds like someone who has not had the misfortune of being ostracized. You weren't raped at West point, so how can you accuse anyone of what they should or should not have done? I think Gooderham put it succinctly by acknowledging the stigma that accompanies with any sort of trauma and a vulnerable population. If you think she should have done something differently, think about your earlier remark that she basically deserved it, what kind of support do you think she would receive when so many men probably thought the same thing you did?


I can see what you're saying there Captain, about having a rep as a rape victim. And i suppose thats what it really comes down to when people keep silent about these sorts of things. Im sure it was hard to handle emotionally as well, to process.

As for you Wells, don't put words in my mouth. I NEVER said she deserved to be raped. Im simply pointing out that she should never have been in that situation. She should never have let herself be in a male upperclassmen's dorm drinking alcohol. Period. She could've gotten kicked out of the academy for that infraction alone. So she should have been smarter and followed the rules. That said, everyone is human and makes mistakes. Tragically, she paid dearly for it.

Say a kid runs out in the street and gets hit and killed by a car. I don't think the kid deserved to get killed, but that doesnt mean he shouldn't have been playing in the street in the first place.

I didn't accuse anyone of anything or "cast any stones". And saying i don't understand why doesn't mean i'm not empathetic. I just don't get it.

Don't try to make me feel or seem like an asshole when i'm not being one. Save your hostility for someone else.

I can see what you're saying there Captain, about having a rep as a rape victim. And i suppose thats what it really comes down to when people keep silent about these sorts of things. Im sure it was hard to handle emotionally as well, to process.

As for you Wells, don't put words in my mouth. I NEVER said she deserved to be raped. Im simply pointing out that she should never have been in that situation. She should never have let herself be in a male upperclassmen's dorm drinking alcohol. Period. She could've gotten kicked out of the academy for that infraction alone. So she should have been smarter and followed the rules. That said, everyone is human and makes mistakes. Tragically, she paid dearly for it.

Say a kid runs out in the street and gets hit and killed by a car. I don't think the kid deserved to get killed, but that doesnt mean he shouldn't have been playing in the street in the first place.

I didn't accuse anyone of anything or "cast any stones". And saying i don't understand why doesn't mean i'm not empathetic. I just don't get it.

Don't try to make me feel or seem like an asshole when i'm not being one. Save your hostility for someone else.

That's a bit of a silly way to pose an argument. Drawing an analogy like that doesn't fit, it's now like you're saying because she was disobeying the rules, whatever happens is her fault. Is that entirely true? Why? If I go out and "jaywalk" across the street, and I'm shot by a crazy man on the other side of the street, is that a situation where I just shouldn't have been in? I should've waited until getting to the crosswalk, and I may never have encountered this crazy madman. Granted, I'm taking your argument to an extreme, but where are you drawing the line? This seems arbitrary to say "she shouldn't have been there in the first place." That doesn't solve the problem, instead it throws the actual point away. So I reiterate, where are you drawing the line? Is anyone who breaks the law then at fault for whatever happens? How is the rape a foreseeable consequence?


Another thing about alot of reasons why woman don't come forward about being raped is the fact of being treated differently. If it known that you were raped, people walk around like their on egg shells with you. When I was at school, a girl in my class nearly got raped; a guy literally grabbed her while she was walking home was about to rape her when he got spooked by someone walking their dog. The whole school knew about it, we all treated her so differently, everyone kept staring at her. Watching to see if she was ok or if she was going to freak out. She missed lessons because of the subjects of the lessons, it was that bad for her. After a few years it got forgotten, only the people who were in class with her all the time remember. Being raped never leaves you whether your a man or a woman. It takes years for people to get some part of their lifes back because of it.

Anyway just wanted to put my piece in, just to try and make you understand why.


No no i'm not saying it was her fault and of course she couldn't have forseen that he was going to rape her. Obviously the guy took advantage of her and was despicable in his actions, and men like that are not fit to wear the uniform. I'm merely pointing out that it was a situation she should have never put herself in. If she had followed the regs of the academy, it never would have happened.Shit man, you can get kicked out of the service academies for telling a lie. Literally. Does that put her at fault? No, that's not the point im trying make. What the upperclassmen did in both situations was wrong and needs to be addressed, and this kind of stuff should be looked into because it has no place in our service academies, of all places. Not to mention schools in general. The men are 100% at fault. But that doesn't mean the situation couldn't have been avoided. The men and women studying at all our service academies are supposed to be a higher caliber of person. These men obviously were not.

Anyway just wanted to put my piece in, just to try and make you understand why.

Yeah, that makes sense, I can understand that


Yeah, just the thought of someone raping somebody makes my blood boil. I've had friends who have been sexually assaulted/molested, and its fucked with them big time.

If someone ever did that to my girl, i would have no problem spending my life in prison.

Rape and crime in the military just astounds me. How can these guys even look at themselves. You;re supposed to serve your country with honor, and be willing to die for it. But i suppose all different kinds of people join up for all different reasons.

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