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Hi there,

My name is Alexandre Arsenault and I'm 24 years old. I live in the city where I am born : Quebec city, in the province of Quebec, in Canada. I usually speak french so pardon the few mistakes I make when I speak english. I'm finishing a bachelor degree in geography at Laval University in Quebec and, if the student strike finally ends, i'll be beginning a master degree in environmental science in September. I currently work for Quebec's government (Environment and sustainable development) as a field technician and as a cartographer for issues related to climate change (yes, those changes exist!).

I'm moving up in a house with 4 of my university friends in a month and a half. Next step will be moving up with my girlfriend but we aren't there yet.

For my "career", I plan to work and live in the North of my country and as deep in the forest as possible. My objective is to not be able to see or hear any neighbours. My girlfriend actually has the same plans so its perfect for what I aim in the future.

I'm also a scout leader, which is not a job as I'm not getting paid but just being able to go in the woods as often as I want and for several days without paying anything is a pay for me. I've been doing this for 6 years now and this year is my last year. With the master degree coming up, I won't have enough time for that if I wnat to continue to be a significant part here in this unit.

I've been in the 1stMRB since the beginning of March 2012 and its my first realism unit. I discovered what a realism was after joining up and I like it a lot. It gives a whole new dimension to DoD, and well, the unit community is just incredible!!

I hope you'll enjoy the time you are about to spend with us. I tell you, it's way more than just a game, it's a big bunch of close friends here man!


P.S. What will your novel be talking about?

Posted (edited)

Name's Justin Pangilinan (Pahn-ghe-lee-nahn), and I've been playing DoD:S and been with the unit for a little over a year now. For the past couple months, I've been away from the game, spending more time working the skin off my bones and playing World of Tanks (Lorenzo_Ruiz on there) but plan to eventually be active again.

I'm from the Philippines and I graduated from my local university with a BA in Government and International Politics (fancy way of saying Political Science) and as of right now have been rejected by the Forest Service, FAA, Navy, and Air Force for either being too qualified or under-qualified to be a lowly secretary.

Gaming wise, you will hate me because I scream like a little girl into the mic whenever I get killed but some people seem to find it funny that a Staff Sergeant screams like that so cool, whatever. I'm into Japanese Anime (if you couldn't tell) and in my spare time when not playing video games I'm working on roleplay stuff, like right now writing up a fictional modernized battlecruiser.

Edit: Also, my political views are most likely opposite from everyone else's on here so yeah. I'm a fun guy to talk to as long as people don't hold that against me.

Edited by Pangilinan 1st MRB

my name is liv. if anyone is in the nyc area i know this great net cafe right across the street from this discoteque. it's cheap, we can play wow AND look at all the beautiful girls and boys as they exit so we can store them in our memories for right before we go to bed.


sounds like someone trying to be funny but are not. Anyways, My name Is Robert Bickford, im 25, i like long strolls on the beach....... O wait, wrong site..... but yeah i am 25, Ive been playing Valve games since i was 13. I Joined the U.S. Army after high school, did 4 and half years as an infantry man. Been deployed twice, Ar Ramadi, Iraq for 15 months, then for 12 months i deployed to Afghanistan, i wasnt in once place for too long, our company got moved around a lot to clean up all the towns that units cant. Ive been in the 1st MRB for about 6-6 and half months now. If you got any question about me just hit me up in vent


Livs comment was... interesting.


I'm Tom Cutts, 28, living in the south of England. I'm a computer programmer by trade, although I quit my job

about a year ago (because it was really bloody boring) and now I'm trying to singlehandedly code a fractal game

engine. My current aim is to produce a game which combines elements of XCOM, Syndicate and Master of Orion,

into a real-time strategy game in an ultra-massive galaxy. This is proving to be a lot more challenging than I

thought it would be... and I thought it would be almost impossible!


My name is Mike D. Mike D lives in Houston, TX. I teach at The University of Houston for graphic/web design in the digital media department. Also, I have a freelance business where I do photography, graphic and web design. I'm married with 5 kids. I play way too much world of tanks. In the forums I tend to let pictures from tumblr speak for me. For example, if you were to say, "I have a giant bag of cookies to give to Mike D," I would post:


  • 1 month later...

Wow, time to revive a topic thread.

Name's Kyle Kabasares (Pronounced Cab uh sear (rhymes with pear) es) Going to be a high school senior come this fall and still searching what I want to do as a career. I'm a die-hard San Francisco Giants baseball fan and amateur sabrmetric analyst (Sabermetrics is the specialized analysis of baseball through objective evidence). Baseball is like my life, both playing it, watching, and debating it with a bunch of other baseball fanatics like myself. I also play basketball and watch tons of other sports. I live in San Francisco, California and have lived here my entire life, and intend to continue living here for the rest of my life. I play tons of video games, and I like to do math and draw art in my spare time. I also like to watch a lot of old movies in my spare time. I'm the first of my family to be born in the United States, (we originally come from the Philippines) so I guess I'm the most modernized person in my immediate family.

24yrs old

live in minnesota

work for dnr

installed hax forwards not backwards

if i dont know you gtfo (jk) or am i

He's really not joking.

My turn.

25 years old.

I can pee standing up.

I can poop sitting down (no seriously I can, it's the coolest thing).

I can puzzle Rather's brain with simple riddles (check out the quote thread to become part of an inside joke, YAY!)

I can stick out my tongue and touch my nose *sticks out tongue and uses finger to touch nose*

I can pee standing up..no wait...shit...no not shit...damnit.

The above is all the comedy you will get out of me. Enjoy it you mother fucker.

Posted (edited)

Hello Brown! You are one talkative fuck arnt yuh? haha. Nah i kid, its a good thing to be in this unit.

The name is Alexander Giovannoli, as you will hear many call me Gio because well Giovannoli is a name that people cant wrap their heads around. I was born in Veneto, Italy just north of Venice. I moved to America when i was 3. I lived in North Jersey for about 2 years and then moved down to Pennington Nj, just 15 minutes away from Princeton. I am 19 years old and I attend Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ. I am studding film there to be a director and screen writer. Right now Im working on two films one I think I posted on the forums some place. And the other a friend and I are working on about a super soldier virus, kind of like zombies but stronger and more bad ass. The part to the movie that I thought of mostly was how it would be filmed. And most of the film with be from the PoV of the main 'zombie'.

Anyway as for unit stuff, i joined the 1st MRB in october of 2009. I left in June of 2012. Had a great run with these guys, hope you do too! If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Edited by Giovannoli
Posted (edited)

Fuck it, I'm drunk newish and sexy so ill reply

My name is Evan Bentz, I'm newly 21 and I'm from Moco Maryland just outside of D.C.

I'm going to Temple U in the fall going into my 4th year of college as a Film major after just graduating from the local community college but it'll be about another 2 years before I can actually graduate with a bachelors. I, more than anything, want to be an film editor. You can see my (amatureish) demo reel here http://youtu.be/yNkoXBoxxHU if you so choose.

I work part time as an editor for an in-house editing company called Halfyard but I've worked for Discovery, Mocofootball.com, JWM Productions w/ Monster Tracker, the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and a bunch of Freelance stuff around the Maryland/D.C. area. I also deliever pizza too but I fucking hate that job haha I love being outside, giggle way to much and love a good jack n coke.

I also love the community here and have met a lot of interesting/awesome people - I'm really curious to find out more about you all! It's nice to read about your lives in a non stalkerish way haha :P

Anyways that's all I have to contribute here haha


Edited by Supa Hot Fire
Posted (edited)

I'm almost less interesting than our wonderful officers( +1 brownie points). I'm 16 and live in a small town with an interesting name here in the wunderbar Ohio. As you can tell I can speak a little German but it won't make sense because i'm 3rd generation italian. I forgot to tell you the name of the town which is Tallmadge. As for work I do nothing unless you count nothing as yard labor then i do yard labor. I join the unit on my 16th birthday and have seen alot of good people leave and join this unit. I have a weird tendency to hit my face when i'm exicted and isn't very useful in a realism. Oh im 6'4" and have a beard at 16 so yeah i'm awesome. When people can't say Cevasco I go by Tabasco or Cerveza(spanish for beer). I also collect WW2 uniforms. I currently have an m1 helmet and a m43 uniform.I have 2 dogs, a 10 year old cockapoo named skipper and a 1 year old shihpoo named Sasquatch but we call her Sassy.

Edited by Cevasco 1st MRB

My name is Patrick Jablonski, I currently live in Enfield Connecticut U.S of A. Im 19 years old, no job yet and just dropped out of highschool (im a complete failure, I know). Im a huge fan of cars. Anything that goes can go faster in my books, except hondas, theres just no point unless its and s2k or nsx. Im pretty calm until i start doing poorly in dods then i break things lol. I just broke my headset today and am currently trying to fix it. thats about it.........


Haha, most of you know me. I'm the annoying, yet quiet guy of the unit. I'm 16 and live on the east coast, looking for a job to gimme some cash until I start realizing my goal of earning the title United States Marine.

Posted (edited)

name is seth salcedo. born in new orleans, but i was raised near pittsburgh, pa.

i'm 22, 23 in 15 days! i'm a senior, studying architecture, at the university of pittsburgh. i'm applying to masters programs soon. wish me luck!

i've been playing cs since about cs 1.3/1.4 because a buddy of mine had a cool older brother.

i read a lot of books, so brown, i'm excited to see what you produce. i also really enjoy film. suggest some movies!

i work as an intern now at an architecture firm in pittsburgh, and i spend a lot of my time on reddit.

i dabble in playing guitar.

i'm a cyclist. if any of you dudes have strava, search "brain fart" and add me.

i listen to fast music and old music. as of late i've been listening to Batmobile. you should check them out if you're not familiar.

i really like beer, and i think pittsburgh has some of the best.

also, i like to travel. i think it really helps ground/humble people when they see how large the world is.

Edited by Salcedo 1st MRB
  • 9 months later...

I grew up on Long Island and went to catholic schools all my childhood.Even in college I went to a private catholic college. Studied anthropology sociology and theater I have two bachelors degrees one in anthro on in sociology. Minor in theater and philosophy. In college I actually studied in seminary and was about to enter the noviciate when I met my wife.Took a two year engagement then was married. My first job when I started to do realisms was I was a boarding school teacher for 4 years. After teaching theater, public speaking, anthropology, coaching football and being a dorm parent I burned myself out this was from 2003-2008. All up in Connecticut.I then left Ct with my wife and two dogs and moved back to Long Island to and attached space in my parents house where we presently live. We have my 2 year boy Shane and my crazy night guard job and where I M presently at. I plan on going back to professional acting at some point, yes I was an actor too forgot that in the mess of what to put. Did perform in Pittsburgh professionally for a couple years.

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