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Vou começar do inicio, tenho um server de dod Source em meu

País ( O.T.T. FRENETICS PUB SERVER // Fast Respawn // Medic // Rank ) esses jogadores que ficaram me dando TK aqui no 1st Marine ja são banidos no meu server por motivo de prepotencia e arrogancia, por isso ficam me perseguindo, durante 4 ou 5 mapas ficaram dando TK proposital, gravei 7 demos pequenas, todas com Status, são dois jogadores, o primeiro se chama ambreja ou mongolian, o segundo se chama Pryme.com, espero sinceramente que os dois sejam banidos eternamente no 1st marine, estou deixando o link de todas as demos e algumas Print do status no momento dos TK's, pra não ficar sombra de duvida estão aí as provas, em certo momento do jogo o bastardo até pede que eu retire o ban dele em meu servidor, são mais de 12 TK's durante 2 mapas que gravei, o jogador ambreja chegou a ser chutado do server, mas não adiantou, ele voltou e continuou dando pequenos TK's, até que foi banido por 1440 minutos, muito pouco ao meu ver, esses dois merecem ban zero, esse tipo de jogador não merece jogar no 1st Marine, desculpem meu inglês by google =/ ... Link demos = http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/JC9VsGh...t%2BtZ%2FuFtLxB ...... Prints Status --> 2012_05_29_00014.jpg - 2012_05_29_00015.jpg - 2012_05_29_00016.jpg - 2012_05_29_00016.jpg - 2012_05_29_00017.jpg - 2012_05_29_00011.jpg - 2012_05_29_00007.jpg - 2012_05_29_00011.jpg - 2012_05_29_00012.jpg ...... I sincerely hope that these two players are banned forever from the 1st Marine, Thank you for space and attention!


via google translate :D

I'll start from the beginning, I have a server in my Source for dod

Country ( OTT FRENETICS PUB SERVER / / Fast Respawn / / Medic / / Rank) those players who were giving me here in the 1st Marine TK are already banned on my server due to arrogance and arrogance, so I get chasing for 4 or 5 maps were purposely giving TK, we recorded seven small, all with Status, are two players, the first is called ambreja or mongolian, the second is called Pryme.com, I sincerely hope that the two are banished forever in 1st marine, I'm leaving the link for all the demos and some Print status at the time of the TK's, not to become a shadow of doubt is there evidence, at some point in the game the bastard to ask me to remove the ban it on my server There are more than 12 TK's for 2 maps that I recorded, the player ambreja came to be kicked from the server, but to no avail, he returned and continued giving small TK's, until it was banned for 1440 minutes, very little in my view, these two deserve to ban zero, such a player does not deserve to play in the 1st Marine, sorry my english by google = / ... Link demos =


The images look like they are in our servers, a few of them have our IP and servername in them. I am at work at the moment and I do not have the ability to check our banlist. Will someone check the logs to make sure STEAM_0:0:7692508 is perma-banned.

I don't see any reason to permanantly ban the other name listed from this post, unless it is in the demo. I'll authorize at most a week ban for the other player. (STEAM_0:0:14308856)

Posted (edited)

I know I'm not MP, but it's Portuguese not Spanish

"The guys who were TKing me here had already been banned from a server in my country for being unreasonable and arrogant, which is why they were chasing me during 4 or 5 maps, intentionally TKing me. I recorded 7 short demos, all with Status. They are two players: the first is called "ambreja" or "mongolian" and the second "Pryme.com." I sincerely hope that the two are permanently banned from the 1st MRB server, and I'm leaving a link to the demos and some screen caps of status when he was TKing so there's no shadow of a doubt about the proof. At one point in the game the bastard asked that I lift his ban on my server, but there's more than 12 tks over 2 maps that I recorded and "ambreja" was even kicked from the server but he rejoined and continued TKing me sporadically for which he was banned for 1440 minutes, much too little in my opinion. Those two deserve a permaban, neither deserve to play on the 1st mrb server.

Pardon my google translate english..."

Edited by S. Martinez 1st MRB

Lords admins, yes, this whole situation was on the server you, was not on my server,

just watch one or two demos which is confirmed the intention of playing Mongolian,

the other player has a few Tk's when I was not recording demo Print the status appears

clearly that I was playing in the 1st Marine, is only to analyze the SS,

the Pryme is playing smart, he called that I started recording demo and stopped giving TK,

but the mongolian play continued, and in no moment I shot back and returned the TK's,

there on my server they already are banned by arrogance and racist prejudice,

please forgive my English, unfortunately I can not speak the language American,

but I'm trying to be as clear as possible about what happened on the server 1st marine

once again thank the space and attention you devote complaints,

I ask only that the mongolian player is banned forever, let the other player aside,

another time I record it, thank you for your attention,

the steam is Mongolian ID = 0:0:7692508

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    • MARINE CORPS ENLISTMENT OFFICE Camp Pendleton, CA   RECRUITMENT LETTER     Hello, Johnny Unknown Thank you for taking interest in joining the 1st Marine Raider Battalion.   During your trial period the following will occur: Once accepted as a Recruit, you will remain as a Recruit for 2 weeks from the day of your acceptance until the next BCT Class is offered. During your time as a recruit, it is highly encouraged to play within the Public Server and join Discord with our other members. Upon acceptance, you will be contacted by one of our DIs when the next available BCT is scheduled via the appropriate Discord channel.   We have a BCT class every two weeks. Please keep an eye out for when the next one is made available once you've completed your time requirements!   Upon stating that you understand all the information here, an admin will change your forum name and login to be :   Unknown 1st MRB   Take the time now to change your Steam and in-game name to:   Rec. J. Unknown [1st MRB] (Example: Rec. J. Doe [1st MRB])   Please make sure to verify your forum account by checking your email. Also, please respond below with a reply showing that you have read and understand these rules. You cannot be fully accepted until you do so. We have a limit on the time to reply, if you do not do so within 48 hours, your application will be denied. Once you reply, you will be approved for your trial period unless otherwise posted.  
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