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you don't lay down while they are still rushing you; if you weave through the trees right they will loose sight of you; if you then go prone they don't know were you are and loose agro; however they will stay in the generalized area you last were and thats why i suggesst rolling away (q or e while prone) while they are not agro'd

I know what you meant I'm just saying that I never thought of doing that

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Another good trick to get rid of zombies is hills. If you have a bunch of them after you, run zig zags up a hill. You will go up faster, and the zombie AI is not great at handling hills. You will lose them eventually.

The Enfield? It's a trap, don't use that gun, unless you're alone in the middle of the woods...and even then. That thing makes more noise than a pig getting sodomized, and will bring every zombie and bandit on your trail for 50 miles. Much preferable as a low tier weapon is the Winchester. 15 bullets, semi auto, decent noise suppression and the accuracy is not bad at all.


Quick looting guide for new players, locations and their loadout:

Firehouses: Those can only be found in the two main cities, and perhaps in a few larger town up north (Never seen one). There's 2 in Elektro and 1 in Cherno. They can contain nothing...or military grade weapons and ammo, food, survival gear, utilities (Like smoke grenades), as well as regular guns. It's a fair bet you'll find a M1911/ammo for it (My favorite pistol in the game, ammo is plentiful, and it kills Zeds in one hit). I once found a M4 with red dot scope and 3 mags in there.

Churches: Churches will always contain a decent amount of food and utilities, often with basic weapons and ammo, as well as survival gear. An excellent stop once you've acquired a main weapon because many players aim for them, so you want to have some firepower at your disposal.

Hospitals: Those will have everything you need to patch you up (And more). It's usually preferable to raid those with a group, since there's usually a lot of bloodbags, painkillers etc... Rarely, they spawn antibiotics (If you get sick), and it's the only place you can acquire them. You will need to break the glass to get to the big stash, but if you're alone and only want a quick loot, there's usually a box on the roof or behind the building. The glass will sometime not break and you won't be able to get in, this is a bug and I have no idea how to remedy it.

Supermarkets: An excellent first stop. There's a lot of escape routes if you get surprised by other players (But this makes the place harder to defend). You will find ammo, food, survival gear and most certainly pistols and rifles. There's usually one in every town of some importance (I know there's at least one in Cherno and Elektro, one in Stary Sobor and another one in a somewhat random town I can't remember the name of, in the middle of the map).

Bolota Airfield: The first stop of choice of many veteran players, this is the airfield that's near the coast, between Kamychovo and Elektro (If I remember well). You can usually find military grade stuff here, often AKs, M9s and other minor stuff. Be aware that it's often a heavily populated area by new players, so things can sometime get a bit hectic. If you need to make a quick getaway, there's a forest directly behind the command post and the hangars. There is also a military camp nearby, but I honnestly rarely raid it because it's full of zombies and there's only 4 deerstands. Good if you're desperate though.

Barns: Barns will have a few loot points usually filled with either useless junk, weapons, or very basic gear. You can find wood here too. They're usually good to loot because the open space can be quickly travelled, and they have alright stuff early game. There's actually two types of barns, the large empty ones that I previously mentioned, and the ones with two stairways leading to haystacks. The ones with two stairways usually spawn better stuff by virtue of having more loot points.

Pubs: 'Pubs' are referring to the corner shops you see in cities. They can be entered by either a corner door, a front door and a back door. The corner door will lead in a shop, and the other two will lead to a stairway, which in turn leads to an appartment building. Those are only a bit worse than supermarkets (But still extremely good), they will have about the same variety of stuff. Be careful not to get ambushed when you come down from the stairwell, as you can very clearly see inside from the street (Had a mate die that way).

Those are the basic buildings that should interest a newly spawned player, though there's many many more, as well as varied locations that can be interesting, hope it helps!

So after an hour of playing with grenoble. Im outfitted with an AS50 Sniper rifle. Silenced M9. canteens, food, satchel charges, grenades, medical supplies. and a whole lot of oppurtunity to whoop ass.

Give you two hours tops

Posted (edited)

oh ya; and morphine would be nice so i can walk. I have the grid cordinates to the UAC saved to my desktop if someone needs it; there is a morphine injector there. I really would prefer to not have this character die as he has like everything i need except morphine on him; guns ammo gear (GPS; Map; Range Finder; Night Vision) and food and matches; all in all I have what I need to survive if I can get a little bit of help for my injuries. Also on Saturday night (as in night time server wise; like ass crack of the morning night time) i vote that those of us who have gotten/maintained their night vision make a hospital raid. grab a helo and a couple of UAC's and have the helo team land on the roof and get into the stash and then call in the UAC/'s to come and help with offloading the people and gear. Have one person drive each vehicle in; a person in the helo the whole time the raid is going and as many ppls as neccessarry for getting as much as we could possibly need. I think that if we can get a good enough run going we may be able to just form a deep woods camp with a couple of quick vehicles for picking people up when they have no gear because as we all know the hardest part of the game is finding friendlies and avoiding pk'ers.

I think that as long as we put the camp far enough back and don't make it ovious (fencing and wire all over the place) we should be more than ok. Me and takel did a hell of a job hiding the start of a camp in the woods near grishino. Had the UAC completely invisible to the air; relatively invisible from foot traffic and well away from any roads. When I took it into town I did a pretty good job stashing it but the tree cover wasn't as kind to me as it was at the original position I hope it is not goneded.

Edited by Marsden 1st MRB
I have the grid cordinates to the UAC saved to my desktop if someone needs it; there is a morphine injector there. I really would prefer to not have this character die as he has like everything i need except morphine on him; guns ammo gear (GPS; Map; Range Finder; Night Vision) and food and matches;

Sounds like a great opportunity for someone to have all the gear they need...


hence why i'm aborted and not connecting up again till I has y'all in vent with me so I can guide you to my actual spot in grishino :P but yes it is a great oppurtunity. we have an extra GPS and map in the UAC aswell. if someone finds that they gonna wet themselves.


So I made some progress in the game. I learned how to use a hatchet. I also found an Enfield but ignored what everyone told me about it because I figured, "What the Hell?" and went ahead firing it off in the middle of a huge city, inviting all of the zombies in a 2-mile radius to my anus for a party. Lessons were learned.


Found this body and looted a ton of gear before he logged off today, looks like he had a broken leg. Wonder if he noticed it happening

Finally something other then a damn zombie chasing me after waiting 20 mins to log in.


By the way guys if you see anything really odd happening like explosions all over the place, you get teleported eg stuff like that log out that server as quick as you can. Hackers/scripters, ton of em in dayz at the moment. Always nice if you kill one and nick all their good shit but 7 times out of 10 they will just nuke the fuck out of you.


Come on today, go though cherno find myself a new gun with ammo mp5 and then i find a downed heli on the docks. Right wtf, so I go look and there is a dead fresh spawn near it. Then i noticed on the beach 2 more bodies. I check em out again fresh spawns. Then I noticed an actual helicopter full working and everything with 2 bodies near it. So i got 2 spare GPS, found myself some night vision goggles and found you takel some sd mags. Was a ton of that guys body but alas i have full bag. So anyway am not touching the heli got no clue how to fly it lol

Come on today, go though cherno find myself a new gun with ammo mp5 and then i find a downed heli on the docks. Right wtf, so I go look and there is a dead fresh spawn near it. Then i noticed on the beach 2 more bodies. I check em out again fresh spawns. Then I noticed an actual helicopter full working and everything with 2 bodies near it. So i got 2 spare GPS, found myself some night vision goggles and found you takel some sd mags. Was a ton of that guys body but alas i have full bag. So anyway am not touching the heli got no clue how to fly it lol

W00t!!!! heli-flying is pretty simple, i'd suggest you use the arma 2 training mission to get familiar with the controls though. keep an eye on the motherfucker!


what you mean the UAC gone T.T I took it away from the camp towards grishino; is it no where near there either? alghadoifjdklfghg; i fail. well I hope not to have to respawn but if I do I'll meet up with y'all next weekednd when i has time to play as I really can't do anything with 932 blood on my own lol

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