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Hello 1st MRB,

The 5th Ranger Battalion would like to introduce itsself!

We are a Realism Unit for the game Day of Defeat: Source. We attempt to run our unit as closely as possible to the way a real WWII Battalion functioned. We utilize realistic ranks, a chain of command, we have a comprehensive training program, and we put a high emphasis on team play. Our goal is to create a gaming experience which is well-organized and community-based, as well as pay respect to the many brave men and women who served during WWII. We are a large group, and are working towards the structure and size of a full Ranger Battalion.

We invite you to visit our forums, servers and IRC!

Website: www.5thranger.com




IRC Channel

The 5th RB also has it's own IRC channel. We invite you for a beer and a nice conversation!

IRC Network: Deltaanime.net

IRC Address: irc.dairc.net

Channel: #5thRB

Web Based IRC Client

If the 1st MRB wish to create a unified channel for realism please contact 2nd Lt. Sidley on our forums. We are always happy to expand on relations with your realism unit!

Dear regards,

Cpl. Clapp 5th RB


Thanks for dropping in Cpl. Clapp, I spoke with 1st Sgt. DeBoer and 2nd Lt. Sidley about this already, but thanks for posting, serves as a good reminder.

Anything our two units can do to form a tighter bond is good for both of us.

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