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Yea Ive noticed for a while now that in game some parts of the server game play wise are well less than realistic >>

My biggest issue is the completely inconsistent weapon damage. For example the .30 cal weapons all have wildly different damage rates. The BAR, 1919 .30 cal, Springfield 03, &M1 Garand needs to have the SAME damage they are firing the exact same ammo with identical ballistic properties. The .30 cal weapons are also under powered when compared to their axis counter parts the Kar 98s and MG42 despite the fact that the .30 cal rounds are of equivalent if not superior ballistics. ".30 cal cartridges are also larger than the German 7.92x57mm Mauser rounds."

The 9x19mm Mauser 712 AKA the bitch pistol is a great example as it is OP. I mean WTF a 9mm weapons can 1-2 hit kill while a 30 or 45 cal weapon cant? WTF is that shit?

Main point here is that all same caliber weapons should have the same damage with differing accuracy depending of barrel length. This can all be edited with scripts and it would be easy as hell to do :/

Another issue is the inability to pick up or drop special weapons like the Mauser 712 or M1 Carbine as well as the pistols. Again this should possible via scripts

The only issue with the drop-able pistols is that the assault class would have to have the mealee weapons added to their inventory, again possible via scripts.

The changes to the weapons damage rates could also make the MGs OP and to fix that just reduce their ammo to a more realistic amount of 50 rounds for the MG 42 and 100 rounds for the 1919.

On another note

The addition of a proper medic class would also improved the mod and complement the existing medic system with the medic command essentially acting as a 1st aid while the medics would be able to drop med or trauma kits that would say restore 50 HP. Medics would be armed with the Thompson or MP-40 with about 3-4 +1 mags of ammo depending of faction and would also have pistols and basic mealee weapons. med kits would be re equipped should another player throw them ammo for example. 1-2 med kits per medic btw.

The existing medic command should also reduce the amount of HP it restores "20 or 25 would be best" with it primarily being used to stop bleeding.

This is all I got atm but yea feel free to comment and I do hope that some of these ideas actually be implemented it would improved the quality of game play dramatically and actually make the server feel "realistic"


Thanks for the suggestions, believe me when I say that in the 3 years of running this unit I've heard all these suggestions before. I speak for the whole unit when I say we're not interested in altering the game at this time and our server ranking suggests the same.

Thank you for your input, we do appreciate it.


Lt. Col. Parker

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