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This post is advice and by no means mandatory for anyone. Please read the hardware descriptions carefully before deciding if this advice is for you. This tutorial is intended for people with low end machines, which can be qualified as machines with some type of 1.7 gigahertz processor or below, an agp slot - mostly towards 4x, or an nVidia 5900 series or below card or an ATI 9600 series or below (although you may also want to click the following link for the VALVe hardware assesment service).


It is separated into six sections:

1.)Graphic Card Drivers

2.)Command Line Settings

3.)Automatically Executed Configuration

4.)Setting Priorities

5.)In game settings.

6.)Other Helpful Links

It is intended to get the maximum playability for those who can not afford to upgrade; it is not going to make a pretty game with all the bells and whistles, rather, it will turn them ALL OFF. Your game, when done, will now graphically resemble DoD 1.3, but hopefully will be more playable in Source. This tutorial is not intended for users who already have a decent machine and just want to "squeeze out a few more fps". I hope it helps. This tutorial can easily be modified to work on all Source games, not just DoD: S.




1.) Graphic Card Drivers


Some users have reported having fine functionality with new drivers on older hardware. Keep that in mind when reading this next part.

Older cards require older drivers. Just because a new driver was released doesn't mean you should install it. They won't help geForce F/X or ati 9600 or below series owners, and may in fact hinder you. I think nVidia put it best, on this one. Guru3d has a great database of graphics drivers for everything, and an awesome forum to help you identify which drivers you need(although for older nVidia users I recommend the 79.11 drivers). Check them out at: http://www.guru3d.com

But, be sure to use the software removal tools for any drivers. There are some on Guru of 3D although I've also heard good things about Driver Cleaner, too. When you've downloaded and installed the driver removal tool of your choice, and after you've downloaded but before you've installed the new driver, be sure to:

* open Control Panel-> Add/remove Software-> find your card's drivers -> remove

* Reboot in Safe Mode ->tap the f8 key while rebooting to get this option

* Run the driver removal tool of your choice

* Reboot normally

* Install your new driver



2.) Command Line Settings


First, start Steam.

* Then, right click on the Steam icon in the lower right hand corner Figure 1.

* Select Games Figure 1.

* Right click on Day of Defeat: Source (fig. 2)

* Click Properties

* Click Set Launch Options Figure 2.

* enter in the following commands, the only spaces being between the commands as well as the command values Figure 2.:

Skip the VALVe guy when launching (no offense VALVe, I know you made this awesome software, but when logging on to an almost full server I'd like to launch as fast as possible.)



Set the amount of ram used by Steam*. it is recommended to use 1/2 your available ram - so for the following:


-heapsize <number>

* Ram - Heapsize

* 2 gigs - 1048576

* 1 gig - 524288

* 512 megs - 262144

* 256 megs - 131072

* 128 megs - 65536 (you should consider buying more ram)

*VALVe has said that this doesn't control

the same resources it did in Half-Life. For more

information read this.

Specify the DirectX level used by the game.**


-dxlevel <number>

* DxLevel - Number

* 9.0c - 90 (really unnecessary if you are already fine)

* 8.1 - 81

* 8.0 - 80

* 7.0 - 70 (recommended for very low-end, although leagues consider this a cheat, for which I can understand.)

**Also, once set, you should remove this command from the launch option

the next time you play. That way, if you've made any video setting changes

from the game engine after this, it will save and not reset itself each time.



3.) Automatically Executed Configuration



Thanks, Bazooka

Copy the following code and paste it into windows notepad. Name it autoexec.cfg and save it in your c:\Program Files\Steam\ . . .day of defeat: source\dod\cfg\ directory.

**Note**Both the r_drawdetailprops and the r_propsmaxdist are considered cheats in most leagues, so do not include these if you play in CAL, TPG, BFE, or ViE - also, if you want to be league legal, I have appended the current Casey's config to the bottom of this post**

Here are the commands, with a brief explanation (to activate or de-activate certain lines, simply comment or un-comment them by adding or removing "//" in front of the actual command. when the two forward slashes are there, like "//mat_dxlevel 60" that means it's not going to be read by the computer.):


cl_ejectbrass 0 //Disables shells flying out of guns

cl_phys_props_enable 0 //Disables physics objects

cl_phys_props_max 0 //Disables physics objects

cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd 0 //Disables 3rd

//person muzzle flashes lighting up surrounding area

cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 //Disables 1st person

//muzzle flashes lighting up surrounding area

cl_ragdoll_fade_time 1 //Causes dead bodies to

//disappear immediately (default: 15)

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 //Disable ragdoll physics

cl_show_splashes 0 //Disables water splash effects

cl_smooth 0 //Disables smoothing views after

//prediction errors/juddering effect

fog_enable 0 //Disables Fog

fog_enable_water_fog 0 //Disables water fog

lod_transitiondist 50

commentary 0 //Disables map commentary

dsp_enhance_stereo 0 //Disable stereo effect sound enhancing

dsp_slow_cpu 1 //For systems with slower CPU's:

//Reduces quality of dsp effects

mat_antialias 0 //Disables AA

mat_bumpmap 0 //Disables Bump Mapping

mat_bloom 0 //Disables bloom effect

mat_dxlevel 60 //changes material settings.

//this can be 60, 70, 71, 80, 81, 90

mat_bufferprimitives 1 //Buffer primitive objects

mat_clipz 0 //Lowers water quality

mat_fastspecular 1 //Fast specular lighting

mat_hdr_enabled 0 //Disables HDR

//mat_mipmaptextures 0 //Textures quality worsens with distance

r_cheapwaterstart 1 //Worsens water quality

r_cheapwaterend 1 //Worsens water quality

r_drawdetailprops 0 //Don't draw detail props

r_3dsky 0// _disables 3d skybox_

r_dynamic 0 //Disables dynamic lighting

r_lightinterp 0 //Disables light interpolation

r_propsmaxdist 100 //Object fading distance

r_RainSimulate 0 //Disables rain

r_shadows 0 //Disable shadows

r_eyes 0 //disable eye reflections

snd_mixahead .1 // _mixes sound ahead to reduce stuttering

rope_smooth 0 //Disables Anti-Aliasing effect on ropes

gl_clear 0 //Disables hiding of cracks/faults between textures

cl_enabledeathfilmgrain 0 // disable the death camera film grain

mat_filmgrain 0 // disable film grain post effect

cl_enabledeatheffects "0"//disable filmgrain death effects

cl_enablespectatoreffects "0" //disable filmgrain for spectating

r_worldlights 0// _disables phong shading_


cl_cmdrate 101 //Sets CMD Rate for 101 tick

cl_updaterate 101 //Sets update rate for 101 tick

rate 25000 //Sets rate for 101 tick

cl_interp "0.01" //Sets interp value

cl_interpolate 1 //Interpolates entities on the client

//enable these next commands if you get the silver player glitch

//r_phong "0"//disables phong shading on models

//r_worldlights "0"//disables phong shading



4.) Setting Priorities


* Launch DoD:S. Wait for it to fully load.

* hit ctrl+alt+del.

* In the taskmanager window, hit the processes tab.

* Find Steam.

* Select it, right click it-> set priority-> below normal.

* Close the Taskmanager, alt+tab back into game.



5.) In Game Settings


Video Qualities

* Start DoD:S

* Click Options Figure 3.

* Make sure your screen resolution is set to a smaller size, like 640 x 480 or 800x 600 Figure 3.

* click advanced. make everything low or off, except leave the texture filtering to trilinear unless you have a graphics card older than 3 years, in which case you most likely need bilinear, and should really consider an inexpensive upgrade. Figure 3.

* Apply.

Sound Quality

* Also, on some machines, certain soundcards, especially board integrated sound cards, rely too much on the cpu. Try setting your sound quality to medium or low.

* ->Options->audio Fig.4



Good luck to those with older machines, once again I hope this helps. Please feel free to repost this tutorial anywhere, but please credit me for it. If anyone has any questions or contributional comments please post below.


Here is the current version of Casey's Config, thanks casey!


// Casey's Source Config

// Updated 4/18/06

// Modified for DoD:S

// _Set netcode settings_

// _adjusts hitboxes and netcode

// settings for optimal registration_

cl_cmdbackup 2

cl_cmdrate 101

cl_interp 0.01

cl_interpolate 1

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1

cl_lagcompensation 1

cl_updaterate 101

cl_smooth 1

rate 25000

// _Set graphics settings_

// _adjusts graphics settings to boost framerate_

cl_forcepreload 1 // _forces preload to help increase performance_

cl_phys_props_enable 0 // _disables trash and cans etc_

cl_phys_props_max 0 // _disables trash and cans etc_

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1 // _disables dead animations and bodies_

cl_show_splashes 0 // _disables splashes when in water_

fps_max 101 // _caps FPS--should match or be close to

// refresh rate if possible (for a crt moniter)_

mat_antialias 0 // _disables antialiasing_

mat_bloomscale 0

mat_bumpmap 0 // _disables bumpmapping_

mat_clipz 1 // _disabled non visible object rendering_

mat_fastnobump 1 // _faster bump mapping_

mat_fastspecular 1 // _fast specular lighting_

mat_mipmaptextures 1 // _texture quality decreases with distance_

mat_hdr_enabled 0 // _disables high dynamic range lighting_

mat_picmip 2 // _lower texture quality--set between 0 and 2_

mat_reducefillrate 1 // _reduces shader fill rate_

mat_specular 0 // _disables specular lighting_

mat_trilinear 0 // _disables trilinear filtering_

mat_wateroverlaysize 16 // _lowers water quality_

mat_vsync 0 // _disables vertical synchronization_

mp_decals 50 // _how many bullets etc will be shown_

r_avglight 0 // _disables average lighting_

r_cheapwaterend 1 // _worse water rendering_

r_cheapwaterstart 1 // _worse water rendering_

r_decal_cullsize 2 // _lower texture quality at distance_

r_decals 0 // _disables player sprays_

r_drawdetailprops 1 // _disables detail props_

r_drawflecks 0 // _disables bullet impacts_

r_drawmodeldecals 0 // _disables decals on models_

r_dynamic 0 // _disables dynamic lighting_

r_eyes 0 // _removes eyes from player models_

r_lightaverage 0 // _disables average lighting_

r_lightinterp 0 // _disables light interpolation_

r_lod 3 // _adjusts model quality-

//-set between -5 and 5 (5 is worst)_

r_occlusion 0 // _disables occlusion-

//-lowers image quality but gains FPS_

r_3dsky 0// _disables 3d skybox_

r_renderoverlayfragment 0

r_rootlod 2 // _lower overall game detail level_

r_shadows 1 // _set to 0 to disable shadows (not recommended)_

r_teeth 0 // _removes teeth from player models_

r_waterforceexpensive 0 // _disables high-quality water_

r_worldlights 0// _disables phong shading_

rope_averagelight 0 // _disables average lighting on ropes_

rope_smooth 0 // _disables antialiasing on ropes_

rope_subdiv 0

rope_wind_dist 0 // _disables wind effects on ropes_

// dsp_slow_cpu 1 // _For systems with slower

// CPU's: Reduces quality of dsp effects_

// _Set violence settings_

// _increases blood to help you see hits better_

violence_ablood 1

violence_agibs 1

violence_hblood 1

violence_hgibs 1

// _Set HUD and xhair settings_

// _adjusts HUD and xhair for easy viewing_

hud_centerid 1 // _centers player IDs_

net_graph 3 // _enables net_graph 3--CAL required!_

net_graphpos 1 // _adjusts netgraph position-set

// between 1 and 3--1 is best with dods hud_

// _Set various settings_

budget_show_history 0 // _disables history graph_

cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"

// _disables annoying sound downloads_

jpeg_quality 100 // _high quality screenshots_

mat_monitorgamma 1.6

// _maximum ingame brightness_

sv_forcepreload 1 // _forces preload to help increase performance_

cl_ragdoll_collide 0 // _stops ragdolls from colliding with each other_

cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 // _disables 1st person

// muzzle flashes lighting up surrounding area_

cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd 1 // _disables 3rd person

// muzzle flashes lighting up surrounding area--1 (on) is recommended_

commentary 0 // _Disables map commentary_

snd_musicvolume 0 // _disables ingame music_

snd_mixahead 0.1 // _mixes sound ahead to reduce stuttering_

snd_digital_surround 0 // _turns off digital surround sound_

mat_bufferprimitives 1 // _Buffer primitive objects_

mat_compressedtextures 1 // _enables compressed textures_

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 1 // _old command for hl2 bug_

gl_clear 0 // _disables hiding of cracks/faults between textures_


echo "_casey's config loaded_"

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