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How i got into DoD

J. Brown

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Hmmm remembering that far for me is tough.

I got into DoDs after nuying valve pack a few years back. Im a biig fan of WW2 history and the like. so i downloaded this game to my shitty laptop and began playing.

I first hopped on to The 1st MRB server i think on like a thursday or something. And was playing getting my ass handed to me by various members of the the Raiders. Then i saw a recruitment ad. read it and went hmmm.

So i kept playing having a good time raging and killing stuff and getting my first shovel kill on a pubber :D (SHOVEL BRIGADE!!!!). So after a few days of playing on the server i decided what the hell why not. So i believe it was on a sunday that i applied (i dont remember sadly) and I distinctly remember asking Magoo how the hell do i do all this crap. Because the 1st MRB is the first gaming community i had joined.

So after i went though training i finally got rather into playing DoDs :D

I was 16 n a half when i joined, I am now 18 and every moment of playing DoDs has been with all of you and i love every ounce of it

Semper Fidelis, OORAH!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I only ended up getting into DOD:S because I got banned.

Got the CS:S pack and decided to try out DOD:S. I thought it was pretty good, and played as a pubber on various servers over two years. Of course, it was on and off gameplay; I reserved the game for days when I had nothing else to do.

Around mid 2011, I was playing on the 6th RB server as a pubber when I shot an admin from spawn. Not being familiar with stricter servers, I didn't know about the "No shooting from spawn rule" and got banned for a week.

After convincing the admin to reduce my ban to a few hours, I started exploring the 6th forums. Soon after, I decided to join up, making DOD:S a top priority on my gaming list.

If I hadn't gotten banned, I wouldn't have visited Sourcebans, I wouldn't have seen the Recruitment Office, I wouldn't have joined a realism unit, and I probably wouldn't have played DOD:S beyond a few hours!

Fun stuff,


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  • 1 year later...
When i joined cast promised me cookies..i never got any...but i am still going to stay..

I started playing dod:s because i missed playing dod..i took a 5 year break from steam overall then got back into dod:s and now i am here.

If we win the fire team comp ill give you your damn cookies!

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When i joined cast promised me cookies..i never got any...but i am still going to stay..

I started playing dod:s because i missed playing dod..i took a 5 year break from steam overall then got back into dod:s and now i am here.

If we win the fire team comp ill give you your damn cookies!

And if you lose you will both watch them burn!

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I played CounterStrike and TeamFortress for years and one day at work around 2007 a friend of mine suggested DoD:S. I bought the game and immediately loved it, I soon became fond of the rocket class and started playing on different servers from time to time. After awhile I was playing every moment I could spare, got really addicted to it. Eventually my favorite server, The BG 24/7 Colmar server (Its where I met Willow) went down when BG disbanded. I tried other servers but couldn't get the same feeling I had with the regular group of guys (and gals) on that server so I quit for awhile. Then, I got the urge to play again I had heard about the term "realism" and wanted to try it out. After a failed Realism Unit experiment, I went back to pubbing and eventually found the Best Realism Unit there is, the 1st MRB and joined on July 4, 2013. Yerrrr!

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I fell into playing DoD:S after I received my medical discharge papers. I was in a cast and a brace for 2-3 months and my little brother brought me a gaming laptop to sit in the army hospital to play on. I was pretty excited to see a game with a faster pace than CS and recoil in weaponry and set in a period of immense personal interest. Once I got home and was on the mend I found myself playing now and again and played under several aliases on the server before thinking about joining.

So far the community has welcomed me in...even if I am a European player :)

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My brother's friend bought DoD:S and for some reason registered it on my steam account. Having been a long time player of css, a few years back I thought I'd see what it was like. Used to frequent a 24/7 Colmar server, I always enjoyed playing the Assault the most. However I got bored after a few months and stopped playing. Then about 6 months ago I found myself on the 1st MRB pub. There was a really good atmosphere, and some very skilful players. I saw the link to the website and had never heard of the concept of "realism". The more I learnt about it, the more appealing it seemed. I had noticed on the enlistment form the requirement for a microphone, I was a little reluctant at first due to my stammer, but in the end it seemed like an exciting experience, so I decided to enlist. It was the first time I had joined a realism unit, little did I know I'd find such a friendly, fun and warm community, let alone the best damn unit there is. I've had many a good time in the unit, and here's to many more!

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I only started gaming because I was tired of nagging at my husband to stop gaming all night with his friends. (Listening to sounds of left 4 dead as you are trying to fall asleep is quite disturbing!) Figured if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So i started playing on his steam account, trying out different games that he had. Came across dods and was hooked immediately so i bought my own computer. Joined The Enforcers, they disbanded after about a year. Ended up joining =BRC= but their dods server only lasted a couple of months (they went back to l4d2). Played on various servers until i found a 24/7 Colmar (which is where i first met the MasterBlastor Candy and his rocket to the face!) When BG disbanded i roamed about again looking for a home, which i finally found in 1st MRB. Took 6 months of harassment from McDowell and Gearhart and everyone else to convince me to give up my Thompson and enlist. I've not regretted it for one moment. We have the best group of guys and girls. This is hands down the best realism unit and i'm proud to be a part of it.

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After having played 'virtually' every game out there, I was turned on to Half-Life by my uncle who also turned me on to Action Half-Life.

I downloaded Hammer and started mapping with my brother who introduced me to DoD (which I fell in love with immediately).

Then Valve blew my mind by bringing it into the 21st century with Source and I haven't looked back since.

Comparatively speaking, before joining the 1st, my DoD experience was random and rudderless.

Very happy and proud to be a part of something so special.

The sleeper has awakened! :)


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Way back when I was in middle school I played on this server called 'Cantaloupe Island', it was a DoD:S server for a community called Something Awful forums which I am a part of. This Cantaloupe Island server had a couple amazing mods: Teams switched sides after every round win (Axis spawn in allies spawn and vice versa), ghost character slots (showed up at 31/32 always), and a great vote kick mod. Apparently a shitton ton of Cal players played there so growing up in my dods career, I became a decent shot. Then I stopped DODS and played Planetside 1 for 3 years (NC best empire). Then WoW for a time. I have an IRL friend who I played dods/wow with and he wanted to get me back into DoDs so I did 1v1 with him for like a month. He was like a dods CAL player or something, so he was probably == to my skill now. But he stopped playing DoDs and went back to Wow, and I tried out a few dods servers. I went to a (now dead) small unit's server but was eventually banned from there within a couple days, then I tried out the 6th RB server and was banned from there after an hour. I then tried out 1st MRB but I only played for 15 mins. I kept comming back to the 1st MRB over the week cause it was a fun group of people on the mics/chat. I think on the 3rd day here I played for more than an hour and (at this time I was Carbine-only, and with 10 clips, you can be SICK NASTY. As dods devs balanced it out with a limitation of 2 clips but on MRB you have 10 clips, so it is OP on MRB server) and I was hitting really high K:D's. So at one time on the 3rd day I noticed there were like 4 [1st MRB] people in spec, whatever I kept playing. Then two more high ranked admins joined in and stayed in spec (it was Parker and some other WO/CWO). I was super nervous, but I kept killing kids. After a few mins I resigned myself to becoming banned again and I went into a wall and shot into it with my carbine a giant HI and then continued on with my playing. Within a few mins of that HI, most of the admins joined a team/left server and amazingly I wasn't banned..... So I kept coming back to this server cause of the great community. After about 6 months of pubbing Parker msg'd me about joining MRB, but fuck those weapon restrictions! I was a carbine-main even after 6 months. So parker reccomended to me BAR, and I talked to gmoney? and got into BAR.

So thanks for not banning me cause I dominated an admin! Probably significantly changed my gaming life due to 1st MRB's fair hacking rules.

Edited by Magic 1st MRB
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