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Steam I.D:0:1:62931

Date & Time of ban:8/13/12 around 8:30 PM CST

Admin who banned you: Cast [1st MRB]

Excuse for the Unban:Hello everybody, TD here, I was recently banned from the 1st MRB for suspicion of wallhacking. After reviewing my demo, I found the evidence to be inconclusive for several reasons. I can give specific tick rates if you'd like, but I am sure that the part that looks the most like I am wallhacking is when I am in allies 2 house and I am peeking angles and firing on guys there. To that, I say that I have been playing donner a LONG time, I know the angles and I know the weapon and what it can do. Those two angles, the one coming from allies spawn on the left and from their 2nd flag on the right, I was HOPING there would be guys there, and if there were, that I would basically just be prefiring those angles. Not one time in that demo do you ever see my tracing an enemy player through a wall. In fact, near the start of the demo you find me checking that bush/tree by allies 2 house because I swore I heard a guy in there, where there is no one. I know a lot of you don't like me on the server, but I have not been disruptive to anyone and haven't spoken unless first spoken to, or greeted by someone that enjoys my company.

Furthermore, I used to play under the name Mad Dog a while back, and used to get banned for the same thing I have been banned for tonight. Here is a thread: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...2&st=0& by one of your officers stating that I have been cleared of cheating more than once.

Hope to see you guys on the servers again. If you have any questions about my play, please ask, I would also be willing to look at the demo with people in a chat program to explain myself further if needed.




We've had multiple reports of disruptive activity from your steam ID. When we get a lot of complaints, you'll have to bear with us while look into what happened and take into account previous reports. Please allow our admins to review the ban and demo (I believe the demo has only been up about an hour.) Your review of the demo is albeit kind, I would rather we take a look before making the final call.

Thanks for understanding.


I'm sure you guys already know about this, but for those watching the demo, sv_cheats and r_drawothermodels 2 will give you a wireframe type wallhack you can use to view the demo with. I don't wanna dig into it too much, but one thing I wanted to add to my original post: Around tickrate 16,000, I am going up middle towards the connector. There is an enemy behind the tank right in front of me to the right, I don't check the tank and die to this person. On a side note, Cast accidentally posted a couple of demos called town and town2.dem before he posted the correct one of me. That guy did not seem legit, watched it with r_drawothermodels 2 on, guy traces and has his crosshair on enemies he can't see the entire time. For people who have both of those demos, I would challenge you to make a comparison.


The demo provided was inconclusive. I have unbanned you, and I consider that somewhat generous at this point. Due to previous disruptive nature, we had put you on a "last chance" policy. But, you behaved in the server seemingly long enough without causing any more issues. Still, the ice is melting back to a thin point. Behave yourself in the server, and there are no issues.

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