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Ok, so I'll be strafing and shooting, and I'll strafe into the window and shoot, get behind the wall, and a second or two later, get shot in front of the window, is there a way to fix this?

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Sounds like an issue with latency, either on your end or the shooter's end. If so, the only real fix is to either move closer to the server (:P) or cut down on any other bandwidth-hogging things your computer (or computers on your network) are doing when you game. If you have other people in your home who are online when you are, make sure they aren't downloading anything or also playing video games; if you have a "Light" internet plan, it can make a difference. Hell, even if you don't have "light", if someone is watching Netflix while you're playing game, it can impact it. I can't remember what your ping is like in server offhand, where are you located?

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Memphis, Tennessee. My ping is usually in the fifties range, only other person who lives with me is my gf, and she works from 8 - 7; but I usually keep Netflix up on my X-BOX when I'm playing on here.

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HRM. I'm not 100% sure on what kind of impact Xbox has, so let's kill some other possible options. Next best bet is rate issues; do you use any of the net_graph's? If so, what are your figures like there? And if not, type net_graph 3 into your console next time you're online and gimmie those rates!

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Posted (edited)

I get this quite a lot... my ping is usually in the 120 area, which isn't too bad,

but sometimes jumps as high as 200. If I get shot at by another european player

with a ping of 200, then the combined latency means an effective ping difference

of 400 between us.

That is almost half a second, which is an age in a fast paced game like DODS.

Its kinda annoying I suppose, being shot "round a corner" but you have to remember

that the networking code in source engine games (all games these days) reinterpolates

incoming data packets from places with different pings, and retrospectively reorders them

to even up the playing field.

So, the server lets you run around the corner, and a fraction of a second later recieves

data telling it that the guy shot you in the head, so it figures out how many miliseconds

ago you should have died, kills you and undoes anything that you did in that time.

In effect, although it looks like you're shot round the corner, on his screen, you were

shot straight through the window and never made it around the corner!

Also... you probably regularly come face to face with an enemy, and put a rifle shot right

in their head or chest, only to die straight away and discover you did not damage them.

In this case what has happened, is your game client fired the gun, and you heard the shot,

but unfortunately during that time the server decided that you died, so the shot never gets

counted, and no-one else ever hears/sees it happen. The server cannot, however, go back

in time and tell your client not to play the gunshot sound / animation!

Edited by Cutts 1st MRB
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Cutts, that is exactly it, but it happens with everyone, they can shoot me and it happens, and until yesterday, the none-existent gun shot never happened which also pissed me off a little.

in: 100 - 200

out: 80

fps: 60s

lerp: 100.0

If everyone experiences it, then I can get over it, I just didn't want to have to go through this if I didn't have to.

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I can tell you that running at 60 fps is fine, but you will see a noticeable difference if you try upping it with a config. See the medical supply office for that.

I noticed your Lerp is at 100. Read my above post and click that link. It explains the issue you are having and how to fix it. Your Lerp should be as close to 0 as possible.

Hope this helps.

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