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Have you tried the maps yet? I think you'll find your issue.

Yup I have, on both my phone and my ipad.

The maps suck honestly, I tried them out, and prefer the Googlemaps app.

Every thing else is half decent though, really like how they fixed the sync for the imessages between devices so I dont miss any if using my ipad in another room from my phone.

I have it on my Iphone 4. No problems, though I think it may drain my battery life just a little bit faster than ios 5 did.

Yeah, same. No issues, other than a slight decrease in battery life. And the new Maps sucks.


yeah but the youtube app is better than the iphone standard app, it syncs automatically with your account and you have access to all of youtubes videos, wheres before stuff like official music videos wouldnt show up on the apple app.

i kinda dig the maps, but i think im gonna try out the google maps. the new maps app is definitely slower and more complicated, i need directions to be fast and simple.

yeah but the youtube app is better than the iphone standard app, it syncs automatically with your account and you have access to all of youtubes videos, wheres before stuff like official music videos wouldnt show up on the apple app.

i kinda dig the maps, but i think im gonna try out the google maps. the new maps app is definitely slower and more complicated, i need directions to be fast and simple.

For some reason the youtube app thing fucked up my sound..


Android +4

I think apple Iphones are nice but in the grand "scheme" of things they are ripping people off- especially since you have a new phone about once every 4-5 months- as if they didn't have the technology ready before then.

I know Androids come out about just as much with new ones, but I do not have to follow Apple rules with the Android.


I think apple screwed the pooch with the iphone 5.

A new adapter, which you have to buy separately? Anything to make money I guess.

True the os is better and the retina display is okay, to small of a screen to notice much of a change from the screen on the 4. Yes I have seen them side by side.

I'll stick with my gs3. Better customization, bigger screen, expandable memory, pretty fast processor.

I do have the new iPad and a macbook so I'm not knocking apple products, just wasn't impressed with the 5. Maybe I dont have enough wool.


I still have the Iphone 3g, and it's a bloody tank. Dropped it countless of times and haven't cracked the screen (Knock on wood). I do like the new update, a few cool features.

1. Someone calls and you can send a prewritten text saying I'm gaming...I mean busy.

2. Going into pictures and doing something with it. Has little app screens.

3. The whole new music interface. Idk looks cooler haha.

I haven't had it that long and that's all I noticed that i liked. Sucks about the maps but good to know about the you tube one from one of the posts =P

As for the battery, mine already dies in half a day xD.


IMO - Apple is a masterfully marketed product - but fails to live up to the pricetag every time.

The actual hardware they put in their PC's and phones is typically dated (read as: 6 months behind the curve) and is usually not cutting edge, nor has it ever been. But they wrap it in a very sleek looking package and price it for double what similar products are on the market for with similar hardware specs. Although I don't know why their marketing geniuses made an ad talking about how 'round headphones' don't fit the ear so they designed one that does, when their original headphones were round. It's like shooting yourself in the foot...

Surprisingly, people eat Apple stuff up. I can't say I'm surprised that much because as I said initially - it's marketed very well. And most consumers are too stupid to give a shit how good their hardware actually is because they only use a small fraction of the capabilities of the product anyway. Then to top it off, you have to play by Apples rules and do things Apples way or their products won't do shit for you. I mean there are competing OS's out there that are proven (Android, Linux) and are FREE - but yet the public continues to pay double the price for Apples proprietary stuff... I really don't get it, but I blame it on lack of education of the public and amazing hype/marketing by Apple. Don't get me wrong, Apple products have their place, but it's such a small niche where they actually, truly belong that all the hype surrounding them is just fluff.

But it never ceases to amaze me how people seem to have so much disposable income as to pay double what something is worth, then bitch about being unemployed or not having cash or living paycheck to paycheck. But I digress, I'm moving into another discussion all together.

Anyhow - I don't even have a smartphone - but rest assured when I'm forced to make that jump it will be Android.

Although I might just not have a cell phone - the rates they charge on data plans and new phone packages are insane! Unlike fast internet, where the prices went down after it was more available, the data charges have gone up and monthly fees have gone up at insane rates! I refuse to buy into a system like that because unlike apparently everyone else, I want value for my money and phone companies simply fail to provide anything close for the insane rates they're charging. I remember paying $35/mo. for my cell phone originally in high school/college. Now that is JUST the cost of approximately 4g of data. Nope, take your insane prices and shove it up your ass phone companies!

I'm ranting now like a crazy old man, time to go eat my prunes and take a nap.

Time to stop typing.


I've never understood the hype of the iPhones when like others have said there are much better devices out there. And their commercials just irritate the living crap out of me with their smugness. I mean how retarded can you be to buy into their commercials on 'how can something get bigger, yet smaller...I guess the laws of physics are just suggestions' or 'the thumb goes here, to here' (yeah, because everyone's hand is the same size lol )

I'll stick with my Nokia Lumia 900 (until the Lumia 920 comes out perhaps) or if I had to give up my windows phone(dear god Microsoft, get your marketing together), I would go with Android because there is no way in living hell iTunes is coming anywhere near any of my PCs.

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