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Posted (edited)

It looks like the democratic scare tactics worked already on one person.

I don't need fact checkers, plans, or even agendas to know that this:


Is not the person I want leading my country.

Edited by Ford 1st MRB
It looks like the democratic scare tactics worked already on one person.

I don't need fact checkers, plans, or even agendas to know that this:


Is not the person I want leading my country.

I never said anything about whether I'm voting for Obama/Romney/Aliens, I just find it funny.

Although, regarding that photo, you DO realize he raised his hand about 1.3 seconds after that picture was taken, right?

I think you might actually need those fact checkers after all...

Posted (edited)

I was referring to the person who put up that website, not you, relax cupcake. No need for fact checkers, he has done so on several occasions, that picture just epitomizes the point.

He did in fact raise his hand, about 15 second into the national anthem, no doubt after someone whispered in his earpiece he probably should.

Edited by Ford 1st MRB

What may surprise you is 99% of the time I vote democratic, but there it's something inherently wrong with Obama and everything he stands for. I will once again vote republican this year.

I'm not being sarcastic at all here, but I would love to hear your feelings on him. You seem fairly well-educated on the manner, and I will be the first to admit to confirmation bias in my everyday political discussions (while I live in NC, ALL my friends are Obama-lovers, so I never get to hear anything against the guy). Care to elaborate? Or maybe point me in some websites that offer information?


What may surprise you is 99% of the time I vote democratic, but there it's something inherently wrong with Obama and everything he stands for. I will once again vote republican this year.

Can you expand on whats so bad about Obama?

I take a personal interest in US politics, as it does effect the rest of the world, and what I can not believe is why so many people would vote for Romney even though he's a liar and an idiot.

Can you expand on whats so bad about Obama?

I take a personal interest in US politics, as it does effect the rest of the world, and what I can not believe is why so many people would vote for Romney even though he's a liar and an idiot.


Can you expand on whats so bad about Obama?

I take a personal interest in US politics, as it does effect the rest of the world, and what I can not believe is why so many people would vote for Romney even though he's a liar and an idiot.

That's truly a ridiculous statement. President Obama and VP Joe Biden have proven time and time again how stupid and how many "flip-flops" they can have. It's inherent in politics. You take an interest in U.S. politics, what does that amount to? Does that mean you watch it fervently, going to CNN, Fox, or MSNBC to get multiple opinions, or are you just giving off something that you've heard from one source? I "follow" German politics in that I know a lot about it. I have family that I discuss it with in Germany. Am I going to shout out that someone in German politics is an idiot? Nope, because even typing that here would prove an unneeded bias. I'm voting against Obama, for Mitt Romney. Politicians definitely aren't my favorite people, yet I very rarely will call one an idiot. Why is it that people have to justify votes for Mitt Romney when President Obama has proven nothing about his presidency other than he can divide a country worse than it was before?


I get into this all the time with my family. They hate Obama, and I don't. They also point out that Obama is the worst president in history, and that America is so much worse off economically under him. They also point out that he spends more money then any other president, and that he takes more vacations then Bush II did. All of which is total malarkey. I actually do go to MSNBC CNN Fox, and even more conservative website to get all the information I can, then try to separate the fact from fiction. Also I read non-American news since they tend to be not as bias as US news. I vote for McCain in 2008, however this year I'm willing to give Obama 4 more years. Not that my vote really matters in Arkansas.


I make a solid judgement based on what I read and watch on BBC, MSNBC, Reuters and various fact-checking programmes and websites. To call my statement ridiculous without knowing my knowledge on the matter is absurd. His Comments in the UK, then about Palestine, followed by his 47% speech and his involvement in Bain Capital have all helped me make my mind up about him. Obama might not be the greatest president but he is definitely the lesser of two evils.


It's not absurd when your opening statement is derogatory. When you say you cannot understand how we think because this person is an idiot, you are insinuating I or anyone else who is voting Romney is an idiot. That is completely ridiculous. It's ridiculous because you are saying I am absurd even though you did the same thing. You cannot understand my viewpoint, to quote you, "without knowing my knowledge." Yet you make this statement and you follow it up equally.

I make a solid judgement based on what I read and watch on BBC, MSNBC, Reuters and various fact-checking programmes and websites. To call my statement ridiculous without knowing my knowledge on the matter is absurd. His Comments in the UK, then about Palestine, followed by his 47% speech and his involvement in Bain Capital have all helped me make my mind up about him. Obama might not be the greatest president but he is definitely the lesser of two evils.

erm..that sounds like Romney. Are you confusing the two? (honest question, not meant to be hostile) scratch that, I misread it, I'm a moron.


In all honesty I wish there were more people on the ballet. I think both are only human and both make stupid calls and stupid mistakes. I just think that my vote is going to the person who is for the people's rights in this country. I almost dont want to vote though, I cant decide who would ruin this already deep in a hole country, Ill just have to vote for who will pull it just a bit farther out. Maybe my argument is backwards and flip floppy.

I think (and this is probably going to sound crazy) that the congress men and woman should take a salary cut, and push that money into our debt, and maybe with this threat of them loosing money they will actually start agreeing on things instead of pushing the 'well republicans are this' and 'democrats are that'. The idea of democrats and republicans is pulling this country apart, I would love to see what would happen if there were a third party that had the ideals of both parties mixed into one.

In all honesty I wish there were more people on the ballet. I think both are only human and both make stupid calls and stupid mistakes. I just think that my vote is going to the person who is for the people's rights in this country. I almost dont want to vote though, I cant decide who would ruin this already deep in a hole country, Ill just have to vote for who will pull it just a bit farther out. Maybe my argument is backwards and flip floppy.

I think (and this is probably going to sound crazy) that the congress men and woman should take a salary cut, and push that money into our debt, and maybe with this threat of them loosing money they will actually start agreeing on things instead of pushing the 'well republicans are this' and 'democrats are that'. The idea of democrats and republicans is pulling this country apart, I would love to see what would happen if there were a third party that had the ideals of both parties mixed into one.

Vote Gary Johnson? (I know Johnson won't have enough backing, but I do believe the libertarians a precursor to the fall of the two party system)



This is all my opinion, not backed by facts, but my own logical reasoning.

Why I feel Obama is bad for our country.

Where do I begin?

Fingerpointing.... Let's start there. When Bill Clinton took office, we were ending a war with Iraq. The unemployment rates were high, not high by todays standards, but high nonetheless. Did he blame Bush or did he fix the problem? He lowered the unemployment rates, created millions of jobs, stimulated the economy, and did it all while banging anything with two legs that walked in his office. What he didn't do was blame his failures on Republicans, and yes, he also had a minority house while he was in office. Obama has blamed blamed blamed everyone who is a republican, even though he had a majority house when he took office. Sure the economy was on a downward trend when he took office, did he fix it or is it worse now than it was 4 years ago?

I think common sense answers that.

Unemployement rates are higher than ever in history, we are in debt so far my great great great grandchildren will be paying for it, yet we threw billions at failing companies, failed green energy programs, and "Obamacare".

If you honestly think this is all because of George Bush? I'm a democrat and I can honestly tell you, you need to get out of the gene pool if that is your logical thought process. Did Bush screw up? Of course he did, but no worse than Carter, Nixon, Ford, or Johnson to name a few.

Finger pointing aside, he is a very poor American in general. I don't mean the birth certificate bs, or the fact his parents aren't both American, I simply mean he doesn't represent to me what an American President should behave like. I posted the Picture of him not crossing his heart during the national anthem. He has done that on more than one occasion, as well as during the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. It's a damn pledge to be allegiant to our flag and what it stands for. Loyalty to our country. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from oppression, freedom on it's own. Millions of American men and women have fought and died for that flag and he doesn't have the patriotism to show respect to it? To Quote him, "I don't see the point in it." I won't even get into his wife and the famous "All this for a flag" comment during his inauguration.

I seriously get angry just thinking about this. My Father, both grandfathers, uncles, cousins, a nephew, two aunts, and a brother have all gone to war for this country.

He has ruined our foreign policies with countless nations, and that actually is a fact, google it.

Is Mitt Romney the answer to all these problems? Probably not, but I refuse to give this talking pair of clown shoes four more years to dig our country into an even deeper hole than we are currently sinking in.

Just listen to him the next time you hear him give a speech, actually listen to him.

And remember, this is coming from a democrat.

Maybe I'll start writing in Bill Clinton as my vote....

I am more than willing to debate any of your opinions on this matter, these again were just my personal feelings on Obama as a man and a president.

In all honesty I wish there were more people on the ballet.


So in Trenton, NJ we can have unlimited candidates running for mayor. I think what Gio is trying to say is that we expand Trenton to include the nation.

All kidding aside, Obama had my vote the first run. He has lost my vote with his inability to fix issues that pose threats to our future. I miss Bill Clinton.

*edit: *points finger up* +1, Ford.

Posted (edited)

Ford to answer the part of your post that address the economy, yes we are better off the now where 4 days ago. I had a long drawn out conversation with my family about this, but the key points are. 1. The GDP is growing, 2. Adding 100,000 job a a month rather then losing 800,000 a month. 3. Unemployment is no longer skyrocketing up there, but is coming down, again slowly, however it is still grim. 4. The Private Sector is growing, again slowly but at least it is growing. 5. Government spending is deceasing. Basically the economy is recovering, just not as fast as people (especially Obama) had hoped.

And to be honest, as soon as the Republicans stated their sole job is going to ensure Obama is a one term president, it started to become their fault, because they will do anything to make sure of that. Including rejecting bills that will improve the economy, since a bad economy is good for the Republicans. It makes Obama look bad.

As for the flag, that is one picture taken during the National Anthem, which isn't a requirement to place your hand over your heart, I was taught to only place my hand over my heart for the Pledge, and stand respectfully and sing for the Anthem, so there really isn't a set way. Also he does put his hand over his heart for the Pledge, so maybe he was told the same thing. As long as he is respectful I couldn't care less.

As for Ms. Obama's "All this for a damn flag" I'll leave this here http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/st...lag-first-lady/

Edited by Morton 1st MRB
Ford to answer the part of your post that address the economy, yes we are better off the now where 4 days ago. I had a long drawn out conversation with my family about this, but the key points are. 1. The GDP is growing, 2. Adding 100,000 job a a month rather then losing 800,000 a month. 3. Unemployment is no longer skyrocketing up there, but is coming down, again slowly, however it is still grim. 4. The Private Sector is growing, again slowly but at least it is growing. 5. Government spending is deceasing. Basically the economy is recovering, just not as fast as people (especially Obama) had hoped.

And to be honest, as soon as the Republicans stated their sole job is going to ensure Obama is a one term president, it started to become their fault, because they will do anything to make sure of that. Including rejecting bills that will improve the economy, since a bad economy is good for the Republicans. It makes Obama look bad.

As for the flag, that is one picture taken during the National Anthem, which isn't a requirement to place your hand over your heart, I was taught to only place my hand over my heart for the Pledge, and stand respectfully and sing for the Anthem, so there really isn't a set way. Also he does put his hand over his heart for the Pledge, so maybe he was told the same thing. As long as he is respectful I couldn't care less.

As for Ms. Obama's "All this for a damn flag" I'll leave this here http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/st...lag-first-lady/


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