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So after a rousing night last night, I got a little paranoid and... long story short, ended up getting my Girl Plan B. She took it 2 hours ago. Here's to hoping it works and she has her period regularly (We used the pull-out method/ she got off Birth Control about 2 weeks ago/ im 19 so I dont want a child) Anyways, we're going to cut back off on sex for awhile. She doesn't like to use a condom because she doesn't like the way it feels; hence the pull out method. We agreed that it was either no sex, or occasional sex w/ a condom on until she gets BC in december. Are there any condoms yall would recommend that dont take away from the feeling too much but are still protective/ high quality?


Noone should kid themselves about some kind of 'pullout method.' There is no such thing. If you could just simply pull out to keep women from getting pregnant I don't think we would've invented so many means of preventing contraception.

Quick tip: Buy some KY (or any kind of lubricant - incidentally grape seed oil works well). You can put it on both the outside of the condom and inside. Yes, put it on your dong, then put on the condom, and then put some on the condom.


OK, so my first question was why are you sharing this info with me, and then I read you were looking for advice on proper birth control. As a Catholic I feel I should take the time to preach the 100% way to not get a girl pregnant which is abstinence. But if that's not your thing, than I do have just the thing for you....


This is also proven to be 100% effective.


Lube is great if you use a condom, trojan's condoms aren't bad, Lifestyle either. Honestly though, it's much easier if she's on birth control. If she experiences some adverse effects, she can always see her doctor about a different prescription. And yeah, pullout method and the calendar method don't really work. The reason why pullout doesn't work is that in your precum, there are small amounts of spermatozoids which may very well get to the egg and then bam, child support for the rest of your life.

Mary gave birth to jesus. BAM. 99.99999999999% effective

xD Jabs

Honestly man, dont get ecstasy. me and my gf tried them and neither of us were a fan. Any condom with lube might make it a bit better, maybe try trojans new bareskin condoms? But if she doesnt like condoms, there may be no condom solution.

Side note, Plan B is pretty effective. In the few scares that i've had, ive used Plan B and no ones gotten pregnant! :P so don't stress out too much.

And also, my girlfriend is on birth control, but we still use condoms, cause like its been said, even BC is only 99% effective. Personall i think having a kid would ruin my life at this stage, and i wont accept even a 1% chance of fucking up. So even when shes on BC, if youve been pulling out, you might wanna keep doing that, just to be on the safe side. just get her used to blowin it in her mouth :P


Might i a suggest a much safer way that me and my ex tried and it worked very well.


Expensive i know but if she gets a book to learn about her menstrual cycles and uses this device then it eliminates condoms AND birth control hence all the condomless sex you can have lol. Worked for a year and never had any problems. Course it takes some thinking power of your GF to learn more about herself in that way, but look at the bright side. NO condoms, but condoms when shes fertile. No pumping her with chemicals through birth control making her lose her sex drive. DO NOT get one of those fuckin clips that doctors put into them or anything of that sort. Those things will fuck them up and i forget what their called.

Or like previous people have said. Try different condoms and lubes. Its the easiest method. Quit doing the pullout method lol.


Don't they teach kids these things!? The "PULLOUT" method is a myth. Since you're all so candid about your sex life, lets be candid about how babies are made. Sperm. Sperm continually comes out of the penis throughout sex, not just at ejaculation.

ALSO (since I'm feeling generous) another myth, girls CAN get pregnant while they're HAVING their period. Stick both of those in your front pocket, because they don't belong in the back pocket with your old, unused condom.

PS - Plan B is just a dose of the birth control pill. There's nothing magical about it. Also - it can take up to a week for your sperm to travel all the way to her egg. So have fun sweating that one out.

Sperm. Sperm continually comes out of the penis

That's what that is? Thank god, I thought it was my soul trying to escape my body. You learn something new everyday :D

Pullout method, don't do it.

Double wrapping, don't do it.

Two consenting adults. One condom. Baby problem solved.


That's what that is? Thanks god, I thought it was my soul trying to escape my body. You learn something new everyday :D

Pullout method, don't do it.

Double wrapping, don't do it.

Two consenting adults. One condom. Baby problem solved.


^ Best way to go.


Once again thanks for the advice, sarcasm, and what have you. Condoms will be plentiful. Hopefully everything works out!

Once again thanks for the advice, sarcasm, and what have you. Condoms will be plentiful. Hopefully everything works out!

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