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  Yamagata 1st MRB said:
I can't stand the Young Turks and I can stand Bill Maher even less...

I usually stay away from politics but I also can't stand the young turks.

I've only seen two of their videos, the first was them making fun of Kevin Durant's back tattoo, which they pretended they knew what it represented and made fun it of it for the entire video. Kevin Durant called them clowns on twitter and they made another video talking about how awesome they are and how Kevin Durant didn't know anything.

And Bill Maher is one of those guys that thinks, "I got an opinion on something so what I say is important" mentalities.


I agree with the video but its the first time I've come across the 'Young Turks'.

Last time I came across a group with that name it was Turkey's young nationalist/fascist officers around WW1 times, seems odd to me.

  Logue 1st MRB said:
I agree with the video but its the first time I've come across the 'Young Turks'.

Last time I came across a group with that name it was Turkey's young nationalist/fascist officers around WW1 times, seems odd to me.

I just discovered them also, their not always the most agreeable but i like the content.

  • 2 months later...
  O said:
Democrats have always been the same democrats.


And your point was? Sure they where labeled as Democrats, but the thing is political views shift over time. For example, The Republicans under Reagan where conservatives, but they knew how to compromise and make politics work. Present day Republicans have been overrun and taken over by the fanatical Christian Right and are in the middle of a party civil war. To the Republicans of today, Ronald Reagan, the patron Saint of American Conservatism, would be considered a RINO, or a Republican In Name Only.

  Yamagata 1st MRB said:
I can't stand the Young Turks and I can stand Bill Maher even less...

I agree, I don't mind politically biased commentary, but I'd rather get it from John Stewart. He's at least tries to pick on his own side once in a while. And he manages not to sound pretentious while doing so.

  G i 0 BAR said:
im not even gunna watch the video. But Political parties always change their views depending on the issue at hand. I mean the Democrats were the ones pushing for slavery back in the day.

I know, after watching Lincoln a while ago, I was wanting to look up how Democrats went from the slavery platform of the 19th century to the pro-abortion one of today.

Posted (edited)
  Ultranator BAR said:
I know, after watching Lincoln a while ago, I was wanting to look up how Democrats went from the slavery platform of the 19th century to the pro-abortion one of today.

Pro-choice really isn't the same thing as pro-abortion. China's 1 child policy is pro-abortion.

Also, what does abortion have to do with slavery? Maybe pro-slavery and "pro-abortion" go hand in hand.

Edited by Lafy BAR

I agree with Legend, I hate the hosts of The Young Turks(which you are right Logue, the last group in history that used that name was a pro-fascist group), but I like the content they have. They are so biased in terms of their views on subjects its not even funny, and they pull statistics out of their asses all the time.

As for my views on the democrats, I think both them and the Republicans are gonna start another civil war in the States before the century is out since they've successfull split the American ideology in half. I personally hope Jesse Ventura runs for President in the next election, and you guys might see a change from this two-party show.


Morton, Come on now! You're only repeating liberal talking points that have already been debunked. Republicans have always been right wingers. To say they're Christians is like saying the mascot is an elephant. Republicans have been the silent majority. Now that only some are speaking out now, the scared left is calling them radical. Which is quite funny in light of the failed Occupy Wall Street attempt. Now that was radical.


I said they are being overtaken by a very conservative element, The TEA Party, and they have had an influx of Extremely Christian members as well. Which has done more harm to this Nation they any party or movement in recent years. They have taken conservatism so far to the right it makes Ronald Reagan look like a hippie. Prior to this mess I was an atheist Republican, I agree with a lot of their views on Foreign Issues, and some of their Domestic ideas appealed to me as well. However it was during the Debt Ceiling Crisis that lowered our credit rating that I realized that the older. reasonable faction of the Republicans where being overrun by the more extreme Right Wing Fanatics who had decided to throw politics out the window and adopt the ways of a spoiled child who isn't getting their way, and just say "NO!" They refused to compromise to save the nation, and basically strong-armed the Republican Party into refusing every bill the Democrats put on the table, and at the same time put bills so outrageously unfair that the Democrats had no choice but to refuse.

That started by separation from the Right and started me on the path to where I stand now. The Republican Party is in despair, the 2012 elections proved that the Republicans are no long in tune to the majority of Americans.

As for Occupy Wall Street how is "A reduction in the influence of corporations on politics, more balanced distribution of income, more and better jobs, bank reform (especially to curtail speculative trading by banks), forgiveness of student loan debt, or other relief for indebted students, and alleviation of the foreclosure situation" radical?

Also please stop using Liberal as an insult. It isn't a dirty word.

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