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So I was bored and figured that I play way too much DayZ that Ild write a story for it. This is the start if the story and if you guys like it ill continue it. If not then I won't. Please let me know what you guys think, thanks

Day Z Diaries

Day 0

As the plane hit the edge of the land the engine gave out. Fires burst from the cockpit and Sgt. Morton threw me out of the back door. Falling I feel death clutch me. We almost escaped this dreaded land. Now, I'm plummeting to my death. I blackout midway down on my drop. The next thing I remember Is waking up on the shore of Chernarus. I almost got off this hell hole but now I'm back here and I know I must survive. As I crawl off the beach I look and see the dock yard to my right and I wonder if any member of my squad made it out. I continue to crawl and so starts my journey to find my squad. I'm now held up in a shed In the dark with my thoughts and this journal I keep on my person. It's the nights end and I need to rest for tomorrow I begin my search.

Day 1

I woke up this morning as the sun was rising. Based on the suns positions on the horizon it was 0600. I peered through the cracks of the shed and was startled as I saw movement outside. The movement was by a small house so I figured it could be a survivor. I approached slowly and announced myself. I repeated that I am Cpl. Mottola of the United States Marines. The man stopped as I approached and slowly started to turn. He then charged me and I realized he was no more alive than the thousands of other infected. As he charged I dogged him and noticed an axe in a wooden stump. I ran to the axe for it was the only chance I had. I grabbed it and as the zombie ran toward me I plunged it into his skull. I removed the axe and began to move into the town. I remember the studies of maps during the briefing 2 weeks ago and calculated that I was in a city known as Elektrozavodsk. As I moved along the road I saw a fire station and decided to duck inside to scavenge for some tools. I managed to find a M1911 with two clips in the chiefs desk. I realized my chances aren't that great but this pistol increased my odds from none to slim. As I make my way through Elektro I find a map, backpack, food, water and a compass. These essentials will let me make my journey to find my squad. When I make my way through the north side of town into the abyss of Chernarus, I realize I'm not the only one here. Shot spark the dirt around me and I break into full sprint toward a power station. I duck into a shed and I hear the shooter run closer. They open the shed and I draw my 1911 but I'm too slow and they breaks my draw and throw me to the floor. To my surprise the the shooter is SSgt. Cast, my squads munitions expert. As she realizes who I am she fills me in on what happened, but not before hammering on about how I got my ass kicked by a women. She tells me that as the plane was going down she jumped out with TSgt. Morton after he threw me out of the open hatch. I found out that I was passed out on the beach for 3 days. Cast had managed to scavenge an AK-74 and basic gear since the crash. We stay in the shed and plot our way north. On the map is a town known as Stary Sobor. This city was our original objective when we arrived at Chernarus two weeks ago. We all agreed that if the squad was separated that we would make our way to Stary to regroup. Cast and I marked our map and took shelter in the power plant for the night. We would make our move in the morning.

Day 2

Day 2 on our mission to regroup and we started to head north. We make it 500 meters away from Elektro and hear shots pop off. A constant stream of bursts coming from an M249 SAW. Cast informs me that we aren't the only ones alive on in this place. She has seen a bandit group drive into Elektro and kill anything that moved. She was hunting one bandit member and when he finally walked into the firehouse she stuck him with her knife and bleed him. She acquired her AK and gear off his dead body. After hearing this I realize that there is more strength in numbers, but then rest of our squad is in more danger than expected. Cast leads us deeper into Chernarus and we make it to a town called Mogilevka. With the maps key we determine that Novy Sobor, which is right outside of Stary is about 2.5 km away. In the town we find a camping tent that we set up on a hill overlooking Mogilevka. This is where we will spend the night.

Day 3

I am awoken on day 3 at 0400 by the sounds of chopper overhead. I rush out and as ima about to throw a road flair I'm tackled by Cast and I drop the flair. She tells me to look closer at the chopper and I use the light coming from its spotlight to see what looks like a makeshift skull painted on the bottom of the chopper. Being as we are awake now and in fear of being hunted by bandits we continue to move north to Stary. At 0630 we hit the outskirts of Novy Sobor. As the sun is coming up we sit in the tree line and scout the area. We notice a man quickly run into the church and shut the large wooden doors. Cast and I both know that we have to confront this person. We move into Novy avoiding any contact by the undead. It's now 0700 and we approach the church. I call out to the person in the church and I dentist myself. The doors slowly open and we hear the words "come one in, I'm friendly". Not taking any chances we enter with our weapons drawn. The man was sitting at the front of the church in one of the pews. He had on military clothing and was sitting next to an M4 Assault Rifle. He informed us that he was hunting bandits for what they did to his squad. He wouldn't tell us where he was going but he told us who he was. He was Lt. Charles Douglas. He's an Army paratrooper dropped in a month ago with his platoon. Cast asked him if he saw anyone in Stary in the last few days and he said he did. He saw a man in a ghillie suit carrying what looked like to be an injured man. We take the info from the Lt and we head to Stary. As we hit the military tents on the north side sniper fire opens up on us. I dive into a military tent but lose track of Cast. I peer out to see Cast up on the hill behind the tents holding the sniper at gun point. I couldn't hear them but I see her lower her weapon. I look in the tents and manage to find an M4A1 CCO SD, this is the best luck I've had so far. 2 mag came with the M4 and I exited the tent and made my way to Cast. We found more of our squad. The person shooting at us was Cpl. Jock, our squads sharpshooter. He tells us that MSgt. Takel didn't die in the crash. He received some burns on his face and glass shards cut his arms but he managed to get our to the back of the plane and jump with Jock. Takel was on the hill 50 m back. He had a bandage covering his left eye and a bandage on his left forearm and right bicep. He had a little limp but other than than that he was combat ready. Move back into Stary Sobor and im able to find more STANAG mags and ammo for Jock's DMR, Takle's M16 and Cast swaps her AK for my M4 but I grab an M249 SAW. Jock fount night vision for himself but that was it. We took shelter in a small house for the night in anticipation of our search for TSgt. Morton and 1Sgt. Brown.

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Lol you make me sound like a right bad ass. In the first paragraph you list morton as a sgt then further down as a tsgt. Anyway nice piece of reading

That's because you are a badass and I know I was gonna change it but I forgot lol


Thanks brown! Ill keep writing them and based on our gameplay ill throw in some twists. Ill also try to add different characters diaries as well. I also put you as 1stSgt cause that's what you where in the unit lol

I guess by playstyle I'd be the squad medic. I only have 19000 humanity and a hero skin.

Loool, by your game play you should be a psychotic axe-murderer, killing zombies and bandits alike

I guess by playstyle I'd be the squad medic. I only have 19000 humanity and a hero skin.

Loool, by your game play you should be a psychotic axe-murderer, killing zombies and bandits alike

who is he going to accidently kill tho?

*final episode* Titled "Morton finds a frag" ha ha ha ha ha

Posted (edited)

Day 4

Day 4 on our trip started with an odd occurrence. We awoke to see freshly dead infected around the house we where held up in. Along with that we found bear traps around the house with infected trapped in them. I asked Takel and Jock if they had placed them during the night and they didn't. Something strange is going on around Stary and now was the time to make our way to the airfield. The North West Airfield housed the plane we used to make an escape a week ago. We only searched one hanger and we thought it would be a prime hold up location for the missing members of our squad. As we make our way out of Stary we hear what sounds like trucks rolling down the road. I hide in the general store with Jock and Cast takes Takel into the church. Our prediction was correct, three Urals, two with open back tops, pull up in front of the general store. I recognize who they are and realize this isn't going to be an easy confrontation. Jock on the other hand doesn't know who they are and announces our location and thy tell us to drop our weapons and walk out. I have a feeling in my gut that something interesting is going to happen. To make sure I have a chance I stash a knife in my boot. They take us outside and line us up against the wall with our hands up. Jock soon realizes why his idea was fucking stupid. As one of the bandits takes out his Glock 17, I feel deaths cold breath on my shoulders and the shine of his blade in the corner of my eye. I realize however that the shine isn't deaths blade, but Gods rifle. I hear a .50 cal round burst from the hill overlooking Stary and one of the bandits loses his head. I rush the bandit in front of me with my knife and gut him. I turn him and take his Glock as his buddies light up his corps. I return fire as Jock runs toward a house but is dropped by something hitting his calf. Cast exits the church and takes out the two bandits behind the Urals and another .50 cal round explodes in the distance with the results leaving a mess of brains and blood in the drivers seat of the rear Ural. As the shooting stops I see our Guardian on the hill in a ghillie suit stand and walk off behind the hill. I hear shortly after a jeep start up and take off. We grab Jock and bandage his wound. We need to find Morton fast, for he is the only one trained to remove whatever is in Jock's leg. We load up two of the Urals with the bandit's gear and our own. We put Jock in the rear if my Ural and gave him my SAW. I kept the Glock and drove behind Cast and Takel's Ural. We make our way along a road west of Stary but miss the turn for the airfield. We end up in the town of Lobatino. We settle in here for the night. Tomorrow we hit the airfield.

Day 5

The next morning we wake up and I find a working kitchen. Then only piece of civilization I've seen in weeks. Instead of living off of cans of beans and gutted animals I make breakfast for the squad. I gathered eggs from a hen house near by. I used some of the meat we have to make some steak and eggs. After what happened yesterday we could all uses a little peace. We sit at a table and eat like humans, like we are back home with our families. The only difference is we aren't home, but we are with our family. This squad has become a family and in a time of need we don't let a family member struggle. After breakfast I found a straight razor in the house bathroom and shaved. Everyone else did the same. After our moments of paradise we load up the trucks and make our way to the airfield. We gave Jock some painkillers for his leg so he can help in combat. We make it to the airfield and park the trucks outside the fence. I take Jock and lay him on a hill to provide over watch as Cast, Takel and I move toward the barracks. The south side has only clothes in it from those who used to live here. I take a helmet from one of the rooms and wear that. We start to move across the airfield and as we move we hear a loud pop and see a flair shoot into the air. We rush toward it cause we remember that Brown always kept a flair gun on him. Takel heads up to the control tower to provide cover as Cast and I move to the flair. We hit the barracks and to our surprise we see TSgt. Morton and 1stSgt. Brown sitting around a fire next to the barracks. Morton looks at us and says "it's about fucking time you showed up". Turns out he spotted me drop off Jock while he was in the control tower. Brown and Morton had landed near each other after the crash and packed up and moved north. They held up here and grabbed some gear and have been waiting ever since. Now, we have our squad and the next mission is to get the fuck out of this place. Morton informs us that there wasn't any other planes or choppers in this area. We bust out our maps and look for another location. The North East Airfield might have transport. We plot our course and bring the trucks and Jock over to a hanger and we stay here for the night.

Day 6

The squad wakes to the sounds of Jock groaning in his sleep. Whatever is inhis calf needs to come out now. We lay him down on one of the beds we took from the barracks and Morton removes the bandages to see the wound. It's a small hole in his calf but its right by the bone. Morton uses his medical kit and pulls a bullet fragment out of his leg. Based on the pain and placement of the shrapnel, Jock has broken his fibula. Morton stitches his leg and puts an antibacterial ointment ,to stop any infection, before he bandages his leg. We can now only use Jock for overwatch and guarding the vehicles. 1stSgt. Brown gathers us around Jock and tells us the mission plans. We are to cut across Chernarus to the North East Airfield, rally point Delta, and see if we can find some form of transport off this place. To make matters worse, we know that there are more bandit squads in the area. Brown informs us that we will stick to the country side because towns and cities are too dangerous to enter. We have Urals so off road travel will not be a problem. We load up the gear and start to make our way east. Jock hands his night vision over to Cast and Brown hands his to me. We can now drive at night without being spotted in the dark. We make the drive through the country and stop halfway between Grishno and Dubrovka to make our camp for the night. Soon we will be able to leave this hell.

Edited by Mr. Mottola BAR
Posted (edited)

Day 7

Day 7 started out like a normal morning of a camping trip. We woke up, loaded our gear and made our way to Dubrovka to scavenge for supplies. As we hit 300 meters outside of town we hear what sounds like M4 shots coming from the direction of Dubrovka. I signal a stop for I am driving the lead vehicle. We pull into the tree line and pull some makeshift camo nets over the trucks for cover. I take Jock over to a hill to provide cover. I rejoin the squad for orders from Brown. He said he spotted a flipped jeep in town and half beaten man by it. We see a Ural by the crashed jeep with four bandits around it. From the looks of the Ural, they rammed the jeep and flipped it. The driver must have been thrown from the car. We deem these men hostile and plan our attack. Cast suspected that they where from the group we saw a few days prior. Takel makes a suggestion that we take at least one man hostage. We agree to take the least armed person. There is a bandit with a M1911 standing at the rear of the Ural, and he just became a marked man. We radio jock that we are taking him hostage and the rest are dead men. As we approach the town Brown signals Jock and he puts a round in the marked mans left thigh. We move in and take out the other squad members. Brown takes the driver, Cast turns the passenger into a corpse and Takel drops the last bandit using his good eye. Morton move in to the marked man and knocks him out and starts to treat his wound so he doesn't die. I make my way to the crashed jeep and check on the driver. I lean down and hear low breathing and check his pulse. This man is still alive. I call Morton over and he takes him into a house and stitches him up. The man was riddled with shards of glass and suffered from a broken wrist. I check his jeep to get an idea of who he was and to my surprise I find bear traps and an M107 in the trunk. This was our Guardian, but now we protected him. We grab Jock and bring the trucks into town and settle down for the night. We tied the bandit to a chair and locked him in one of the sheds. To make sure he won't escape, we blocked all the doors and tied and his hands and feet together. As the rest of the squad got some rest I stood guard over our Guardian, anxious to see who he is when he wakes up.

Day 8

A night of little sleep I awake after nodding off for an hour to the scream of our Guardian. We have him on a table on the house we settled in and I jump up and assure him that he's alright. I bring the squad over and introduce us all. We tell him what happened with the bandits and that we helped him. Then comes the part we all have been waiting for. We ask him who exactly he is. He looks at us and says, " My name is Marsden, TSgt. C. Marsden. I was dropped into Chernarus a month ago with my spotter, Sgt. R. Gernoble. When we where hit by a bandit crew we split and I haven't seen him since. Now I've been going around Chernarus and hunting these bandits as well as protecting those in need." We tell him that he is welcome to join our squad and help provide overwatch. After a moment of silence he agrees and there comes another sniper to the team. As we let Morton clean out Marsden's wounds we know its time to interrogate the bandit. I agree to do the interrogation with Takel. We enter the shed and tell the bandit to tell us where his groups camp is and how many there are. As we expected he refused and threatened us. I became inpatient with him and punched him square in the face breaking his nose. I pull out my Glock and press it to his head and ask again. He refuses a second time. I push the barrel agains his existing bullet wound and fire. He screams in agony and I push the hot barrel against his forehead and tell him "the more I shoot the hotter it will be." After 4 shots he screams out "Devils Castle!" And passes out. Morton rushes in after he passes out and I have Takel take I'm out for this bandit will not live to see tomorrow. As Takel exits with Morton, I place the Glock to the bandits head and squeeze the trigger. This man did not deserve to live after what he was a part of. I enter the house to see everyone, including our new member, around the table plotting a course to Devils Castle. We decide that these bandits are gonna die. We grab our gear and find some satchel charges in the bandits Ural. We load up for tomorrow we are gonna have to move out fast. For now however, we rest. Tomorrow, starts war

Edited by Mr. Mottola BAR

USMC, 1st Marine Raider, Tactical Zombie Teams

Team 1 - Night Haunters

1stSgt. T. Brown - Team Leader

MSgt. J. Takel - Transport/mechanic

TSgt. P. Morton - Field Medic

SSgt. L. Cast - Munitions Expert

Cpl. J. Jock - Forward Observer

Cpl. A. Mottola - Interogator

Team 2 - Zombie Reapers

1stSgt. H. Stone - Team Leader *MIA*

TSgt. C. Marsden - "Guardian Angel" Designated Marksman

SSgt. A. Arsenault - Assault Recon *MIA*

Sgt. R. Grenoble - Designated Spotter *MIA*

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