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Day 9

We gear up for war, weapons and ammo only. We fill one ural with all our extra gear and equipment and leave it outside of Dubrovka. We decided to leave Jock and Marsden in Dubrovka for they are too injured for a fast paced battle. As we start up our truck and the bandit one, Brown is no where to be found. I look around the town and see him in one of the houses. He was sitting at a desk and placed a piece of paper into a small envelope and sealed it. I tell him we are ready to move out and he stands, turns to me and says "Mottola, have you ever had a moment of realization? A moment where you can see the future for just a few seconds?" I tell him no and he replays with "I have, and I want to give you this letter. Don't open it yet. "I ask him when to open it and he tells me that I will know when the time is right. He hands me the letter and we meet up with the squad. Takel sets up satchel charges in the bandit Ural and we put a dead bandit in the back of the truck. The rest of us climb into the other Ural and we follow Takel north east about a kilometer outside of Devil's Castle. We gather around Brown for the final plan. Morton and Cast are to circle around and attack from the north and Takel from the south. I will hit from the east and brown from the west. We will use the bandit truck as a decoy and take out the encampment. We move into position and wait for the signal. I spot three guards in the tower and several patrols. I can't imagine what the others are facing. Takel loads the dead body into the drivers seat and locks the wheel and bricks the gas. I watch as the truck drives through the front gate and grabs a guard with its bumper and pins him to the tower wall. He was cut in half by the force and four bandits converge on the truck. They look in to see the dead bandit and Takel hits the charges. The explosion takes out the tower wall and the tower starts to collapse. We all move in. I take cover against a wall and start taking shots at open targets. Cast and Morton rush in from the north and I see Morton, a man of medicine, take out his knife and plunge it from tip to hilt into a bandits skull. I see his eyes roll back as the knife is pulled out of his head and they start to fire back. Brown and Takel join the fight ducking behind walls and firing at guards on the walls. I move in and lay down covering fire for Takel and Brown and they move into the center of the encampment. We all meet in the center and continue to fire at the bandits around us. Explosions are going off throwing chunks of earth in the air. I reload my SAW and take a round in the left shoulder. Morton moves over and bandages me as the rest lay down cover. As Morton finishes I pull the pin on my grenade and launch it into a crowd. It explodes sending pink mist and bloody fragments through the air. Over the gun fire I hear a faint sound of helicopter rotters. We continue firing and we see a spotlight hit us through the trees. This chopper had the same skull on it that Cast and I saw last week. Brown makes the call for use to move out through the south gate. He gives me his M4 and takes my SAW for my arm is too weak to lift the SAW. we run toward the gate and stop at the exit and Brown looks at us and says "Go back to the town, ill make sure these bandits don't follow you." Casts grabs Brown and yells "No! You're coming with us!" Brown shrugs her off and looks at me and says in the most calm voice "When you get back, it will be the right time". Brown gets up and runs into the Castle. We make our way down to the truck and we can still hear the sounds of Brown's SAW ring through the air. As we make it to the Ural we see an explosion and a cloud of smoke. The bandit chopper is making its way toward us and from the trees I see a rocket from an M32 hit its tail. The chopper spins out of control and crashes nose first into the forest. We know that it was Brown who saved us. We get in the Ural. Takel drives with Cast in the front seat while me and Morton ride in the back. As we drive I pull Browns letter out of my vest pocket. It has a little bit of my blood on it but it's still readable. The letter reads:

USMC, 1stSgt. T. Browns Final Letter

If you are reading this then my hunch was correct, I didn't make it out of the battle alive. I hope that I didn't die for no reason and that the reader of this letter is Mottola and not some bandit. However the outcome may be, I am truly proud to lead this squad. As a 1stSgt you are supposed to lead your men as a group of soldiers, but I feel that I have lead you as my family. I couldn't take you into a situation where you wouldn't return. I knew that going into the bandit camp that my family would make it out safe, but that I may not. I want the squad to see this letter and to know that I can die a happy man for serving alongside all of you. Your Leader, 1stSgt. T. Brown, Night Hunters, 1st MRB, USMC.

Edited by Ret. T. Brown

USMC, 1st Marine Raider, Tactical Zombie Teams

Team 1 - Night Haunters

1stSgt. T. Brown - Team Leader

MSgt. J. Takel - Transport/mechanic

TSgt. P. Morton - Field Medic

SSgt. L. Cast - Munitions Expert

Cpl. J. Jock - Forward Observer

Cpl. A. Mottola - Interogator

Team 2 - Zombie Reapers

1stSgt. H. Stone - Team Leader *MIA*

TSgt. C. Marsden - "Guardian Angel" Designated Marksman

SSgt. A. Arsenault - Assault Recon *MIA*

Sgt. R. Grenoble - Designated Spotter *MIA*

NO longer MIA make an update fool-- I got gang raped by zombies because i got sick after Brown gave his last blood bag to a complete stranger.

I am not mad Bro

Oh I am a round up guy, find all the injured and broken in the server and give them aid, or a quick euthanasia if i see them having no chance of surviving.

That would most likely be me Stone lol.

I will be playing as well, downloaded the mods, one map, and played with it a bit last night

Posted (edited)

USMC, 1st Marine Raider, Tactical Zombie Teams

Platoon CO: CWO. M. McDowell

Platoon XO:

Team 1 - Night Haunters

1stSgt. T. Brown - Team Leader *KIA*

MSgt. J. Takel - Transport/mechanic

TSgt. P. Morton - Field Medic

SSgt. L. Cast - Munitions Expert

Cpl. J. Jock - Forward Observer

Cpl. A. Mottola - Interogator

Team 2 - Zombie Reapers

1stSgt. H. Stone - Team Leader *MIA*

GySgt. Z. Maines - Quartermaster *MIA*

TSgt. A. Giovanolli - Job Unknown *MIA*

TSgt. C. Marsden - "Guardian Angel" Designated Marksman

SSgt. A. Arsenault - Assault Recon *MIA*

Sgt. R. Grenoble - Designated Spotter *MIA*

Edited by Mr. Mottola BAR

Day 10

1stSgt. Brown is dead, every squad member feels it, even the new guy. Takel has drifted into an empty state of mind. He moved up the ranks with Brown and now that he's gone... he doesn't know how to feel. I heard a load banging and saw him swinging an axe into the side of a house. His eyes almost turned black. Cast and Morton have been trying to keep everyone calm but you can see the anguish in their faces. This journal is all I have to keep my sanity from slipping. I sit in a dim room and write to keep from becoming an empty shell. I get up and bring the squad together to talk to them. I say "Brown is dead, we know this, but we can't sit here and lose our sanity. It's not what he would have wanted. We have to escape and make it to safety. We will have a service for brown in an hour and mark a grave for him. He is still with us. He will always be a part of our family." As everyone drifts off we reconvene in an hour. I made a cross with some wooden planks I found and placed them in the ground. We had a moment of silence and gathered around the cross and Takel spoke up. He said "I knew Brown well. He was a great soldier, a best friend and the best person I ever knew. He would always put others before himself and would take any reprimand to protect his men. He is our brother and our leader. He will always be with us." We moved back into the town and geared up. Being that Takel is a MSgt he would be next in command. We plotted a course to Berezino to search for medical supplies. In the morning we would begin our trek. After yesterday's mess we could use some rest, but for Brown, we fight on

Day 11

The day starts as a groggy morning covered in fog. We load up in the trucks and make our way to Berezino. As the trucks move my stomach starts to churn. I have a feeling in my gut that something is wrong. Today seems like it will be a bad day. We hit the outskirts of Berezino at around midday but the sky is covered with black clouds and fog. We drive into the center of town and spread out into two man teams. Cast and Morton head to the hospital, Me and Marsden head for the first general store and Takel and Jock hobble over to the second store. The town seems quiet as the fog rolls down the streets. My gut continues to churn as we enter the store. As we look for food I hear a noise coming from the back of the store. I slowly move toward the back and flick on the light of my Glock. I see a figure to the right by back door and slowly shine my light on it. As I see it fully I realize what it is, a zombie feeding on a corpse that once was a survivor. As blood drips from its teeth it turns slowly and sees me. At this point I have no choice, I fire. The shot hits him in the shoulder and I fire again. He rushes me and knocks me down. I’am trying to hold him off but the hole in my shoulder isn’t helping. Marsden runs to the back and tackles the zombie and grabs a crossbow bolt from the floor and drives it though his forehead. We realize that with one zombie, there’s more. We grab what we can and run for the trucks. I look down the streets and see hordes walking down and I know we have to get the hell out of here. Marsden and I each hop in a truck and sound the horns. We hear shots ring off around the area. The rest of the squad must have run into some trouble. They make it back squad by squad and we load up. As we drive off Morton, Cast and Takel are firing from the back of the trucks taking out as many zombies as possible. We head back west into the fields and settle in as it starts to rain. Tonight we will sleep in the trucks to stay dry. Tomorrow we will head to the airfield and get the hell out of here.

Edited by Ret. T. Brown


Since its after Christmas i started up again.

Day 12

As the sun raises the Ural engines start to make a grinding noise. The first truck craps out but the second one pushes through and is in working condition. Takel pops the hood and takes a look at the engine. He lets out a sigh and informs us that we need engine parts. The engine is old as well as due to constant use, some parts have corroded. I tear a page out of my journal and tell him to write down what we need and we will make a run for it. He hands me the list as Marsden and I mark a town further west called Gorka. Hopefully there will be some parts there. Marsden and I load up and jump in the only working Ural. We drape a camie net over the truck so the rest of the team can identify who we are. We then make our way to Gorka. We drive for thirty minutes and finally bit the head to the outskirts of Gorka. Marsden sets up outside of town with his M107. His left wrist is broken so we bandaged it up and made a splint for it so he can still operate his rifle. I take the truck into town and as I drive into town I notice something strange. There is a larger two story house In town with a barn out back, but the house has sandbags covering the windows and barbed wire around it. There are three tank traps outside the house and two on each side of the house. I radio Marsden to focus on the house while I will approach. I raise my M4 as I exit the truck and hear a person’s voice. They say “Place your weapon on the floor unloaded.” I do as they ask and I hear Marsden inform me that he has eyes on the house. The front door which is covered in wooden boards swings open. Out steps a man in combat gear and camo clothing wearing what looks like to be a World War II helmet. The man steps forward and asks who I am. I tell him that I am Cpl. A. Mottola and I am looking for engine parts to fix our squad’s truck. As I tell him who I am his eyes light up. Turns out that he is a Marine as well. His name is First Sergeant Hagar Stone. He says he was stationed here with three other men. When the infection hit two of his squad mates left them behind. Him and a Private stayed to defend the area. The Private died a week ago after a hoard drifted into Gorka. I asked the 1stSgt if he had any extra parts and he informed me that there was a Humvee in the barn out back. He said that he would allow us to take it if he could join us. Gorka only reminded him of death and agony, he wanted to move on. I agreed to his proposal and he grabbed his gear. I pulled his Humvee out front to see him standing outside with an M1014 Shotgun, M1911 Pistol and a backpack loaded with food and ammo. Stone managed to duct tape a small tactical flashlight to the front of his shotgun. I exited the Humvee and jumped onto the Ural. We drive off and picked up Marsden then make our way back east to the camp. I was lead vehicle so Stone wouldn’t be shot. When we arrived at the camp I introduced Stone to the rest of the squad. They took a liking to him. He reminded the squad of an older and more grizzled version of Brown. This brought the morale of the squad up, something that we needed badly. We relaxed for the rest of the night and plotted the course to the North East Airfield, codename Thunder.

Edited by Ret. T. Brown


Day 13

The trucks are loaded up. All extra equipment is stored in the ural truck. We only hold on ourselves weapons and ammo. We don’t know what to expect at the airfield so we are rolling in with weapons hot. Marsden and Jock where bugging Morton this morning about pain in their respective wounds. They both got a shot of morphine. With that and some adrenaline, Marsden could move his wrist and Jock could walk. We are ready for combat. As we head to the airfield we see wrecked cars and houses on fire. We realize that we will be hitting a different kind of trouble here. We begin to pull up to the checkpoint where we are going to store our cars for the coming battle. As we park the cars we hear a strange grinding noise. The noise sounded familiar, I remembered it from Camp Pendleton. We would do PT while there where LAV drills practiced in the distance. They made a grinding noise as they drove.... this same noise was heard today as we parked the trucks. I silenced everyone and got them into the tree line as we saw the M2 Bradley drive past. It was armed with a 25mm gun and a .50 cal mounted gun. I could see one man on the side of it and one on the mounted gun. I signal Marsden to load in his armor piercing rounds for his M107. He loads them up but the M2 stops 100 meters to our north east. The man jumps off the side and the .50 cal is scanning. I urge Marsden to fire on the LAV while the rest of us suppress it. Before I can tell everyone I see 1stSgt. Stone rush from the trees carrying his M1014 and two M67 frag grenades. I tell Marsden to fire and he rips the head off the .50 cal gunner. Stone peppers the man on the ground with slug rounds and climbs on the LAV. I watch as our new leader pops two frags and drops them down the hatch of the LAV. As he runs towards us the grenades go off and the LAV explodes and sends Stone into the dirt. Morton and I rush out and take him back to the tree line. We then moved the trucks further into the forest and decided that we would have to plan a better attack now that we know that Object Thunder is guarded by armor. We must take that airfield!

Edited by Ret. T. Brown

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