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Supposedly Canada's 'Gun Culture', or gun enthusiasts are being discriminated by the wider population of Canada just for owning guns. I saw a story in the news about this one enthusiast whom is trying to educate other Canadians that Gunowners are not all Gangbangers and Murderers, but they can be some of the best people in Canada. His daughter, whom is in University and is also a gun enthusiast, said that she cannot even tell people in her University openly that she owns a gun, or else people don't want anything to do with her. I feel that's very shallow and fucking stupid of people to judge a person based on their possessions alone, and I expected more of fellow University students (perhaps I'm expecting too much?). Even social stigma aside, a Gunowner in Canada is background checked by the RCMP's website every single day to ensure that they have a clean record. What do you guys think? I think that's a little extreme, despite the shootings in the States and the numerous deaths to gun violence here in Canada; and they most certainly shouldn't have to carry a stigma towards them.


old old old old news, its been like that in Canada longer then I've been alive.

It's just more well known now that social media has taken over.

Heck half the time you can not even post on facebook now that you play Airsoft or Paintball as some companies now frown upon it due to the Soccer Mom crazies.

Personally if they dont like that I have an active social hobby that I use "toy" guns to play with, I do not really want to work for said companies.

As for the background check every single day by the RCMP, thats a little far fetched, there is far to many gun owners for them to be able to do this and still do their normal day job, especially with all the budget cuts lol.

Everytime there is an RCMP check done on a person theres a flag put in a system, that if there is an excessive amount of checks it creates an investigation into said person(s), which would result in even more expenditures and costs that the RCMP can not afford.

Besides they have their hands full with lawsuits over tasers still.


I think the story you read has been skewed by the media to make it seem worse than it really is. I'm a Canadian citizen and I own my fair share of firearms and I've never been discriminated for it. In fact, showing my collection to others seems to spark some interest in them. My friends who own firearms feel the same way and in no way are they being discriminated by others.

Fabarm XLR 5 Prestige

Boito Miura 12G Combo

Remington 700 SPS Tactical w/ Burris scope

Fabarm Iris 61 Elite w/ Burris scope

Ruger 10/22 w/ Bushnell scope

Glock 17 gen4

That's the (small) collection of firearms in my safe and I plan on getting more in the future.


Actually I think its a fact that more owners of Airsoft and Paintball guns are having larger issues with the law and ability to buy then real steel guns.

I know for a fact, that any real steel guns I buy are cheaper, easier to obtain and more readily available then their "toy" counterparts lol

If you really want to know more about gun laws and issues in Canada, visit www.canadiangunnutz.com


Yeah I own firearms and the reaction I get is usually one of interest as well. Only a few people seemed to get turned off by the thought that I own firearms. It is true though in a lot of cases where a break and enter has occured and a homeowner has used a firearm to halt the intruder the police will come back the next day and confiscate their firearms. Not even shooting the intruder mind you, just making him surrender and stay put! And you still get your guns taken away, it's ridiculous.

Yeah I own firearms and the reaction I get is usually one of interest as well. Only a few people seemed to get turned off by the thought that I own firearms. It is true though in a lot of cases where a break and enter has occured and a homeowner has used a firearm to halt the intruder the police will come back the next day and confiscate their firearms. Not even shooting the intruder mind you, just making him surrender and stay put! And you still get your guns taken away, it's ridiculous.

If you are not allowed to have them, you can't have them. Simple.


Yeah, I think CBC was blowing it out of proportion, and they seemed to be leaning against Gun owners by the sounds of some of the remarks; at least that's what I inferred from it. I mean the reporter (whom had never fired a gun before) was interviewing this man who owned a fairly sizeable collection of around 15 guns, mostly pistols but a few rifles and shotguns as well, and the guy picked the man's AR-14 to talk about. He (The interviewer) and the owner's conversation went like this, and I'll quote as best as I can:

"So, that's an AR-14?

Yes it is.

That's the same model of rifle that Adam Lambda used to commit that shooting in Conneticut?


Do you feel anything in in connection to that shooting when you use that?

No, why should I? Since one AR-14 committed a mass shooting doesn't mean that you feel anything different about it. If a drunk driver gets into a car crash in a Honda Civic do all Honda Civic Drivers feel guilty or any sort of emotion towards a Honda Civic? No. This gun is one of fond memories for me, I've used it in competitions, and I've got another one where I intend to use it this Fall already arranged, and I look forward to using it multiple times after that for fun."

I think that was a dumb question on the reporters' part, that could be said about any gun in existence including ones that cops use. Nobody should feel guilty about any of their possessions just because versions of them were used to commit crimes. As for the RCMP background checks, the guy said he gets checked by their online engine almost, if not daily, so I don't know.

As for his daughter's problems with people shying away from her because she owns guns, I think that depends on the University and the area which were not stated. I wouldn't think it would be a huge problem. Hell, in my High school I knew a friend who had licensing for pistols and shotguns and went out hunting with his folks regularly and I was never nervous of him, and I took an interest in it. Then on another occassion as I was walking through the halls I overheard a less than scrupulous character saying to another guy whether or not he shoulder bring his revolver to school. I noted it, but I never got freaked out over it. Nor have many other people I've talked about it, but I think if you have areas that experience a lot of gun violence, maybe people would get freaked out, but I don't know.

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