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So, some of you I'm sure support gay marriage, some are against it, and some probably just don't care.

If you do care, you may like to know that Senator Rob Portman ® wrote an op-ed in support of gay marriage.


If you think he's doing a good job, why not write him a note saying so?


If you think that gay marriage is a bad idea, you need not respond :P

  • 2 weeks later...

I'll vote yes, I could care less who marries who. However, I live in Utah where my vote doesn't count against the enormous resounding NO from the Mormon church and the rest of the far-right republicans. My home is Washington state, and I believe that's been voted in already.

I'm just tired of the subject getting shoved down my throat because I'm a straight male and automatically have something against gay people and gay rights.


My confusion comes from why people (on both sides) put so much importance on the word "marriage". If you love each other enough to live out the rest of your days then that should be all you need. Why people need a piece of paper from the government telling you something you already know in your heart is beyond me. Further more after living together for X amount of years (it varies) you can still claim each other as domestic partners regardless of having said piece of paper. I do believe that Domestic Partnerships should be taxed in the same manner as a married couple; however I don't find a sense of equality in changing the definition of a word and principle of society in favor of one demographic. I do support the rights of the members of the Gay community to have equal rights as far as tax law, living situations, adoption, and even being able to celebrate a wedding together; just pick a different fucking word and everyone will move the fuck on.

This is just my opinion.

My confusion comes from why people (on both sides) put so much importance on the word "marriage". If you love each other enough to live out the rest of your days then that should be all you need. Why people need a piece of paper from the government telling you something you already know in your heart is beyond me. Further more after living together for X amount of years (it varies) you can still claim each other as domestic partners regardless of having said piece of paper. I do believe that Domestic Partnerships should be taxed in the same manner as a married couple; however I don't find a sense of equality in changing the definition of a word and principle of society in favor of one demographic. I do support the rights of the members of the Gay community to have equal rights as far as tax law, living situations, adoption, and even being able to celebrate a wedding together; just pick a different fucking word and everyone will move the fuck on.

This is just my opinion.

its just that theres a different set of civil laws for those who are married. everything changes. the most bullshit thing to me is inheritance laws and insurance laws. there's no reason they should be denied the same rights as straight couple just because homophobes and religious fundamentalists are protective of the word marriage


Ya I have no issue with them having the same rights as a straight couple who has been married but it still doesn't seem equal to change the definition of anything for one demographic over another was my only point. The instant you take the word marriage out of the equation all of the religious fanatics won't have a leg to stand on, nor will the politicians as at that point it is an argument of the restricted rights of our citizenry and their pursuit of happiness. Amendments to the way that the law looks at a domestic partnership definitely needs to happen and the religious nut bags need to stop and remember one really big point of our country. Separation of Church and State. I.E. Religious belief holds no meaning in a court of law.


I think the Mormon church has less a right to complain about redefining marriage than anyone given it's polygamous (and massively racist) past. Some of the nicest people I've ever met, but also some of the most ignorant.

If you had been chase and hounded, abused, murdered and seen your best friends commit suicide simply because they thought who they were was wrong, you would understand why the gay community places such importance on this decision, on marriage and all the rights it entails, why they're "shoving it down your throat."


I DGAF, honestly. My brother is queer, but he doesn't want to marry because he doesn't want to get divorced. Personally, I've got no "moral high ground" when it comes to marriage, since I'm a polygamist [4 wives max. in Islam].

I think the Mormon church has less a right to complain about redefining marriage than anyone given it's polygamous (and massively racist) past. Some of the nicest people I've ever met, but also some of the most ignorant.

If you had been chase and hounded, abused, murdered and seen your best friends commit suicide simply because they thought who they were was wrong, you would understand why the gay community places such importance on this decision, on marriage and all the rights it entails, why they're "shoving it down your throat."

If you look through the family tree's of most members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that have been a part of the church for many generations (such as mine) you will find that many have been chased, hounded, abused, murdered and many suicides because people don't like our belief system either. My cousin killed himself 5 years ago because of people giving him shit non-stop about being Mormon and saying he could never be faithful to a woman because we are all conditioned to be polygamists. Look in your US history book to find out about the history of oppression against Mormon's and from Mormon's. I am in no way saying the church is without fault. Just that responsibility is a two way street. The church needs to pull it's head out it's ass and stop trying to oppress people's believes as one of the big things it was established for was to practice it's own God Damned beliefs. Not all of us are assholes, not even all of the 1st presidency is assholes.


There's a distinction to be made. LBGT people don't ask for the right to marry in a church, according to the Roman or Protestant rite. LBGT people ask the right to civil~ marriage, which gives a bunch of advantages. Personally, my solution would be to allow gays civil marriage and to give a further incentive per child born so we can still have the natality rate we need (Because at least here in Quebec, our population is slowly aging, which is a big problem).

In Canada they already have the right to marry though, hurray for us!

And now I'm done voicing my opinion because again, I'm pinned to be oblivious and ignorant just because I don't like having someone else's beliefs forced on me (sound familiar?)

Not entirely sure how I, or any of those pushing for equal rights for the LGBT community, are forcing our beliefs down your throat. Unless everything people say goes straight down your throat, in which case you might need to see a doctor.


I vote no. Would of voted Yes, but force feeding me bullshit kicks my Anti-Authority/Anti-Agenda attitude into sixth gear. That plus I hate being politcally correct and will intentionally disregard being PC. Lions should not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

I vote no. Would of voted Yes, but force feeding me bullshit kicks my Anti-Authority/Anti-Agenda attitude into sixth gear. That plus I hate being politcally correct and will intentionally disregard being PC. Lions should not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.


My brother is queer

I lol'd. Just an odd word, haven't seen it used in awhile.

Never the less, adding to my previous post I would support due to the fact that it allows people to become miserable from their poor choices, which I always find funny. (I used to stand next to the claw plush animal, "50 cents for a chance to win a chinese made bear" machines at Wal-Mart when I was little and laugh at the morons who missed time and time again. Good times.)

And ontop of that, you can't post in politics and tell an oppositional party not to discuss the matter. Thats like walking into a titty bar and expecting there to be a "clearance" rack, half price lap dances.

My brother is queer

I lol'd. Just an odd word, haven't seen it used in awhile.

His word, not mine. Well, okay, so I stole it. But he describes himself as "Queerer than a 3 Dollar Bill". Funny, since I can still remember before he came out of the closet. He almost married his money-grubbing girlfriend... But thought better of it and went homo.

To this day he makes WAY more money than his boyfriend, and doesn't want to go through the whole "give me half" divorce routine that has become so popular. Gay or straight, I don't blame him. If you've earned yourself a good life, there's no reason someone should be entitled to a piece of it just because you're in a relationship. It takes two individuals to be married, it is NOT a symbiotic relationship -- Contrary to popular belief.


I view this the same way I view most things concerning people. I dont care if you hold different beliefs of the world as long as you dont try to ram your thoughts down my throat. If you are gay I have no problem treating you as an equal individual. If you are gay and flaunt your beliefs around concerning your issues please fuck off. This goes for pretty much anything someone would view as a part of their daily life.

If you've earned yourself a good life, there's no reason someone should be entitled to a piece of it just because you're in a relationship. It takes two individuals to be married, it is NOT a symbiotic relationship -- Contrary to popular belief.

of course not, but at least give them the option right? not every straight couple is married either, it just gives homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals i.e. they can marry if they want to.

that and Gay Divorce TV would be priceless


I vote yes.. fucking marry who you want, equal rights for real.. blacks fought for it, woman fought for it, and now gays are.. well they always have, but still.. saw a good picture today actually

click here for the pic

now dont get me wrong this is just my view, I think everybody has a right to what they wish, and they should have that right, but im not going to ram that down anybodies throat, Im not religious, i have my own beliefs and I'm a straight male, who believes I should be able to like whoever i want to like, or marry who i want to marry, same goes for everybody. i mean fuck, most my friends that are gay keep to themselves, but also.. most my friends that are straight support gays, if you dont, I wont talk shit about you, as long as you don't talk shit about them. deal.. k good. ^_^ theres my view on the whole subject

I vote no. Would of voted Yes, but force feeding me bullshit kicks my Anti-Authority/Anti-Agenda attitude into sixth gear. That plus I hate being politcally correct and will intentionally disregard being PC. Lions should not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

Anti-authority would be to not infringe on the rights of American people through the government.

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