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Disney closes Lucasarts

Mamora BAR

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This is a sad day....no star wars 1313 and no star wars assault game that looked as if it would be the pinnacle of Star Wars Battlefront. I remember the good days of N64 and gamecube when i played Rogue Squadron. One of the best games ive ever played next to battlefront and its a shame that we wont see another battlefront game or something like it.

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yeah way to ruin my childhood disney. bastards.

im sure the movie will still happen as it seems they've just shut down lucasarts, probably because they couldn't afford it.

i appreciated this post because it allowed me to discover that The Old Republic is now free to play. Does anyone know of any changes between the paid version and free version?

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yeah way to ruin my childhood disney. bastards.

im sure the movie will still happen as it seems they've just shut down lucasarts, probably because they couldn't afford it.

i appreciated this post because it allowed me to discover that The Old Republic is now free to play. Does anyone know of any changes between the paid version and free version?

I payed for it for 6 months then went F2P and I have to say the experience is dramatically reduced because of the restrictions, so much that I renewed my subscription. In my opinion spending the $15 a month is worth it.

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what restrictions? what was different about it?

Well a lot of cosmetic restrictions for armor and speeders, half experience, accessibility is reduced, really can never get into warzones or flashpoints, some quest rewards are locked. Some items cant be used. There's so much to list and it's kind of hard to explain. Easier for you to experience it.

Oh and a HUGE one is you can only use 2 characters on your WHOLE account. If you have to 2 on on 1 server, no more characters on any server can be made again until you become a preferred player or subscriber.

Edited by Arevicci 1st MRB
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I subbed to SWTOR for 3 months and wasted the last one. The game itself was horrible and the way the game was described pre-launch doesnt even compare to what was released. Not worth the time in my opinion unless you havent tried it.

LucasArts made so many great games years ago. With what they had on the horizon it looked as if they were going to make a comeback with 1313 and first assault. Its disappointing unless some other company picks up where they left off. Still sad to see a company that has made some pretty iconic games over the years disappear like that.

Edited by Mamora BAR
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Many people still enjoy it and have subs to it, but like I said its only my opinion. I tend to be overcritical of that game and have come to the conclusion that I'm just fed up with MMO's in general.

The lore behind it all and the atmosphere in itself along with the millions of dollars pumped into the voice acting are superb I admit. Doesnt hurt to play something you havent tried, especially when its free.

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I subbed to SWTOR for 3 months and wasted the last one. The game itself was horrible and the way the game was described pre-launch doesnt even compare to what was released. Not worth the time in my opinion unless you havent tried it.

LucasArts made so many great games years ago. With what they had on the horizon it looked as if they were going to make a comeback with 1313 and first assault. Its disappointing unless some other company picks up where they left off. Still sad to see a company that has made some pretty iconic games over the years disappear like that.

I feel like it's one of the best MMOs I've played, and I've played quite a number. People expected too much and weren't patient. They wanted 8 years of content at launch. Then again, I'm biased. I'm a HUGE star wars geek and bioware fan. There are problems, but all games have problems.

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shit honestly i liked the game during beta testing.. i was a tester twice, and liked it.. there were glitches but it was beta, overall though great game, its not the same as KOTOR no, from what i experienced anyway, but thats mainly because its just an overall different playing experience, KOTOR is single player so you dont have other people running around doing what you are doing like in the MMO. it is the same just.. different. its better in some aspects but worse in others, just literally something you really have to try out and see for yourself if you are interested

in fact ive been debating playing it, i bought the game pre-release. bought the collectors edition because i liked what they had but my payment didnt go through. something went wrong no idea what, so i never got it haha.. and just decided not to get it because it wasnt worth it at the time. But I'm prolly going to buy it sometime soon or download it or whatever

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i can see now what you were talking about with all the restrictions, its kinda weak but an excellent marketing point. LOL its kind of amusing how they are constantly pointing out that you wouldnt have restriction x,y,or z if you subscribe haha.

im hoping that the game gets alot more interesting after you get through the intial phases, im a sith warrior on Korriban right now. Still, it is great to be back in the star wars universe.

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