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So when I was reading the series, I knew since book 2 Robb was a dead man. GRRM almost literally wrote "ROBB STARK DIES!" when Dany was in the House of the Undying, what with the feast of slaughtered corpses holding cups, spoons, and food, with a dead man with a wolf's head sitting on a throne wearing an iron crown.

Still it was fun watching it with people who had not read the books. My friend Sam "Oh Phil it is going to be wonderful. The Starks and Freys will make up and defeat those fucking Lannister bastards" I put on a poker face "Yep what could possibly go wrong..." Then I started to hum the Rains of Castamere and she gave me a weird look.


"The Red Wedding is based on a couple real events from Scottish history. One was a case called The Black Dinner. The king of Scotland was fighting the Black Douglas clan. He reached out to make peace. He offered the young Earl of Douglas safe passage. He came to Edinburgh Castle and had a great feast. Then at the end of the feast, [the king's men] started pounding on a single drum. They brought out a covered plate and put it in front of the Earl and revealed it was the head of a black boar — the symbol of death. And as soon as he saw it, he knew what it meant. They dragged them out and put them to death in the courtyard. The larger instance was the Glencoe Massacre. Clan MacDonald stayed with the Campbell clan overnight and the laws of hospitality supposedly applied. But the Campbells arose and started butchering every MacDonald they could get their hands on. No matter how much I make up, there’s stuff in history that’s just as bad, or worse."


I expected some kind of retribution from Lord Frey but I didn't think it would be so bloodthirsty. As soon as I heard the sombre cello music I knew they were all gonna get whacked.

Wow after watching that episode I feel like buying the books just to understand what the fuck just happened.

YOU DON'T WRITE BOOKS AND THEN KILL OFF SO MANY MAIN CHARACTERS WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two people named Eddard Stark died in the show so far, sad day.

Who do I root for now?

The Lion.

Wow after watching that episode I feel like buying the books just to understand what the fuck just happened.

YOU DON'T WRITE BOOKS AND THEN KILL OFF SO MANY MAIN CHARACTERS WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two people named Eddard Stark died in the show so far, sad day.

Who do I root for now?

The Lion.



Posted (edited)
Wow after watching that episode I feel like buying the books just to understand what the fuck just happened.

YOU DON'T WRITE BOOKS AND THEN KILL OFF SO MANY MAIN CHARACTERS WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two people named Eddard Stark died in the show so far, sad day.

Who do I root for now?

The Lion.



Nay, the Targaryeans will reclaim their Empire with Fire and Blood, and so long as one Stark yet lives I will continue to root for them to reign in the North.

Speaking of Season 3 though, I saw a review that an editor made in our local newspaper, and I must say I was not impressed by it.

The man had not watched all of seasons 1 and 2 fully, he hadn't read the books, and he wasn't too enthused about the premise or the setting to begin with. Why the heck he would even try to comment on the third season without at least having watched the others I don't understand, HBO barely has enough room to fit everything they need to without having to backtrack over what has happenned with any high degree of detail. He made comments on the growing lack of nudity which he said is common in HBO series (which if he had read the books it would make sense as well, because there is less as the books go on; and HBO went beyond it to begin with anyway). He also thinks that Joffery is like a villain pulled out of a cartoon, and other than that I cannot remember anything else other than that he said that the people he talked to liked the first season better than this one, even though they still enjoy the series greatly.

I understand where some media outlets try to provide a unique perspective by making people who have no interest in a film's genre or premise watch it to get an unbiased opinion, but I think its a double-edged sword when you have a guy who is thrown into the middle of a series and has less than a full understanding of what is going on when he already isn't enthused about it. I don't know, and I don't care, I'm stilling going to by this damn season when it comes out.

Edited by Armstrong 1st MRB

Yup that ending was weak. They should have ended with the red wedding. People would have lost their shit if that closing was cat getting her throat slashed. Bam, now you have to wait till the next season. O wells.

There is still roughly 1/4 left of the 3rd book. They should make more than 10 episodes per season =P

Posted (edited)
Yup that ending was weak. They should have ended with the red wedding. People would have lost their shit if that closing was cat getting her throat slashed. Bam, now you have to wait till the next season. O wells.

There is still roughly 1/4 left of the 3rd book. They should make more than 10 episodes per season =P

From what I understand they are doing ASOS in two seasons, and they moved the Red Wedding up a bit, so next season should cover the rest of ASOS. The season after that is going to suck hard if it is solely based AFFC. Most likely it will be based on both ADWD and AFFC, and I'm guessing cover a third of the books.

I'm looking forward to TWOW a lot more than season 4.

Edited by Morton 1st MRB

I liked the last episode. Everyone was expecting something big in episode 10 (and big things did happen) so when everything went tits up at the wedding it was a genuine shock for a lot of people. I have only read the first book.

Yup that ending was weak. They should have ended with the red wedding. People would have lost their shit if that closing was cat getting her throat slashed. Bam, now you have to wait till the next season. O wells.

There is still roughly 1/4 left of the 3rd book. They should make more than 10 episodes per season =P

From what I understand they are doing ASOS in two seasons, and they moved the Red Wedding up a bit, so next season should cover the rest of ASOS. The season after that is going to suck hard if it is solely based AFFC. Most likely it will be based on both ADWD and AFFC, and I'm guessing cover a third of the books.

I'm looking forward to TWOW a lot more than season 4.

People who haven't read the books are so confused right now by the acronyms...including me.


Winds of Winter should be out by this Christmas if what I've heard is correct. I'm glad that by the sounds of things they saved Oberyn Martell and the battle at The Wall for the second half. How far did they get along in Daenyares' story? Is she at Yunkai yet?

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