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Game of Thrones discussion (Spoilers)

Gardiner 1st MRB

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Flula strikes again!

I don't know how I didn't see this one. I have been watching this guy since you posted the Smells like Flula video. Brilliant stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very good selection of pixelated deaths there, I think there will be at least four more, maybe five or even six to add to that list by the time season 4 is finished.

I also think this will be the season most apparent where they stray from book continuity for the purposes of making a watchable TV show. Mainstream audiences who haven't read the books (cannot see why anybody watching this far in wouldn't have at least started) wouldn't really appreciate half the characters suddenly dropping from sight for a while.

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Very good selection of pixelated deaths there, I think there will be at least four more, maybe five or even six to add to that list by the time season 4 is finished.

I also think this will be the season most apparent where they stray from book continuity for the purposes of making a watchable TV show. Mainstream audiences who haven't read the books (cannot see why anybody watching this far in wouldn't have at least started) wouldn't really appreciate half the characters suddenly dropping from sight for a while.

Season 4 is the second half of book 3, so you really wouldn't see any characters drop out regardless. Next season when they break into book 4 then you'll see them meld in book 5 with it.

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Very good selection of pixelated deaths there, I think there will be at least four more, maybe five or even six to add to that list by the time season 4 is finished.

I also think this will be the season most apparent where they stray from book continuity for the purposes of making a watchable TV show. Mainstream audiences who haven't read the books (cannot see why anybody watching this far in wouldn't have at least started) wouldn't really appreciate half the characters suddenly dropping from sight for a while.

Season 4 is the second half of book 3, so you really wouldn't see any characters drop out regardless. Next season when they break into book 4 then you'll see them meld in book 5 with it.

Really? I haven't watched many of the trailers, I don't really want to watch any of it until I've seen Season 3, but one of my friends told me that Doran Martell is cast. He doesn't make a physical appearance until scenes in Book 4, and there isn't really much reason to show him off if they're only doing the second half of book 3, which made me wonder if they were going to go and take a few steps into book 4 with a couple of the characters.

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Really? I haven't watched many of the trailers, I don't really want to watch any of it until I've seen Season 3, but one of my friends told me that Doran Martell is cast. He doesn't make a physical appearance until scenes in Book 4, and there isn't really much reason to show him off if they're only doing the second half of book 3, which made me wonder if they were going to go and take a few steps into book 4 with a couple of the characters.

Doran Martell is mentioned a bit in both book 2 and book 3 before he appears in book 4. It's possible that they will establish his full role, but at the same time I expect him to have a scene or two preceding/after the death of The Red Viper. Probably going to explain Dorne's placement/allegiances (although I think they'll refrain from having him be loyal to Daenerys just yet) and the imprisonment of the Sand Vipers now. There's still a lot of book 3 to cover with the Purple Wedding, Arya traveling to Braavos, Jaime's character development, and Tyrion's imprisonment.

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Really? I haven't watched many of the trailers, I don't really want to watch any of it until I've seen Season 3, but one of my friends told me that Doran Martell is cast. He doesn't make a physical appearance until scenes in Book 4, and there isn't really much reason to show him off if they're only doing the second half of book 3, which made me wonder if they were going to go and take a few steps into book 4 with a couple of the characters.

Doran Martell is mentioned a bit in both book 2 and book 3 before he appears in book 4. It's possible that they will establish his full role, but at the same time I expect him to have a scene or two preceding/after the death of The Red Viper. Probably going to explain Dorne's placement/allegiances (although I think they'll refrain from having him be loyal to Daenerys just yet) and the imprisonment of the Sand Vipers now. There's still a lot of book 3 to cover with the Purple Wedding, Arya traveling to Braavos, Jaime's character development, and Tyrion's imprisonment.

Not to mention the resolution of a few things at the Wall and dealing with the happenings in the Eyrie. I'm just unsure since they didn't really bother to show off Stannis or Mance during the first season even though they are mentioned at several points. If they do Doran I'll wager it'll probably just be the Water Garden Scenes and maybe his travel to Sunspear with Hotah. I agree that they still have a lot to cover of book 3, but its just leaving me curious as to where they'll stop with each character.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thoughts on the season 4 opener?

I liked it. They did a great job touching on all of last seasons story lines. I hated the Dog from Season 1, but he is now one of my favorites. I am curios what the burned landscape at the end meant. Was it the wildlings? Also will Aria and the Dog continue towards the Vale, or wind up heading towards the Wall?

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Thoughts on the season 4 opener?

I liked it. They did a great job touching on all of last seasons story lines. I hated the Dog from Season 1, but he is now one of my favorites. I am curios what the burned landscape at the end meant. Was it the wildlings? Also will Aria and the Dog continue towards the Vale, or wind up heading towards the Wall?

The burned landscape is the north from the war, mostly from the mountain(the dogs brother)

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The Dog loves to use the word cunt a lot and if he could I bet this is how'd he'd label all the women in Game of Thrones:

Shae is a jealous cunt, Sansa is a depressing cunt, Cersei is a heartless cunt, Arya is a badass cunt, Daenerys is an entitled cunt, and Joffrey.... well he's just a straight up cunt as always. Any questions?

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The Dog loves to use the word cunt a lot and if he could I bet this is how'd he'd label all the women in Game of Thrones:

Shae is a jealous cunt, Sansa is a depressing cunt, Cersei is a heartless cunt, Arya is a badass cunt, Daenerys is an entitled cunt, and Joffrey.... well he's just a straight up cunt as always. Any questions?

As coarse British humour I use cunt as a term of endearment as a cunt is useful and the world needs a few orrid cunts to make you appreciate stuff

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More like Daenerys is a useless cunt. I fucking hate this character. Almost every chapter throughout the books is a god damm struggle to get through because she is a useless tit, and bores me. I hope she takes an arrow to the face. Im half way through the fifth book, and that will keep me going. Sadly it probably won't happen.

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