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Posted (edited)

Gotta love House Martell. Salty Dornishmen are supposed to be like Moors and Arabs but with the passionate, straight forward and lusty nature of Latin people. They've done a great job depicting them in the show.

Edited by Steiner
Gotta love House Martell. Salty Dornishmen are supposed to be like Moors and Arabs but with the passionate, straight forward and lusty nature of Latin people. They've done a great job depicting them in the show.

Couldn't agree more I just saw the latest episode and I think this really slams it in there... get it ooo yeahhh

I just watched the first episode with some friends and we all have no idea what's going on

You wont know whats going on. Not for a while. All the names and story lines...I've watched the entire series twice and still cant get everything right. Its epic though, stick with it. As for the dragon Queen, I dont care if she is a cunt, she is smoking hot...and she has dragons.


To be fair Game of Thrones is child's play in comparison to Tolkiens Silmarillion.

I read it every now and again but the story lines are epic and go on for thousands of years ;)


In regards to Daario being played by someone else, its because the last guy was considered not well-casted enough for the character after the fact.

By the sounds of things, they've done a good job dealing with the problems they'd have right now concerning story lines and going over into multiple books now. However I don't understand the comment about the North being ruined by Greagor. The Lannister forces never break through the Neck until the Ironmen are starved out of Moat Cailan in the books, and never really leave the North in flames. If anyone is burning anything in the north, its Bolton's Bastard.

In regards to Daario being played by someone else, its because the last guy was considered not well-casted enough for the character after the fact.

By the sounds of things, they've done a good job dealing with the problems they'd have right now concerning story lines and going over into multiple books now. However I don't understand the comment about the North being ruined by Greagor. The Lannister forces never break through the Neck until the Ironmen are starved out of Moat Cailan in the books, and never really leave the North in flames. If anyone is burning anything in the north, its Bolton's Bastard.

Arent the riverlands still considered the north?

Posted (edited)

The Hound and Arya are in the Riverlands, which are not technically part of the North. The Hound's plan is to take Arya to the Vale, which is in the east, the capital of which is the Eyrie. The Riverlands were run by the Tullys, who joined the King of the North. This map might help:


The Red Wedding occurred in the Twins, which is owned by the Freys. He was such an important piece as he would've allowed the Starks to reconnect and reinforce the constantly-under-siege Tullys. The desolation at the end of the episode was caused by the Lannister men, and you can bet the Mountain was an integral part of that scorched earth. But he should be heading south to King's Landing for an important task soon. The Hound and Arya, on the other hand, are moving south along the road from The Twins. Saltpans (while not shown on the map) is the crossroads where the Trident connects to the sea, and will be a big event for Arya.

Edited by Kirkendall 1st MRB

HOLY SHIT!!!! WOW!!! What an episode! FINALLY that little shit is dead! I think it was Sansa who poisoned him, when she picked up the cup. Wow, just wow...

HOLY SHIT!!!! WOW!!! What an episode! FINALLY that little shit is dead! I think it was Sansa who poisoned him, when she picked up the cup. Wow, just wow...


She has motive but not back bone and isn't that sneaky.

Try again


I haven't read the books, I fall in the "show watcher" category but just from what I saw of the death of Joffrey the pie had something to do with it not the cup....I may be wrong. The "Fool" whisking away Sansa is interesting too. Nobody, including the Tyrels (sp?) seemed happy with the "Battle" display Joffrey put on with midgets, he seemed to be the only one laughing. I am looking forward to next week to see what happens next!

Posted (edited)

I dot think it was the wine..he poured his over his Tyrion's head. Could it be that his mother was trying to poison the uncle and when Joffrey made him fill his cup he poisoned himself?

P.S. the only better way to kill him would have been to shove one of the dwarfs up his ass.

Edited by O'Gara 1st MRB

Re-watch the episode again if you DVR'd it. Look at how many people are serious and how they are looking at each other. There are a few suspects that come to mind, but I am exhausted from work, traffic, etc etc... so I can't remember everyone's name.


Wow are they ever pulling information from books from four and five, when they are about three quarters into the third book. I just read about Stannis queen burning her brother to the gods in book five. I like how they are doing this, but at the same time I don't. Anyone else noticing this?

Posted (edited)

Yes, they are pulling from later books, which is to be expected. If they played by George Martin's original writing, they'd have long gaps of no information from a lot of fan favorite characters. Not an ideal setup. But, episode 2's screenplay was written by Martin himself so I tend to trust he knows what he is doing with the material.

Now for some spoilers. What's a spoiler thread without some spoilers?

The culprit of the death of Joffrey is never explicitly said in the books, but you pick up on it when reading. If you want to know who killed Joffrey, rewatch the episode with a keen eye. They do show you whodunit.

Pay close attention to the necklace Sansa received from Ser Dontos the Fool. It has seven points with seven gems, representing the seven Gods from the southern religion. You'll notice the Queen of Thorns (grandmother Tyrell {Olenna Tyrell}) talk to Sansa at the beginning of the wedding reception. Her hands flit down to "play" with Sansa's hair and the necklace around Sansa's neck. Any scenes after that one, you'll notice the far-right point is missing its gem. How odd. Later, when the giant pie breaks the awkward "kneel" scene with Joffrey and Tyrion, notice that Joffrey hands his cup to Margaery, who puts it down right in front of the Queen of Thorns. Right after when Joffrey resumes his torture of Tyrion, he makes Tyrion get the cup from the table. Shortly thereafter, Joffrey chokes and dies.

If you think it odd Joffrey would choke on the rock, remember a certain red woman who made an incantation promising the deaths of four false kings. Renly died by Stannis' shade, Robb Stark by the Lannisters, Freys, and Boltons, Balon Greyjoy by a fall, and now Joffrey by choking.

Edited by Kirkendall 1st MRB

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