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On 5/27/2016 at 4:32 PM, Yamagata 1st MRB said:

Or was it a Dire Wolf?  What if the Umbers are pulling a fast one on Ramsey and Shaggy Dog is still alive?!

I think he was referring to Summer, who I don't think survived the zombie apocalypse that zerged over him.

13 hours ago, Ultranator BAR said:

I think he was referring to Summer, who I don't think survived the zombie apocalypse that zerged over him.

I was, but I still agree that was either a horrible out of proportion prop on Shaggydog or there might be something to the Umber betrayal...


So this is my stance on the current affairs of Westeros and the rest of that there world.


I hate Brandon Stark; Rickon has never been developed as a viable character (show or books TMK) as such anything goes there, one can hope that baby Rickon will seize Winterfell back and kill not just Ramsey but all of the Bolton's. Reason I hate Brandon Stark: Had he listened to his fucking parents in the first three chapters of the series House Stark would not have been as hyper focused on House Lannister, fewer tensions and hostilities on the road to Kings Landing, there fore more Direwolves. That's right Direwolves dying/banished= Bran's fucking fault. Now in this new world I have made where it's all fucking sunshine and rainbows because Brandon Stark is not a stuck up little shit who won't listen to his Lord and Lady parents; instead of Lancil Lannister being King Roberts Squire we have Bran; why you ask? Well because he listened to his fucking parents and is now not a cripple. Now King Robert doesn't get mortally wounded on hunt, and Lord Eddard Stark doesn't die, the North never rises, and so House Stark doesn't loose power (let alone half so many lives) or money. As such current affairs of Westeros are in better (seemingly) working order than anything we have seen to date.


But shit, now there is a problem with space time continuity. Bran was never a cripple as such Bran never gave William a brain melting seizure where the only thing he was sure of was the need to hold the door so Bran's useless ass can live a bit longer... aah but fuck isn't that a better world line anyway? Where the boy who was normal didn't grow up into a vegetable?


TL;DR: Brandon Stark is a conceited shitbag, all the fucked up ness of the series can be traced to start with his refusal not to climb for 4 days.

8 hours ago, Marsden 1st MRB said:

So this is my stance on the current affairs of Westeros and the rest of that there world.


I hate Brandon Stark; Rickon has never been developed as a viable character (show or books TMK) as such anything goes there, one can hope that baby Rickon will seize Winterfell back and kill not just Ramsey but all of the Bolton's. Reason I hate Brandon Stark: Had he listened to his fucking parents in the first three chapters of the series House Stark would not have been as hyper focused on House Lannister, fewer tensions and hostilities on the road to Kings Landing, there fore more Direwolves. That's right Direwolves dying/banished= Bran's fucking fault. Now in this new world I have made where it's all fucking sunshine and rainbows because Brandon Stark is not a stuck up little shit who won't listen to his Lord and Lady parents; instead of Lancil Lannister being King Roberts Squire we have Bran; why you ask? Well because he listened to his fucking parents and is now not a cripple. Now King Robert doesn't get mortally wounded on hunt, and Lord Eddard Stark doesn't die, the North never rises, and so House Stark doesn't loose power (let alone half so many lives) or money. As such current affairs of Westeros are in better (seemingly) working order than anything we have seen to date.


But shit, now there is a problem with space time continuity. Bran was never a cripple as such Bran never gave William a brain melting seizure where the only thing he was sure of was the need to hold the door so Bran's useless ass can live a bit longer... aah but fuck isn't that a better world line anyway? Where the boy who was normal didn't grow up into a vegetable?


TL;DR: Brandon Stark is a conceited shitbag, all the fucked up ness of the series can be traced to start with his refusal not to climb for 4 days.

I disagree.  Bran would have had little effect on Jofrey being a dick, and causing the whole scene that ended up in the death and release of the first 2 missing direwolves.  Edward would still be Robert's hand, and still try and use his moral to muck up people's plans, and still end up dead.  The rest just trickles down from there.


I don't know about you guys but when my parents told me not to do something that sparked my interest to try it more for some reason, heh. I feel that like many of the characters of this series, things happen for a reason and are interconnected for a reason. If Bran had not got crippled then Hodor would not have to be his protector and carry him around all the time, he may not have discovered his warging ability that sent him north of the wall to become a greenseer with the three-eyed raven. He may not have had Jojen to help him along the way and Meera as a protector when the white walkers attacked. I think all these event culminated in the "Hold the Door" incident which in a strange twist of fate caused Hodor's affliction and death at the same time. To me its brilliant storytelling, and I have only experienced the story though the TV Series.


Your reasoning for no escalated tensions between Stark and Lannister is flawed in that you don't take into account Littlefinger, who has been orchestrating this whole thing. He arranged Jon Arryn's death, and works to create chaos. If you think he didn't have a plan to escalate those tensions...

On Thursday, June 02, 2016 at 0:05 PM, Marsden 1st MRB said:

So this is my stance on the current affairs of Westeros and the rest of that there world.


I hate Brandon Stark; Rickon has never been developed as a viable character (show or books TMK) as such anything goes there, one can hope that baby Rickon will seize Winterfell back and kill not just Ramsey but all of the Bolton's. Reason I hate Brandon Stark: Had he listened to his fucking parents in the first three chapters of the series House Stark would not have been as hyper focused on House Lannister, fewer tensions and hostilities on the road to Kings Landing, there fore more Direwolves. That's right Direwolves dying/banished= Bran's fucking fault. Now in this new world I have made where it's all fucking sunshine and rainbows because Brandon Stark is not a stuck up little shit who won't listen to his Lord and Lady parents; instead of Lancil Lannister being King Roberts Squire we have Bran; why you ask? Well because he listened to his fucking parents and is now not a cripple. Now King Robert doesn't get mortally wounded on hunt, and Lord Eddard Stark doesn't die, the North never rises, and so House Stark doesn't loose power (let alone half so many lives) or money. As such current affairs of Westeros are in better (seemingly) working order than anything we have seen to date.


But shit, now there is a problem with space time continuity. Bran was never a cripple as such Bran never gave William a brain melting seizure where the only thing he was sure of was the need to hold the door so Bran's useless ass can live a bit longer... aah but fuck isn't that a better world line anyway? Where the boy who was normal didn't grow up into a vegetable?


TL;DR: Brandon Stark is a conceited shitbag, all the fucked up ness of the series can be traced to start with his refusal not to climb for 4 days.

Regardless of bran or not, Cersis would have still found a way to kill Robert and so on. It was the death of Ned which sparked the war of westeros.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I still think of GoT as one of the best shows on TV at the moment, but does anyone else who's read the books as well feel a little disappointed by how things have progressed in some respects from page to film?


I've mostly been able to understand all the changes they made early in the first few seasons of the series (paychecks, summing up scenes and information into other scenes more simply for film, cutting out unnecessary characters, etc), but I've been left scratching my head more and more the past few seasons on occasion, especially since the series has only gotten more and more money AFAIK.


How they cut out Stannis to me just came across as a cheap way to end his storyline that doesn't make much sense, this guy is supposed to be one of the best tacticians in all of Westeros, yet not only does he let a sadistic fuck not even half his age with 20 men cause complete pandemonium in his camp, he makes the completely wrong call for the morale in his army by burning his own daughter alive for a change in weather that makes fuck-all difference, and keeps marching on to certain death. Heck, most of the Stannis arc started to piss me off as it went on with how they basically threw out the Melisandre/Davos dynamic in terms of vying for Stannis' mind, but that's besides the point.


The Ironborn have repeatedly disappointed me throughout the entire series with the exception of Theon. I mean, if anything, everything we see about these guys just shows exactly why they're confined to a bunch of shit islands  and got completely crushed in their rebellion, they'll kill each other at the best opportunity, they'll run away at the slightest resistance, and they do almost literally fuck-all with what they do manage to take. I'm pissed with "Yara" (she's always going to be Asha to me), I'm pissed that they waited so long to bring Euron in if he is even in (seriously, what the fuck are they going to do with him with only a couple seasons left and the White Walkers literally on the horizon, and Dany already back home with a bunch of allies?), and I'm pissed that Victarion the viking badass won't make an appearance. On a side note, IDK if any of you were keeping track, but by the film storyline, Balon Greyjoy, not Stannis Baratheon, won the War of Five Kings by virtue of being the last of the five still alive.


Then there's the Dornish. If there's a single plot line I'm most pissed at with how they handled it, it had to be this. So many cut characters, dramatically changed character personalities, and just to me doesn't feel anywhere near as satisfying as the books. The house that managed to survive hundreds of years of attempted Targaryean occupation and conquest of other houses gets laid low by its own bastard branch in less than a season because Doran's apparently a complete idiot compared to his book-self. 


Also's a shame that the fan theory about Rickon won't happen show-wise. Would have been interesting to see the one Stark who gets the least amount of attention the whole series and was least likely become Lord of Winterfell at the end. Guess we're taking bets on whether or not Sansa will live or not since Arya has no interest, Bran's in no shape to do it, and Jon probably will have a bigger seat to fill than Winterfell if fan theories are correct as to what will happen. 

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